\\'ILMETTE LIF FRIDAY. Fl:BRCARY 29 1924 PEOPLE LIKE TO REA D OUR WANTED TO IU;:\T-1101 !ill'; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Glencoe lnclush·., "ho11e names ap1>ear In the telephone director~·. or who art' I t'~U)Hr subl'cl·itters to either WlLMETTE Lll"E, WIN::>iETKA TALK or Cl.F.l\'COE NF.WS. WANTED TO RJ.;l\'T-S)I.\LL HOCSE, no c hildr e n , m o<l <:rul·· r··nt._ T e L Winn . 1174. LT:'\~~-tf<' ..~on RF;:\'1'-.\P ,\IC'I' \11·: Vl"i I'OH ( Welcome!! General N otices-~~a~~~~~·; n~sdv:~tit":;"~,~~~rl~t111fr~~ c~~~~:~o·~n:~ Ct'lltH 11er line In one pap \J r. 20 cents per line In all three l>a Pels. lii~UIU:'ll C' H ,\It(>E Me. Average of five word!! to the line. No !,tack race type used . Rates tor Display type on application . RENT-5- R00:\1 Fl ·. \ T. " ulre !136 Elm St.. \\'in nt'lku . IN- Rate&--! 0 --------------------------- Deadline for lnsertions-Classltled advertlsemPnt.s will be accepted up to W ed nP.a<l'ly 12 o'clock for the WJJ~METTE LIFE or all three J>ane rs ; Thurs<lav 12 o'clock Cor the WDINJ-;Tl<A TALl< an·l Fritla.1· 12 o'clock f or thP GLENCOE 1\'EWH. Telel·hon··s : WII.M J-;TTF: 1920 - 1!121 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. I \'I·: HY DES!RAP.l,E. 1st F f.I )OH, Fl'R. apartmen t. sout h er·n .-xp.,sur·o ·, l ~vi ng rtJ<Hn, bedroom . kitcht'n and JH' i\' ate loath ; H·JitaiJ IP for adult~ ; imnw<l iat e fJ<"I:UIIRnCy. \\'ilme tt ~; ! 1111, i21i lith . W il. I li '. J~TS t2-lt(' LAJt<:E, .::>iEWLY Fl'HS. HOO)I; light ; main noor; nr. lak P, RtatiiJn: kitc·hcn lll'ivil;-gt·s. 'l't ·l. \\'inn . 1~43 . LT:>:2~ - 1 tc Fun ~>~ \1.1·:-111·::. :. t:N'I' . \'1'·~ 7-HOOM !-:TI'c'I'O ; !-:1'~ A~O HLEEf'iliK '""'" " · ho ·avlly wooolo·tl ,:;o ft. lot ; sacrltkc· $1 ~.:ifJ(); ··ash l '~' qulred $4 ,000, I,;Liau· ··· .. ally tc·J' IIlH. O rurtl) n· ·w 6-roum colonial In tXct>llf>ut IH· ig hiH,rhoud; hot watt!r h .. at; rc,.· quH·k sal<· $13, ,i 00; $3,000 ca~< h ; l>al :uH··· $7:> month. G-room fra1111· 12 l!t'clr·omH ) ; hot A llu!lillt:HII Built on Hervicc wat<·r ll· ·ar. 3-l'ltl' Kant!(<· ln<Jw). 336 Liud .,n Av·· · l'h . Wllmt>tt<' 308 Will R!·ll (,,, . imme<ll:ttc· tll"t!Osal for LTN22-ltc $ FIJI{ HI~ST- LA f1(;E. :-IOI{THEAST room suitahll' for on·· ,,,. two adu l ts. 731 I lith ~t. T ·L Wil. !!!12-J. IIF:ST llUYS Attractlvt· fi-rm . stucco, lg<· .. h t'>llP<I 11un plor .. ·a lp. pch .. watt·r :>:o CE::>iTHAL HOTIO:I~ROO:\IS: LIGHT oub1ide rooms: st.,am ; hut anc.l roltl Koal ht·a t, wood.-.d lot, l(arage, ct·nr unninK wat ·r. 629 :\lain St. Tl'l. tmll y l ocatP<l, $1 9,000. Wil. JI) XO. LT1-tfc Exce ptional 1 U-rm. brick ·and stu ceo, sun plor., sip. 11e h .. 2 Laths, water RJ< ~!'<T-Fl'I!:" J:mT·!D HMS., ALSI) ht'ILt. IJII IJUrrw r , ull l ge. ··ms., i'Olt h ousekc·pping- apt. 'J',.f. Wil. !13~-:\1 · $21;..:;cw. near all transpor tation . LT6-tfl' HEAS()~'H \\:.\ '\'I'I·!D 'l'<l IU!N'I'-KOO:tl :~~O. c·lmu· \VAN1'i.;O- ROC>::\( FOR Hl:>:GLI>; :\lA;I;, n.-ar .. nd of "1~ ... \Vilm e tte. A<l<lress l.lf,·. A-'" L 22. 1tc I"Oit N.\1. 1·!- \ l ' 'I'O:tiOUILES Pstnt<· : -Must sell Jm_I------W-IN_l'_l'_:·_r_K_A--H-l-.Y-S-- r.;, WJNNWl'KA. BftAND NEW BRICK; Jll'ic <> ~11.01!0 . 7 -rooms ; tile hath; sun ancl slo:t' tling 2-yt·ur old clapb<Jar·lf J~ngllsh coJlOI'<'hP!I; hot watc·r· ht>1tt; nicP woodIonia!; sun ~~~~~~ slt'<'fJiug porch t's ; ed lot; $19,000. Easy terms. t·v .. ry mo<h·nt convt·nlenc ·. Owner WlNNETKA BUNGALOW cull"!l to anoth .. r sPctlon of city. Attractive; 6-rooms; large sun Mu11t Sl·ll at l c> Hs than roplac~ment p11rc h ; till' hath; ).l'lll'age; fine woodvnlu"; prlct· $11,500. c-cl lot: $12 ,500. 7-roonr 11tucco; hot water heat; Hl·:INSI<~N & CLARK, DIC. sun p:tt·lor ; south exposure; near '·66 <'t:>ntl't' Win. 254 (l·~urmer·Jy W . H . H.. Ave.) I!Choo!H, trtUlSI>Ortatiou, arul markets; lot 6r. ft. tro111 ,q<e; l>rlc e $11,600; LTN22-ltc ($8,500 cash required). New 5-t·m . bt·lck bung.; near eleWANTI'~O '1'0 IJU\'-IlE.\.L ESTATE vat~fl to·nnlual ; f<·r quick. sale $13, I\HO with $3.000 caHh down; balanc<' BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE 8 111 ~j'tc~i;tt{\u~~~ell7 -;~~:::" ~~~·::?u~a~~~!~ \V ANTI·!D-- MAN GOOD USED CARS Slocum ~Iotor Sale:-; TO CLEAN AUTO- FOR !:!ALE-B ABY'S WICKER BED and mattress; center living room mohllt· Hat. afternoon!!. 1014 l'~lm light fixture ; dining room light fixwooll Ave. Tt>l. Wil. 2068. ture ; 1 wicker breakfast room set, LTN22-ltc (table and 4 chairs). Tel. Kenilworth 1809. LTN22-ltc t·; XJ>'D MAN \\r ANTS STEADY WORK ~~o~~~:·v~:.·o~·~Y he~\'~J' ~~ c~~e~o ~~~~ F~Rdst~~J'~~·fn~~~~~~·~ d!k~O~:!~ 'I'd. Wil. 2549. Wnlllly~ OC.rmii~Imtt and LTN22-ltp ·,1 ... vvu. I """~ LTN22-1te schools. A WANT TO 11 EAR FHOI\1 OWN Eft I<'<H' RJ·I>Ointrrrt>l!t or furtht ·t· inforhaving rann for sale; give partlcumation phom· Wll . 171i0. lar·s und lowest priee. John J. Best Clore, Co. lllnek, hlpp.,wu Falls, Wis. 22 2 1177 Wilrnt'lte Avt ·., Wllrl!t·tl··. lll. LT · tp DODGE SEDAN: LATE MODEL, FINE condition, looks like new. ..'OR SALE-H OUSES LTN22-ltc WERSTED MOTOR COMPANY Tel. Winnetka 165 LT22-ltc 1\()I>'l'H FOH NALJ<:- WJNNETKA SPECIAL. " " hoict> east Side; rar<' opportunity FOR SALE-1920 FRANKLIN EXto RCtiUire lnexpt>nslve home I b t cellent running cohd, $500. Tel ] ·~S'l'A'l'E · Rection. 9 sunny rooms inclu~ln,;s5 Wlnn . 1919. LT22-1t~ HEAlJTlJt'Uf~ COLONIAL HOME IN bedrooms, library wltll Jilreplace, most exclusive Wllm ll tlt' r esidence front, 64 tt. wooded-u~'bstructed\ HF.LP WANTED-MAJ,E sec tion. J·'our chamiH·r·s and two view all dirt'ctlons, overlo king surbath11. Maids quartt·ra on the third roun<ling landscaped pro ertles and BOYd WA~TED FOR AFTERNOONS floor. Heavily woo<INI tot. Hot village green. 3 blks. to C. N.W. and anto·~oen Mgs from 3:30 to 6:30--8:30 water heat. BARGAlN at $28 000 Mllb. Blecl·. Sta., 3 blks. to lake, stores, VtllatR't'. Choucs;la~:v~h~~terenc~22 Tl~e _..T'\ "-" ~ '"'-", " " 'l'1r 'H1~ JlU ,.nnr prlv. schools, c,.2nvenlent to c t·u yA HOME 6 rmH., sun HII(J sleel>lnK J>Ch ., hot watt·r heat; l!tuceo construction. Within conv(·ni.,nt <IIHtanc .. of mar- ~-r~nym~. aal:r[J1~t.r 1 ~t~~~l.l 1>~~·i~~~~taat:o$'i /oo~. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash 1>rlce. Address Wilmette Life, A-66. L20.trc ~~~~std~r fr0o0~ta::~~~b?.oh~gdioo fe~~ ([))wceiril ~IDl<dli!J)<e~llceir~ 724 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1128 I WANTED- BOY lN GRO E:RY STORE. must IH· 16 or over. A. S. Van Df'u!len. 1154 Ct>ntral Ave. L22-ltc HELl' W i\~'l'ED-I<'EMAL~: I.Jookcase; bird bath; lawn swing; porch chairs, etc. Detroit electric car cheap. 801 C ntral Ave . Tel. WIJ. 497. L22-ltp \Vallacc B. Jr., & Our Buy This Week SHORE REAL BUYS Wallace B. Clore, ""'"'v v-::--::::::,.:; ue eesslon cJt:{:heH, kf~t school and golf. PosSITUATION WANTED-MALE with slate root In N. E . section of an.v tim ... T'rlcf' right. Terms. Wilmette. An excellent construction Owner occupies, 611 Oak st., Wlnn. Post.tt.On HTanted In a fine nelghl.Jorhood with a beau1650. LT20-tfc ~ tlfully shrul>bed Jot. Will sacrifice Gardetler 1\t $22,000 for· QUICK SALE. HOllHE FOR SALE-OWNER l\'lOV~-rm. framP house with fi chamtng out of town April Lst, must sell I INTEND TO GIVE UP MY GARDEN bers In lo!XClUitlve N. E . Wilmette. 6-room house, 1 yr. old; all r·ooms this year and wish to ·Immediately Combination heat. A GOOD BUY at light and airy; glassed In sun parlor ftnd a !>Osition for my English gar$1K.5()0. Make cash otrer! and slt)g. porches; tile bath with dener. an r·ecommend him as an Dandy 7-rm, home with hot water linen closet; hot water heat ; lot 50 exceptional man, desirable In every heat within four blocks of the Kenxl98 rt. Bargain at $14,500. 128 way; expert In both vegetables and llworlh station. In good r epair. CanLinden Ave., South Glencoe. Only 2 nowers; will also help In the house; not b e dupllcatt>d for $19,000. Dlocks to Hubbard Woods station. must have own living quarters for W .: h!lv e many othl'r good buys In LTN22-ltc himself and wife. Tel. Wlnn. lt84. Wllmdtt·, Kenilworth, and \Vinnetku. If you are Interested In securIng a homp whit·h has all of your requirements and which Is within FOrt H\ BSTANTIAL FRAME HOUSE your· m .. an11 we shnll b!' glad to have on Jot fi0x225. Large living room : you lllli>Oint us your· ugents in this 3 e hamht>n·, sewing room ; new !urmattt'r. In rt>tu rn we shall see that I am now Jocatt>d In Evanston na('t'; garag<'. you ar .. informPd co nc .. rning each whl're I will be In a position to T~ Z TERMS anti PVI'ry available home within give my North Shore customers "WlLI\H~TTE RH:ALTY C'O. your spt'!'lfkatlon . Fot· appointment and frlenrls better s rvlce In A. J. >Vooclcock, Prop. pho n e. their painting and decorA.ting as r, 13 4th Strpt>t Tel. WI!. 1304 all my work Is personally sup<rL22-ltc & vised. giving you the surety of quality and prompt workman1177 \VIImctl c AvP. Tt'l . \VII. 1760 I<'OR SALE-F;AST SIDE WINNETKA, Hhlp. I~stlmates cheerfully given. LTN22-1tc 9 o;unny r oo ms Including 5 b drooms and llhrury with ftr !'plact', HOUth exposure 64 ff'et, bl'autlful vll'w of aL HJ~AL VALl'"ES tractlvt' lands raped properties and Wl!\'Nl.;TKA village gr .. t·n. onv nient to private 7-ROOM 'OLON!AL, 4 B. R., TILE T em porary TeL-Evanston G225 and public schools, churcht·s, stores bath, t'X. lav. and toilet, h . w. heat, and only 5 mlnutt>s to Northwestern oil burn('!', 7& ft . wootletl lot, ownllr LTN22-t(c and e lectric station. Possession KOing uhronll, this Is your· chance Fl'IHuary F>th-May lst, price $18,500. at . .. __ .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 'l' Prms. 611 Oak street. Tel. \Vlnn. G-room stucco bung., nearly new, 1650. LT19-trc lltrg.. light r·ooms, ftreplac t'. attracNORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANING t! V(· plan, 2-car garage, home Is SERVICE 7-ROOl\f KELLOSTONE in very fln p condition at .. $16,500 MODERN vapor heat, glazecl porch, lot 871J!a WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCIG-room J<tucco bungalow, fin., conmint>, grass cloth; we wash painted x165, beautifully lan<lscap!'d, big dition, conv. location. only .. $11,000 woodwork, und windows as w ell as trePs. 2-car heatpd garage, nt·ar Bt'a u . hom<' site, 116 ft. frontage, polish furniture and wnx floors. school, 2 blocks from lake, handy llt·ar I. Il. Club, school~:~ and station, First class ref. Edward T. Handy. transportation, lmmPdiate possl's2G tr .. ~:s on lot, at ...... $110 a ft . Office Tt>l. Wil. 1647 after 6 P. M. slon, reason11.bly priced, terms. Hl-JI'J OH PH( ·::>i i-J Res. Tel. Wll. 685. LT22-tfc ooh·~· . 472 Elder Lane, \VInnetka. LTN22-ltc 'Pt '·fii.&:K~IIL - -' - r;: · -~"- ~ .HV £ - p./ -~"'~NT~D-AJ 08-~rT. ::-.ro For FOR SALE-FUMED OAK, BROWN Spanish leathered davenport In good condition; when open It Is a full sized bed. Reasonable. Tel. Wlnn. W.\NTED- A BRIGHT YOUNG LADY 16~4. LTN22-ltp for office work . "lteady, good position. AJJply Ray Studio, 615 Davis St.. Evanston, Ill. L22-1tc FOR SALE-NEW WALNUT CHINA closet; gas range; Congoleum rug; very cheap. Tel. Wlnn. 400. WANTED - GIRL TO ANSWER LTN22-ltc phone and keep small set of books. Tel. WI!. 2432. LTN22-ltc FC>R SALE-SIX PIECES BROWN WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN. wicker porch furniture uphol. In silk hswk.; 2 adults, 2 children; referdamask; like new. Tel. Glen. 1042. ences. Tel. Wll. 1507. LTN22-ltc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L_T_N_22_-_1t __ c 1 WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE WANTED-MAID FOR GEN. HSWK., buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, good wages. Tel. Wilmette 848. pianos, anything useful·. 808 Oak LTN22 ltp ------------------St. LTNl-tfc W~NTED-kGIRAL FIORLGlENdERHAJLliOtFFOR SALE-GENTLEMAN'S TUXEDO, 0 8 er, ce wor · PP Y oy size 37 overcoat; dres·es, size 14 and Inc., 1222 Central Ave., Wi\i: 16, all very good; cheap. Tel. Win. 22 1 LT - tp 1919. LT22-ltc !HTUATION WANTED-FEIIALE J. MOVING AWAY-HOUSEHOLD FU l OPPOR- ' :tr 1 It LT-:422-ltc 1697 . 1007 Linden Ave. tunlty for Interesting act v Y as companion, supervising housekeeper, MISCELLANEOUS or guardian ot children, by a woman of energy, retlnement. human InterUNING REPAIR est and sincere talent for home EXPERT PIAN 0 T ; making. Address Life. Ai4NZ2-ltc ~nn~r .:meF~~~e:~. P~~~~ ~r~:.rko~~}~ to_;·~:~~~: ;-;~;t~:.·- ·~;.:twin"n. The Fashion Sewing Shop AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES a specialty. H.easonable prices. Mak e early appointments. 1534 Highland Ave., Wilmette . Tel. Wll. 966-J. L15-tfc EXP'D MIDDLE AGED WOMAN· would like position as housekeeper or general hswk. In small adult family. Tel. Wll. 1783. L22-ltc KINDERGARTEN TEACHER WILL tutor or care for chlldr!'n afternoons. Good references. T!'l. Highland Park 1071. LTN22.1tc FOil. SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS "Hitching On" Practice Brings Police Warning The snows of the past month may have melted away when this is read, but Superintendent of Police Denman feels that a warning is nevertheless quite timely in regard to ·the practice of "hitching on" behind automobiles. "Fortunately the winter season to date has broug-J t no accidents to children who "hitch" their -sleds behind rapidly moving automobiles." M ajo Denman points out, "but I am in constant fear of a report of a serious oos sihly fatal, accident to some child a a result of that practice. 1 have wit nessed some narrow escapes, partie ularly at street intersections where th sledding parties encounter cross traf fie. Parents should warn their chit dren against this practice. There i too much traffic on the streels fo such precarious business as coastin~ behind rapidly moving automobiles.' NLY $11.500 Painting and Decorating Jr., Co. 0. R. FRALEY SITUATION WANTED-BY COLORED woman as moth~>r's h lp ~>r. by day or w ee k . Tel. Wilmette 911-R. L22-ltp WANTED-WASHINGS TO TAKE home ; finished work and l'OUgh dry. "\VIll c11.1l and deliver. 41 R Prairie AVI'. Tel. Wll. 1351. LT22-4tp WANTED- WASHING AND IRONING to take home, will call for and deliver·. Tel. "'Wil. 834-R. and 834-J. LT22-ltc COLORED WOMAN WANTS HOUSEwork by <lay or week. Call Wilmette 911-R. L22-ltp YOUNG GIRL WILL DO DOMESTIC work. Tel. Winn. 1217. LTN22-ltc FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Many at The N n~prcsent Kenilworth Cagers Make Clean Sweep in 4 Tilts In four games played by Kenliworth school basketball teams during the week at Kenilworth the hosts came out at th end with a perfect record. Two of th affairs were rather close, but the other were of the. walk-away variety. Mon day of this week the Wilmette "Terrors went down before the Kenilworth "Nighthawks" 14-11, while on Thursday night of last week the Kenilworth "Heavies" easily trounced the Wilmette "Heavies" 40-11. On the same night that the latter gam~ was played the Kenilworth "Midgets scored ten points agail'_lst the;, Winnet~a Community Center "M1dgets, who fatted to score at all, and naturally lost the game, 10-0. The Kenilworth team made up of boys weighing around ninety pounds, though held to a tight game, managed to come off with the long end of a 16-13 score, thus winning the game from the Winnetka Community Center team of the same weight. FOh HALE - 1-:lGHT-ROOM HOUSE ont' block ~>astor station, large yard: gar<l<·n, slt'eping porch, beautiful nt'ighhorhood; occupation nfter Apl'il ft t·s t. OwnH, Pr es ton Boyd!'n, 72G Pin;· Street. Tel. Winnetka 3!';6. THJo; I'ROPOSED ANNJ<;XATION BY LTN22-tfc WILMETTE of that tt'rrltory west of Rlllgc> Avt'. will no doubt Increase 6 F~~l SAb~~k -~e~~l\~ ~~~;e~ ~~~d values therein consldet·able. \Vt> havP llstt't':, ellolct' lots and sun porch; tiled bath; hot water ht.; acre tracts at very t·eaaonable prices, 2 car garage; best buy In \VIlmette. that will net a very nne profit to Adtlress Wilmette Life, A-74. the lnvlllltor In the near future. or, LTN21-3lc If looking for an d gant home site, now Is the time to buy, aR this Is FOR SALE BY OWNER-ELEGANT th;, b st opportunity offered to the nine-room hse., sleeping porch, sun parlor, corner lot, best location. Tel. conat'rvatlve lnv stor and home J:teekt'r tor some time. Wil. 97. 903 Lake Ave., Wilmette. LTN20-3tc 10 ('arlton Ann .. x, Opp. H.. R. at Oak St. >Vinnptka, Phone 1800 LTN22-ltc Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers F'OR sets $3.5 0 171!'; 3050. SALE-EFFICIENT CRYSTAL and 3,000 ohm headohones at per set. Address _E . Bersch, Walnut Ave., Wll., or Tel. ~II. LTN22""-ltc Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-ttc FOR SAI.E-1 TUXEDO SUIT; 1 FULL dress suit; 1 man's medium weight overcoat; all size 36. Also ladles' dresses, size 40 and child's coat and hat, size 3 yr. old. One mahogany <lavenport table. Tel. Wll. 1610. Address 726 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. L22.1tc FOR SALE-GUARANTEED STRICTly fresh eggs at all times. It intert>sted Inquire of Mrs. John Boesch, of Manston, Wisconsin. LTN22-ltp last week tion of tl a>sociatio The I. years ag ing high of excha ity for g of this able to tions co terns, an the inno other p confcren Galesbu vited on school known n nd disc FOR SALE-7-ROOM, WELL-BUTLT DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINTframe house, large corner lot, well lng and decorating done. The FOR SALE-6 YEAR OLD SHETwooded; nr. good trans., school and spring wages will advance. Let us land pony and outfit. Safe for chilchurches. Possession May 1st. Price <lo It today. Carl Salo. Northbrook, dren; also 3 heavy draft horses. Tel. $12,000. Addre .. Life, A-82. L22-ltc 111. Box 40. Phone Highland Park Wll. 1659. LTN22-2tc TO RENT-HOUIII!lll 896-Y4. LTN18-8tc LTN22-ltc BABY CHICK&-IN 100 LOTS. ASsorted, $11; Leghorn11. $12; Barred FOR RENT-COTTAGE AT PELICAN E~fe·an~~~· ft~~rus:axt~r. 'rJ~lj>t~~ Rocks. S. C. Reds, Anconal!, $14; WILMETTE IS J<~lLLED 'WITH Lake, Wis., furnished tor 8; special polishing, and basement kalsominWyandottes, Butf Orpingtons, MlBARGAll\'S rates f· ~ the season. Tel. \VInn. lng. Also odd painting jobr, nrst norcaa, $17; postpaid. Catalog tree. I R. frame bungalow, very d ep 533-J. LTN2!-ltc class references. Walsh. Tel. Wlnn. D. T. FARROW CHICKERIES. 816 ' lo~ fi~·:t~~~:.tl~nat!/ 1 ~::i.,00~un par. 1_H_U_B_B_A_R_D __ W_OO_D_S __ H_O_U_8_E_;-7--H.-ltf-S.; LT7 ·tfc PEORIA, ILLINOIS. LTN18-ZZtc OO. ~O. ex cell nt neighborhood, targ , shady lot; near transp.; $100 FOR !!!ALE-CONN C MELODY, SAX6 0 II R. fram In ftn~at N . E. section, ~=;~.; ln;~~d. ~~~::~~ ~tn:fe A:~Inn. SClENTI~IC MASSAGE A GOO'o ophone, satin silver finish, case and I bntb , water heat, dlnlnlf porch, Z LTNU-ltc tonic. Treatments at your home. reed-case with extra reeds, like ar car 1ft', price $U OUO 00 Owner :!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I R W. An~r:le. Tel. Evanston 1884. new, used very little, cost U60, sacl avlnc. mak rea.onabl · ofter. WANTED '1"0 Rll!lNT-IIO UIIB ~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~§~~~~;;~~ rlftce for UO. Phone Wil. 776-M. IITUATIOK WANTED-MALE LTN22-1tc WANTED TO RENT-BY RESPONSIble coupl , small furnished hou~e YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS P'OR SALE-LARGE GREEN RUG; position aa chauffeur or drivone large oil pa.lntln,..; ball runner; Ue!':o~V. ... ftr!:o 0 ~hll~t~n~0 ~:;/~treia steady er, with or without ftat; no children. morris chair. Tel. Wll lOU. Wilmette Life, A, 81. LTNU-ltp Tel. Wll. U7-R. LTI-ltc LU-ltp 909 Ridge Ave. Wllm~Jttt', Illlnols Phone 3U A. R. Eddington Reports Recent Realty Transfers A. R. Eddington and company, V{ilmette realtors, report the followmg recent sales: Seventy-five feet on Walnut avenue to T. C. Koenen; SO feet on Greenleaf avenue belon~ing to A. C. Ferrarini; L. G. Lon~ home on 13th street to Ro!!'er F. Merrill, and the F. 0. Young residence at 1232 Elmwood avenue to W. T. Jones. ffi,'· MASS :'\GE 'I'REATMENTS