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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 May 1924, p. 19

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1924 19 ge Hall In Wn. 1ess hours, &114 1e furnished at ~ of Local r111 · ~age Hall. made out 0 ld Board of J.A! must be ad· of Local 1111 lllage or w11: s, and endoran( r;, Paving &nd hteen(1 8Heet Of It ( 6) of L. L. slon of Blocka , Wilmette, uu. Is must be ae. L ch ec k certlfted payable to the of the Board of the Village Of I f not less than he aggregate or 1 roposal will be ~p anted by such be paid In one roucher, and In at six per cent llely out of tht lrovement, when ce with provl· therefor, and In by law. om the contract be required to atlsfactlon and of Local Imeq ual to fltty i t'it t~~ra;!rf:~~~ 0 "'Our Comrades, Who Died lin Defense Of Their Country" It was John A. Logan, Comtnander-inChief_ of the ~rand Army of the Republic, wh~ 1n 1868 Instituted Memorial Day, as a Natwnal memorial to "our comrades who died in defense of their country." Let us keep the trust they bequeathed, by works that shall make America ever increasingly the world's champion of right and justice, the leader in progressive achievement. Thus shall we perpetuate their me1nory in a Memorial of ever-growing grandeur. same work on the same days and for the same purposes. Before you ~o to town do your duty by the disabled veteran and his dependants and by your local Legion post and its ladies' auxiliary unit. Wilmette Pott No. 4f6 It is sincerely hoped that, what seems Bulletins to be the most impressive Memorial Day · For God artd Cotl,.try, we GSfOciote program in the history of Wilmette, can ours~lves together for thl followiftg be conducted in a community of homH pwrpos~s: To uphold and defettd thl every one of which is decorated with an Constitution of the U11ited StCJles of American ftag. America; to ma.i11tain law aNd order; to Get out the old ftag and fling its foster and Pt'rfeluq,te CJ oM huttdretl ' " folds to the breeze. Every true Amcent AmericCJ~~~Sm; to presenle the mem- erican feels a thrill and a tug at the ories and i11cib1tts of our ossociatio" i11 heart strings every time he passes it. lite Great war; to mculcate tJ Stfl$1 of It will be a source of inspiration and enindividual oblr'gatio11 to the commuflity; couragement to all of us on the most stau aKd natiofl; ro coMbat thl autoc- beautiful and significant of all our na~ racy of both classes, oltd "" mtJ~su; to tiona! holidays. make f'ight the master of Might; to ~ro And it's not a flag to be ashamed of. mote peact aNd good will oa earth; lo Always at the head of humanity's safeguq.rd aNd lriJIWflit to posterity the legions, never in retreat and forever a principles of justice, freedom oltd democ- symbol of all that is good and true. racy,· to corue crate and sanctify our Give it the honor place on that day. comro<les'llip by our devotion to fi*INCJl It's the same flag for which these honAelpfulness.-Preamble to Constitution ored dead have given the greatest price of The American Legion. of all, life itself. Honor it and revere its noble defenders. Copies of the "Order of Service" or A Memorial Day Prayer program at J,.ake Front park, a copy of By EzRA C. CLEMANS which appears on this page, will be National Chaplain, The American distributed throughout the assembly. It Legion is the wish of the committees that each God of Our Fathers and OurGod: and every person present take an active Our Country. preserve and part in the exercises. The American Legion ~ I" · celved for tht provement as a of Local Ime right to reGE FMAN [I'ILT !rements lmette. LME!T'rE LS ASSESSliENT lmette, Illlnola y 28, 1924. the Improved Third Street f Maple Street Isabella Street m th e East line e W est line of the VIllage of y, Illinois, by , curbing and co ncrete pavemprovlng said lints. In accord· ~ and speclficaen t, will be re· Local Improver Wilm ett e, unon Tu esday the 1924, at whlcb Ill be publicly eclared by said vements In the lllage ot wu- said Improved examined at l of Local Imlllage Hall In us Iness hours, II be furnished oa1·d of Local iVIllage Hall. made out on Board of Lomust be ad· of Local Ime of Wilmette, endorsed "Prolng and CurbThird Street faple Street to lla St1·eet and the East llne West line of Illinois," and compa.nic>rl by by a respone order of tho of Local Ime of Wilmette, than ten (10) regate of the 1 will l.te connled by such Public Service Company Wins Charles A. Colifin 1923 Medal e paid ln one n·~ her, and In t six Ptlr cent ely out of the Improvement, ordance with lance therd Jr, rlhed by law. om th9 conIll be rei'Juired e satisfaction oard o~ Local hf·ll porC<>rlD; ;~!ved erosper; for the brave men who Clied on battlefields; who perished on fighting ships; all heroes who gave their lives a sacrifice for the Flag, have given America a value beyond price. 0 Thou Man of Nazareth 1 through the graveyards of our Local Youtba Take Ofticial dead in Europe, pass just now to This Bank Will Not Be Seaacout Oath bless. The white crosses Thou Open On knowest. Under them rest the ashes of those whose CountryBy SEASCOUT Friday, May 30th, man Thou art. · The Seascouts held an inspirin8 Father, remember in love and meeting last Friday at which tiDM Memorial Day were honored by an official visit kindness. this Memorial Day, they from Mr. Keane, the Chicago postthose who mourn their Soldier master. Mr. Keane has spent some Dead; Gold Star Mothers and time recently in revising the Seascout loved ones; and 0. forget not program and had a great deal of valinformation for us. the little children whom war has uable Mr. Keane was received with "side so sadly orphaned. Help The boys' and naval ceremony and later American Legion and The Amer- notified Mr. Shaw of the ship com~ that he was so impressed with ican Legion Auxiliary to be to mittee, the ship that he had written a letter them a father and a mothtr. May to New York headquarters commend~-===OF WILMETTE==~~ we never forget our diot~.,led com- ing the crew. rades. Restore them to htalth and Cite· Scout Ad.,.._ta·e· In his ta\k Mr. Keane sketched the paths of peace and usefulness. Member ol the Federal Re·erve Bank, As we scatter flowers on graves, advantages of the training received in the Seascouts, showing how its reand on the bosom of river, lake quirements broadened the scout. It and ocean, where lie tht bodies of helps him to choose his vocation. The our heroes. waiting till the earth scout becomes interested in and betand the sea shall .give up their ter informed on other countries. The is also developed. dead. may their spirit of service initiative The postmaster of Chicago told two and sacrifice inspire us to renewed stories of modern heroism at sea. service and sacrifice for our Coun- There was one seascout who conthe sea, bringing a deserted try. Realizing, this day, the quered vessel into port. The other story was dreadful curse and cost of war in -of a seascout who conquered himself suffering and blood. may we hate of the trouble that he had and how he war as the crime of the ages, and overcame it. Under Mr. Keane's direction the grant that war shall never come ship's personnel took the seascout ments to retired employes of not less again and that all differences be- oath officially and was presented with tween nations may be settled not neckerchiefs as a chartered ship's than $300. The company believes it is the first by the arbitrament of the sword crew. To Get Cutter Sooa electric public utility to co-operate with but by the Sermon on the Mount Our cutter has been promised for .an educational institt.rtion ' for raising and the Golden Rule. this week and the crew will soon have the standard of its personnel. It has an Increase among us the spirit of it in commission for the launching ar~angement with the University of Illiceremony. Everyone is invited to at· comradeship. Bind our hearts tonms whereby it gives special supervision Captures Award In Competition With All Electricity !o graduates of the university's course gether as service men and Legion- tend this event, the most important m the economics of the utility industry, naires in bonds of "devotion to in the history of a seascout ship. FurConcern· of the Nation; Preaident Budd Is Given ther details will be announced in the and extends the use of its plant for mutual helpfulness." near future. $1,000 For Employes Fund experimental work. There is still room for some boys We beseech Thee, Good Lord, Employes are encouraged to accept who are 15 years or older and who responsibility as good citizens and the to hear our prayer. AMEN. weigh at least 112 pounds, in the PORTMASTER AT I SEASCOUT MEET l'lnt Natiaal Baal ·~~~~~cf p~~~~ for t 1e 0 as fprovP.meJtt ard of Local r .he right to r r.IAN ! f:: ... r rments of the ette. L'l5-ltc t~. :~:?.:.:~:. 11. ne three and oblle hydraue rcelved bY said VIllage ck P. M. on ne, A. D. 192f ld VIllage of sale wlll be lared by the usteett of the e seventeenth at 8 o'clock lly all speclof guarantet 'd the Board "of Wilmette t any and all r z. ~r. ~ tte. The Publi~ . Ser.vice Con:t~any .of~---------------- ~ompany is proud. of the fact tha~ amon~ The generous response of the people ship's crew. Some of the boys now Northern Ilh.n?1s, m co~pet1t1on wtth power, the population of which is half 1ts employes one IS a mayor, one 1s presl- of the community to the appeal for in the ship are arranging for the first all the electnc1ty comparues of the na. . . dent of a chamber of conunerce sevcruise on the U. S. S. Wilmette to be tion, has been awarded the <;harles A. a. mllho? Widely sc;ttered; ~he pro~o- era! are .cham~r of commerce 'direc- funds to carry out this Memorial Day made soon. Coffin medal for 1923, symbohc of lead- t10n of 1ts employes welfare, the bUild· tors, one 1s pres1dent of a Kiwanis club, program has been a source of gratifiJoin now and get in on the treats cation and inspiration to the commitership amo.ng the electri~ light and pow- ing of organization efficiency, and the and o.ne. is chairman of a civic safety tees. At the best a community celebra- in store for our ship's crew. See Mr. Cook or Mr. Shaw on Decoration Day er compames of the Umted States. The increase c f customer stockholders were orgamzalton. tion is an arduous task and only availaward was ~de last we~ at the ~- the particular achievements which led This company operates several gen- able funds take the disagreeable edge or at the seascouts' meeting Friday, n~al conven~to~ of. the Nat.1ona~ Electnc to the selection of the Public Service erating stations and in 1923 it completed off the propositoin. If you have been June 5, at the Congrega_tional church L1ght assoctat1on m Atlantic Ctty, N. J. Company of Northern Illinois to re- the first link in a proposed 132,000-volt in a measure, made just a little prouder or any seascout at any time. Britton I. Budd, president of the hon- ceive this signal honor. interconnection between its larger sta- of your conununity and want to see this thing continued mail your check to ored comP:WY· in receiving the medal During 1923 the company sought to tions. from Pre~1d.ent Walter A. Johnson of improve its relations with its customers In 1923 its stockholders numbered Harry Miller, the village treasurer, the assoc1atton, who also r~presen~~ in several ways . It organized a staff 21,000, a gain of 35 per cent over the village hall. July Fourth is coming the Charles A. Coffin FoundatiOn, said· of men to answer complaints by per- previous year, and the number of its right aloug and we want to step out on "Wihile this is a great honor to the sonal calls, doing away with the custom customers showed an increase of 181AI that occasion but in a different manner and spirit. Did you ever stop to concompany, to its employes and t~ the of answering by letter. It inaugurated per cent. The removal of the Brasor Art Galgreat family of stockholders, it ts at the policy of furnishing standard sixty The Illinois commerce comnuss 10n sider that just such exercises as we leries from Edgewater to their new the sa~n:e time a tribute to the won~e~- watt lamps free . in return for b';'r!i~d- graded the company at 93, with a record are putting on at this time serve to con- home in the Orrington hotel. Evansful terntory .the company has the prtvt- out lamps .and 1t placed on e~lbtbon of 88 per cent of perfect service for vince the judges concerned in the ton caused the Edgewater News to l~ge of servmg. W:1thout the ~O?per~- t~r~e electnc homes, one ot whtch was the year, an increase of four per cent "Better Community" contest that Wit~ make the following flattering commette should be awarded the first prize? ment in its last issue: t1on of the . Pr?&'fesstve people hvtng tn vts1ted by 46,000 persons. over the previous year. POPPY DAYS ' "The Brasor art store, which has for northern Illu~Ots, the con:tpany C?uld not The company organized during the Members of the Woman's auxiliary the past twdve years been located on have accompltshed the thmgs V.:htch have year a department of public relations, of Wilmette post of the American Broadway, just north of Bryn Mawr, brought not only to tt, but to the progressive advertising work oi Wilmette Church Newa, Legion win distribufe poppies at all have moved their stock to the Orring· northern Illtnots. which succeeded in reducing the numPariah Announcement. steam and electric line terminals in ton hotel in Evanston. This is an After presentation of the medal, wit- ber of complaints. Newspaper adverContinued from page 10 in titution that Edgewater can ill afWilmette. nessed by 8,000 leading electrical men of tising, painted highway bulletins, colored There is no price on the Legion "In ford to lose. For more than a decade the nation, a check for $1,000 was hand- posters, descriptive folders, motion picMemoriam" poppy. Let your heart and their store has been the Mecca of ed by President Johnson to F. N. Leon- tures and the publication of an attrac- 6 conscience dictate the size of your con- those amongst us who were seekin,c ard for the Employes' Mutual Benefit tive year book constituted the publicity · There will be White Cross 1 work 2 artistic decoration for the home: thelf tributioo. association of the company. activities of the company. tr:e 2 The widow's mite and the philanth- show windows, alwa y" tastefully and Hoaor C. N. S. It Milwaukee Carea for Employe· mence at o'clock. ropist's check are accepted in the spirit beautifullv arranged, topped the casual passer and created a de ire to posThis is the second time within a year For the benefit of its employes this The Wolf Cubs will r~port to head- given. ome one of the dainty and usethat northe~n Ill.i~ois has be.en hC?no~ed company has an employes' savings fund quarters between 3 and 5 Saturday. Purpo ·e : To obtain funds for our ses ful artick of di·play. We regret seeby one of tts utlhty compames wmmng in which, at the end of five years, em· The Wilmette 'Baptist church Ia lo- own relief and service work among dis- ing them leave. as we would regret the Coffin medal. I.,ast fall, the Chi- ployes may receive their deposits in cash, cated at Wilmette and Forest avenues abled and needy e»- ervice men and cago, North Shore and Milwaukee Rail- plus compound interest, or in the com- and welcomes all to Its ~e rvlces. The their wi <hl\V~ and orphans. Ho pitaliz- seeing any institution leave Edgeroad company was a victor, it bein.g mon stock of the company; free li!e pastor, Rev. Frances SUtler, may be ation and the Legion's national child water. who e objecti\·e was to beautify. at hie study during the mornTheir departure leaves the field opea1 named as the most progressive electnc insurance ~ to $1,500 for employes m reached Ings or by appointment. The church welfare program. transportation company. the service of the company six months, offlc In charge of Miss Badger Ia op n Poppy Day is a national institution. and we have no doubt that many 01 An intensive program of service to and additional insurance at low rates; dally from 9-6 and from 9-12 on Sat- Legion posts and auxiliary units over their former cu tomer will eek theaa The church tel ephone Is Wll- the whole nation are engaged in the at their new address. the public throughout the territory in an e.mployes: tempo~a~y loan plan and a urdays. m te 2235. which it furnishes el~tric light and serv1ce annUity provtdtng for annual pay- I BRASOR GALLERIES LOCATE IN EVAMSTON ho~or. ~~d :r~~~~:~· o~ut"hceh~oa~ !lu c ~!:': 1.35-ltC

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