remain in tbe Varying fr01a mths, certaiQ ~ssigne4 to a · on ships of ·ons. rine Corps at and he is lOth Regj. pra. He will on, Quantico, . u················ ···········-~- WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1924 r. are over. RENCE 1treet, attendWeek conferInstitute of Mellon ·Tax eduction .· an Write to Your Congressmen More than. ever in the history of the country, the welf~re of business and therefore the prosperity and happmess of the people depend on a marking down of the tax charges. in the nation. Andrew W. Mellon, secretary of the treasury of the United States, has proposed that Congress reduce taxes. His proposal has been endorsed unequivocally by President Calvin Coolidge and thoughtful democratic statesmen. The outline of Mr. Mellon's plan ia now before Congress. · Every one knows that top-heavy taxes hold back business, curtail prosperity and cause living costa to rise. Every one knows that tax burdens should be reduced. Every one knows that unless this ia done business prosperity cannot progress upward. Stock prices cannot go up, business cannot expand and industry cannot grow unless the mass of workers and the salaried and professional classes are contented and proape_ roua. Present federal taxes if continued will break the backbone of the nation. A study of the taxation situation aa outlined in these pages should move every taxpayer to write his congressmen and senators and tell them, regardless of party or class, to vote in favor of the Mellon tax cut plan. , If your fi.rat letter does not bring -reaulta, ait Clown and write another. Keep everlasting-ly hammering away at the men who represent YOU until they heed the insistent demands of an almost united electorate. Mr. Mellon's plan ia a bonus for everybody. I , He pro~es to cut $323,000,000 at a single alice from the national tax bill. · Tliat money, turned back into the channels of buaineaa, trade and industry, will do at least $1,000,000,000 worth of useful work for the country. ·~~will permit ind~atry, hitherto held back by high taxa~on, to turn loose Ita cash and make it work for you. It wdl mean steadier work, therefore more continuoua wagea. Mr. Mellon baa shown clearly that he can save the people $323,000,000. That ia exactly the same aa if he should collect it and then distribute it as a bonus. ' But he can't collect it and hand it back in the form of a bonus and at the same time retain the advantaa· of lower taxation. If he is compelled to continue collecting high taxes, the nation'a cash will continue to hide behind tax exempt securities; living coata will continue to rise; work and prosperity will continue to decrease. So it comes down to this: If You Want Prosperity, It Ia Up to You. The proponenta of the Mellon plan are being fought by an opposition that will stop at nothing. With thla thousht fr..h in mind, do thia: . Write to Medill McCormick and William B, McKinley, Senator·; Richard Yatea and Henry R. Ratla-:bone, Congre··men-At-Large; and Carl R. Claindblom, nth diatrict of lllinoia telling Coiagresaman from the te. them you favor tlae Mellon Tax Redaction Plan. Why You Should Write to Your Congressmen and Senators to Work for the Mellon Plan BECAUSE the Mellon Plan will bring a direct cash saving to ten million American citizens. BECAUSE it will cut out most of the nuisance taxes. BECAUSE it will permit millions of dollars now invested in tax free securities to be put into business of all kinds. BECAUSE this money will then pay a tax when it is now paying none. BECAUSE this money, going into business, will increase production and work and mak~ for general prosperity. BECAUSE it means a b,onus for the whole nation. BECAUSE the $323,000,000 which will be cut from the tax bill will go into industry and do at least a billion dollars' worth of work for the nation. BECAUSE it will save the average man the money he now pays out to meet the taxes of the people from wh,om he buys-the retailer, the wholesaler, and the producer. BECAUSE it will keep the American dollar from following in the footsteps of the mark and the lira. BECAUSE it is an· honest plan wo~ked out on a business basis. I I I .. Some of your public servants at Washington-some of the congressmen-have said that they are tired receiving letters from propagandists in favor of the Mellon tax reduction plan. If working for a propos~} which means so muc;h to every citizen and to the nation as a whole makes you a propagandist, you should be proud to be one. It should be a privilege to the men whon1 you put into office to rec~ive your opinions and ideas on any subject. In a matter of vital importance, it is their duty as well as their privilege to give .careful consideration to your comnlunications. The ~1ellon plan is of vital importance to you and to every one-so write to your congressmen now. · I'! ' I '