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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1924, p. 23

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GE WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1924 ~ The water cloaet compartment llllall have at least one window wlth as~ & ·rea of at least sill: S(lua.re feet and a minimum dimension of one foot six Inches opening upon tile street, alleJ', yard, court or vent shaft. s-tlaa IXI. That Section 601 of the Wilmette Code of 1917 be amendM to read as follows: ~ wATER C L 0 SETS-WINDOWS IN .ARTIFICIAL LIGHTSINKS.] 1308. (a) In every new tenement hous there shall be a separate water closet In a separate compartment within each apartment. (b) Every water closet compartment In every existing tenement house shall be v ntllated by a window, or else by a vent shaft of at least onehalf th' minimum area requlr 'd tn this Article. Every water closet compartment In every tenement houae shall be provided with proper mean· of artificially llghtln.- the same. If fixtures for gas or electricity are not provided In any such compa.rtm nt, then the doors thereof shall have ground glass panels or transoms. 1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~=====~~=~=~=!!!!!!!!===~~=~~~===~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~~~~:::::::; :=J 488. NEW TENEMENT· HOUSES-I PUBLIC HALLS-HOW LIGHTED. ) §298. (a) Every pubUc stair hall In every new tenement house sha.ll, tor each story, have a window of an area or at least twelve square feet, openlng directly on a street, alley, yard or court; or on a shaft of minimum area, as hereinafter provided; or shall have an unobstructed vertical well-hole of th following minimum a.rea at each ttoor line above the nrst, and directly over such well-hole there shall be a sl..yllght of twice the following minimum area: BulldlngLeast area In sq. Ct. Height of. of stair shaft or well-hole. stories-If there Is more than one apartment on a noor . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 stories-If there 1s more than one apartment on a noor . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 (b) Such window, lf any, shall be so placed that light may pass directly ~Tsetht~e~~P~~~W beendat 0 fea~~e o~!llwl~~ dow opening directly upon a. street, alley, yard or court ln every twenty feet In length or fraction thereof of auch hall, except In so much of any entrance hall as lies between the entrance and the flight of stairs nearest the ent1·ance. In any such public hall. recesses or returns, the length of which does not e:~:ceed twice the width of the hall, will be permitted, without an additional window, but, otherwise, each receel! or return shall be regard. co~~a 'f!:n~o~; :fn!!e~~n:r!~~~ ~g::! SAFE! No matter how easily you pass first, second and third base, your efforts won't count unless you reach home plate. In the same way, three-quarters of one's life may be completed successfully, but the last quarter may be spent with regret and bitterness. Make the first three-quarters of your life insure the safety of the last-and let us help you do it. !ANEOU8 lusE RADIO ud speaker; battery; set new; owner 776-M; after LTN21-ltc ilor? table, clock 95 L-21~1 tp fe ~or NT HALF child 10 to sized ct>llo. LTN21-1tc "SIMPLEX" been used; Shore ElecLTN2l-ltc C LIGHT lng room; ; very reaLTN21-ltc ELECTRIC Telephone LTN21-ltc Ftnt Natioul Bad ~-===OF~ILMETTE==~~ Member of thfll Federal Reaerve Banlt of a public hall which Is shut otr from running water, accessible to all the any other part by a door or doors tenants of the noor, without passing shall be deemed a separate public through any other apartment. In no h'tll within the meaning of this sec- tenement house shall there be woodlion. work Inclosing sinks; the space unl:lkyllghts shall be ventilating sky- derneath slnka Bhall be left entirely lights and shall have over them a wire open. netting mounted on wire frame and 8eettoa XXII. That Sectl'On 618 of six-Inch Iron legs, of wire not lighter thR W·llmette Code of 1917 be amendthan No. 12 and with mesh not coarser ed to read as follows: than one Inch by one Inch, unless conlUIC. INSPECTION OF TENEMENT structed of wired glass or prismatic HOUSE IN COURSE OF CONSTRUC· light glass. TJON- WHEN . TO BE OCCUPIEDSeetlou XVIII. That Section 501 of PLAT TO BE FILED.] 1318. the Wilmette Code or 19 L7 be amended (a) No new tenement house shall be to read a.s follows: occupied In whole or ln part for huMJ. VENT SHAFTS.] 1301. man habitation until the Issuance of (a) Inner or outer vent shafts of a certlftcate by the Bulldlng Commieall tenement houses as defined In sec- stoner, Commissioner of Health and tlon 1, paragraph 5 of this ordinance Fire Mat·shal, that said bulld1ns conshall be of the following minimum Corms to the requirements of thls co4e dimensions: relative to J)lumblng and dra.lnase, ~ulldlng Square Feet Least Width. light and ventilation, tire escapee and 1 story 21 sq. ft. 0 ln. 3 ft. 0 ln. means of egress applicable to new~ 2 stories 22 sq. ft. 6 ·In 3 ft. 0 ln. tenement houses. Within ten daya 3 stories 27 sq. ft. 0 ln. 3 ft. 0 ln. from date of application for any certlib) Every such vent shaft In every tiftca.te above mentioned, such certlt\new tenement house more than two cate shall be Issued 'or the official constories high, shall be connected direct- cerned shall state in writing his realy with a street, alley, yard or court sons for his refusal to Issue sa.ld certlby one or more horizontal ducts or ln- ftcate. takes at a level not lower than the (b) The certlftcate above referred finished grade of building nor higher to may be Issued In the case of a. new than second story floor; the total area tenement building comprising more and no single duct to be of less area than one hundred square Inches; such total and Individual duct area shall btl net over and above all obstructions. SeetloD XIX. That Section 505 of the Wilmette Code of 1917 be amended to read as follows; M5. DAMP PROOFING-BASEMENT WALLS TO BE MASONRY-CEMENT FLOOR.] 1305. In ev"ry new tenement house the foundations and basement walls shall be built of masonry or concrete not lt:ss than twelve Inches In thickness, except as provided In Section 312 of this Code and shall have all outside walls below the adjacent ground level plastered on the outside with Portland cement {)r treated with other approved damp-proofing material, and such walls, as high as the ground ll·vel, shall be laid In cement mortar. The basement or cellar of every new tenement house shall have a floor of Portland cement concrete not less than four Inches In thickness laid on not less than lour Inches of 11and or clnders. Basement or cellar f\oors of existlng tenement houses shall (when reconstructtld) be made to comply with the provisions ol this section relating to basement or cellar ttoors In new buildings. . SeetloD XX. That Section &06 of the 'VIlmette Code of 1917 be amended to r ad as follows: . 1108. NEW TENEMENT HOUSELIVING ROOMS IN BASEMENT PERMl'fTED. LIVING ROOMS IN CEL. LA(Ra>"PNR 0H I vBilnTgEDro . ]omsl.3sOh6.all be per0 11 ml tted in the cellar of a new tenement house. No living rooms shall be con_ structed, altered, coverted or occupied for living purposes In the basement of a .new tenement house unless each room shall be not less than eight feet high ln the ch·ar, and ahall have at least four feet six Inches of such height above the ftnlshed grade or natural ground line of the premises at the building; nor unleu each room shall have one or more windows, the glass area of which shall aggregate ·· ot less than one-tenth of the supertlclal area of the room, and which window or windows shall open Into the extHnal air upon a street. alley, yard or court having a auperftclal area of not less than twent;y-ftve square feet. A watt>r closet sh'all be provided and maintained In a location readily accessible from th · basement room or r·ooms. The water closet shall In all resvect be Installed and maintained In a sanitary manner. The basement floor shall be water proofed nnd damp pr·ooft'd and the floor of the room or l'Ooma shall be kept dry . The room ~? 1~0 ~~~: ~u~~g!~!t~f h~~~~ sl~t;o~a~~ ~~~~t~~n~ea!~e~~e s~fl~hebne s~~k e~~t' shall be made waterproof witt\ asphalt, tile, stone, terraezo or some other non. absorbent waterproof material or composition; and such waterprootlnc shall extend at least slx Inches above the floor so that the said floor can be washed or nushed out without leaklng. (d) In every tenement house there shall be In each apartment at least one kitchen sink with running wa.ter. In every existing tenement house, If there be not one such sink ln each ~~rs~~~t d~fc~~et~~e~ ~fts~ecs~ !:~~ :~:;: ~~:n o:~~~at'i~~rt~e~~Y s:ec~~0 ~o 0~11:.: AN ORDINANCE (Continued 11·om page 19) them to open at least one-half their area, or that one-halt of all the sash installed are so fttted or hung as to open their entire area, and In no case shall be less than three times the area of all windows, doors and transoms opening onto said porch. and that in every case the top of the sash In such enclosure shall be at least six inches higher than the top of the windows and doors opening upon such POI'Ch . The framing of the porch enclosu··e may be of wood, and the glass are of each side and of each end of such porch shall be not less than ftfty per cent of the entire side or end of !'!Uch porch enclosure measured from the floor of the porch to the under side of joists Immediately above such por·ch on each story. Sun parlors or enclosed porches may be added or adapted to existing tenement houses provided the area of open space on the lot Is not reduced below the rectulrements of this code; and further provided, the glass area. of the sun parlor or enclosed porch, plus the glass area of any window or windows opening directly out of doors of any room or rooms opening directly into the sun parlor or enclosed porch, is not lt:ss than one-seventh of the combined floor area of the sun parlor or enclosed porch, and that of the room or rooms opening directly Into the sun parlor or enclosed porch. Every fr·ont porch, rear porch or side porch which le to be permanently qulred for the exterior walls of the building. No court of a tenement house hereafter erected shall be covered by a roof or skylight. Every court shall be at every point from the ground to the sky unobstructed to the extent of the minimum areas and dimensions required for courts by this Ordinance, with the exceptions as noted for cornices In outer courts, and In the case ot tenement buildings where there are Btores or offices on the entrance story, In which case the court may start at the top of such entrance story. The corners of courts may be cut ott. Provided that the running length ot the wall across the angle of such corner does not exceed seven feet. The height of a court shall be the number of stories having habitable rooms with windows In Its walls. to read as follows : ., 405, INNER COURTS.] §295. The Inner courts" of all tenement houses dettned In Sectlf'n 1, Paragraph 4, shall have areas and minimum widths ln all parts not less than the widths G\d measur mente as follows: Building Square Ft. Least Width 1 story 100 6 ft. 0 ln. 2 stories 120 6 ft. 0 ln. 3 stories 160 8 ft. 0 ln. Every Inner court of every new tenement house shall be connected directly with a street, alley, yard or outer court by an opening exttJndlng from grade at the building to a height of at least 15 ft . and kept unobstructed save by at least two feet wide. Section XV. That Section 496 of the Wilmette Code of 1917 be amended to read as follows: 49fl. · ouTER c 0 u R T::; . 1 §296. ··outer courts" and "lot line courts" of all new tenement houses as clPflned ~~~ffs~1 th:s!a~!v~a~:~/~lsi~~ ,:a;!~ not less than seven hundred fifty cubic half of the minimum widths required feet of air space therein . bv this section. and "lot line courts" For the purpose o! construing this shall have minimum areas equal to Ordinance. an attic, (If any) shall be one-half of the minimum areas re- col~d!f~:vea .~i':r:!e d=~~r;:'d as a requ:fe~n1\e;uel:r f~~u~in~~r l~~un~·~· court cess connected with or at the side of has windows on opposite sides, Its ~~d~!!"e~h~f1on~.e ~~~t~g 0 ~ 11 °~ s~~~t ~ ~~~~~u;lve~ldl~h t~~al£a~IO.~form to the the floor area and Its cubic contents 'l'he minimum widths hereinbefore as a part ot the cubic contents or the specified for outer courts and the room with which It is connected. minimum widths and areas specified In every new tenement house, every for lot line courts are to be provided alcovt> shall he dN·med a St'Parate Irrespective of the presence of or room for all purposes within the dimensions o! courts on other prem- meaning ot this code, except an alcovd lses bounded by the same lot line. 1 that has a loor area of not to excee Every "Inner court" and every "lot 1 thirty-five 1quare feet and that has line court" of every new tenement an unobstructed OJ>enlng, equal In house shall be connected directly with area to twenty per centum of Its ena street alley yard or outer court tire wall surface, ·Into an adjoining by an o'penlng' extend In~ !rom grade habitable room: provided. that In con. At the building to a h eight of at least structlng additional habtta.ble rooms fifteen feet and kept unobstructed by raising or altering existing onesave by an' open-work grill or grate. story dwellings the limitation of the such opening to be at least two feet noor Area of an alcove may be diswide for an Inner court and three teet rea-ardPd. provided such alcove has an wide for a lot line court. unobstr:~cted openinK equal to the In case of a three story tenement floor ar·'a of jqUCh alcove, Into an adhouse on a lot twenty-nve teet or less Joining habltablt> room. In width a continuous lot line passage This s~ctlon shall not be construed open to' the sky and at least three as forbldJing the erection of pilasters feet wide shall 'be accepted In lieu · other decorative effects projecting of a lot uite court or outer court here- not more than eighteen Inches from lnbefore speclfted. In case of a three the plane o! thE> wall of a habitable ~ld~~;tl~:' e!~~Y s~~~~t h:;~alm~~~';;~~ ~~e:~~rft ~~:etar~:. ~r~hv~~e~lgt~e~~ ~~! habitable rooms sh11.ll be of the followlng minimum sizes: In each apartment there shall be at least one room containing not less than one hundred and twenty square feet of noor area; and every other room shall contain at least eighty square feet of floor arf'a., provided, however, that In the case of a room having a window not less than elghteen feet In area opening upon a publie street, the door area need not be greater than seventy feet. Each room shall be ln every part not less than eight feet six Inches high from the finished floor to the nnished ceiling: provldl"d, however, an attic room need ~~a~~Sm:ncih~~ nt~fat~~e~'!t~~e fn ~'~t::~ 1 1 1 ~~~~~ 8~!~\t~~lor::.adeR~~c:n.kef~ ~~~a~~~ menta falling to met>t the requirements of this sec ti nn, particularly as regards thelr fttne : ~ for human ha~tlon. may be closed by the Commlsalo r of Publie Works and the Com lssloner of Ht>alth, acting jolntl)·. ml\~~d ~~ l~~~~p:l 1 ~~ 0 ~r' aa:'~l~ls~rn:e~; ~!~?01~el~;':~~t w~d~~~ a0 ~ 0 ~u1g~o~~~~~~ ro~. part line passage open to the sky, and at least three feet six Inches wide, shall be accepted ln lieu of a lot line court or outer court hereinbefore specified. In case of a 2 story tenement house on a Jot twf'nty-ftve fPt>t or less In tdth a lot line court having an area at' least fifty square feet shall be accepted In lieu of a lot line eourt hereinbefore specifted, · and In casP or three story tenement house on a lot ~! twenty-five feet or less In width, Jot Jlne cqurt having an area or at fast sixty sQuare teet shall be a c .e tE-d In lieu of a lot line court he r t> l~gefore speclfted. 1 Seetloo X'\ 1. That section ·97 or the Wilmette Code of 1917 be amended read a8 follows : to 49· ROOM8--SIZES AND HEIGHT OF~ATTIC ROOMS, ALCOVEH.J §297. In every new t nen;ent hou!'e all :r th!~W!e~!~od~h:i 1~1eit~~n a~:~d~l of an)· room ln a tenement house 11hall be enclosPd or sub-divided at any time, wholly or In part, by a curtain, portieres, tlxed or movable partition or other contrivance or device. unless each part of the room so enclosed or sub-divided shall contain a separate window as herein r qulrel'l. and shall have a floor area of not les than eighty i60) square feet as herein rt>qutred for habitabl e rooms, exct>pt as ht>r<'tOf<'re provided In this section. Nn roo·.c ln any apartment houst> shall he occupied 110 that th allowan<'<' of air to each adult person living or steep lng ln such room shall at a.ny urn .. he· less than four hundred cubic fet>t or leas than two hund1·ed cubic feet tor each P non undH tw lv y ar~'~ <·f age. Sr..tloa XVII. That St>ctlon 49 of the Wllmettf' Code of 1917 be amended to r;oad as follows: m ·w tenement houa. ~. Not more than one apurtmf'nt. conslating of not to exceed tlv rooms, shall be permitted In the bas ment oi an extstlng or llt'W ten ment house. The living rooms per·mltted In tht' basement of an existing tt>nement house shall b not leaa than seven re~t six Inches high In the clear and shall havt· at least !our te t six Inches of such height above the flnlahed grad or natural ground line of th Jllemlses at the building. Ev ·ry ~uch room hall hav<> one or mote windows. the .rlua art'll of which ~hall aKK· eKate not leas than onetenth of the su~erflcla.l ar a of the room. and which window or windows shall OJH' Il into the external air upon a. .J d't·t>t , alley, yard or court havlnc a SUIH'llkial lll'ea of not lesH than twennlnl( wal<'r lU~ARL E. RN'ER, VIlla!{ Cll"rk. Approved by the Pr aldent of tile Vlllage of Wilmette. Cook County, l'llnols, this 12th day ot February, A n 1924 · '". EDWARD ZIPF, Prt>sldent of th Vlllag<> ot Wilmette. ATTEST: · EARL 1 ORNER. VIlla rlrrk. -----A. D., building extendlntr from cellar to roof In advance of the completion of the other portions of the building. (c) When the outer walla of a. new tenement house have been erected so as to outline the position of the court· and shafts rectulred for the llcbttq and ventilation of habltaole rooms, the owner of the building or hie repreNentatlve shall be entitled, upon application In writing. to an lna])ectlon of the same by the Building Commlastoner, and If the work to that point Is ln compliance with the provlslona regarding the size of aha.fts and tile location of the building. to a certlft. cate !letting forth those facts. (d) When the work or constructing partitions has advanced to a degree on any ftoor, that the rooms on that floor are determined In their dlmenslons. the owner or hls representative shall be entitled to an Inspection from the Building Comml8llloner· and, If the rooms thus outlined conform In their dlmenelons to the plans filed a1\d to the requirements of this code, to a certlflcate stating that fact. (e) It a new tenement house Ia occup! d as a place of habitation In any of Ita parts In violation of this section, It shall forthwith b subJect to notlce from the Building Commissioner and 8hall be vacated upon such notlce and shall not again be occupied until made to conform with the provisions of this code, nor until after the Issuance of the three certlflcat.ea required In this section. (f) At the time of applyln,t for a permit for the rectlon of, alteration of, In addition to or moving of a tenement house, or for the erection, alteratlon, adding to, or moving of, any building upon a lot UJlOn which a. tenement hous stands. the applicant shall submit to the Building Commiestoner a plat of the lot, showing the dimensions of the same and the poaltton to ,be occupied by the proposed building or by the building to be attered or addt>d to or by the buildlng to be moved ther on, and the poaltlon or any other building or bulldlngs that may be on the lot. The measurements shall In all cas s be taken at th top of the first story and shall not lnclud~t any portion of any street or alley. 8eetloa . XIII. All penalties provlded for In the said Wilmette Code of 1917 and amendments of any po:-tton thereof for a violation of any of the provision!! or requlremt>nta of anv of the sections herein amend d shall be applicable to the :1 opr·)Jirll\tc st-ctlons as amt>nded hert>ln . Sretloa XI\', All ordinances or parts of ordinances ln conflict with any of the provisions of this ordlnanc are hereb~· rep aled. , 1 be s~ne·::r· ct"fr.~~ ~~~~f~~~ u:n1~!~ ·:;~~ approval and publication according to laPaest>d by the T'ruldent and Board of Trueteee of th VIllage of WllmHte on the 12th day of Februa.rv. A. D. 1924, and deposited and filed In the office or the Village Clerk of said Vllage, thil! 12th day oC Februa.ry, Niahtbawka Winnen From T errieH at Kenilworth Th Kenilworth n:~~ht gymna ium class. know a~ the ·· . ' i'·hthav. k ," dt"· featcd the Wilmette "T~ rit·n" 11-4 :-t Kenilworth ln ·t Monday ight in a fast game of l·a ket ball. . This m ke' the - second v1 tory for each of the , l' t wo tt·ams in .. many encounter ·. 1'ht· game to dectde the tie will be pl ;1yt'<l off next Wonda7 111,artment ·Ink with run· ~<hall b pr· ovld~·ll for an In the baat>ment, which cto t and sink: ahall be lnatalled In C(IJnlllianc~ with Se ·tlon ~0 of this Onlmaner. night. tyAtlv~. n~:!~a~~.~~etand

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