WILMET'tE LIFE, FRIDAY, ,JUNE 13. 1924 14/ /WILMETTE LIFE (ll'ormerlJ' 'l'be Lake Shore New·> Batabllahed ltll with wbteh l· combined TJIB WJLIIIC'rl'IC LOCAL KBW8 Batabll·b41cl 1818 ···VB» II'IUDAY LLOYD are enlivened and invigorated by the boys; the boys are stabili~ed and strengthened by the men. Let us have many more of such cooperative meetings. 11 WORTH SHOR LINE _Just opigi amate1l Manf a village and city in .t~is _.:,l;;,:II;.;;I_C.;.e;.n ... tr_a_l_A. ... v.e· ., -=w=u=::m=:.""et='te::,==n:=L=;;;:: I land o exceptional opportumtles 'l'eleP_. . . . . . .. . . ... . WUJaett· 1.. . has no public library. Many of sciUP'I"'oK .... A TBAR these communities can boast of 81111 excellent private libraries con.All communications must be accompanied bJ' the D&Dle and addreee of the taining hundreds of literary maswriter. .Artlclee for publication should terpieces, but since they have no reach the editor by Wednesday noon to tnsure app.ara.nce In current l·aue. public libraries they suffer a Re·olutlon· ' of condolence. earde or great lack. thank·, obttuarJ', poetry, notices of enIn such a town there are numtertainments or other atralre where -.n &dlll'lttance charge will be m&de or bers of chil<tr"en who have no ,. colleetlon taken, wlll be charged at access to books and magazines .recular &dverttelng ratea. and so go mentally hungry and Entered at the poet oftlce at Wil- in addition form no habit of readmette, unnole, as mall matter of the ·econd clue, under the act of Karel! ing. And not only the younger ... 187t. people, but also the older, must go without the culture that good FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1924 books can give and mpreover even for the amusement that Separate the Grades. books can give must find it elseE~tforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Through Traffic Road. where, very likely amid debasing surroundings. In such a town you will see no SILVER POPLARS such encouraging sight as chilGod wrote His loveliest poem o,.. the day He made the first tall silver poplar dren going regularly to the library with an armful of books . . tree, And set it high upon a pale-gold htll, and coming out pf the building Ptw all tl11 """ encha,.ted earth to set with another armful. You will I think its beauty must have mode Him not see either in the home or in the library children and adults glad, And that He smiled at it-and loved sitting around the table, their it sominds journeying to all sorts of Then tur~sed i11 sudden sheer delight, interesting places. and made North shore towns are not in A dozen silver poplars ;,. a ,.ow. this unfortunate class. Every Mist green and white against a turquoise community has its public library, sky! · L. · d t from which thousands of books .A-=~=~r and a.--.rntJU tt stoo a are borrowed every week. Every .A misty' silver loveli~sess at night, annual library report shows surBreathless beneath the first snwll wist- prising figures . For example alful moon. most a third of these who live in And then God took the music of the Wilmette use the Wilmette liwinds, brary. During the past fiscal And sel each leaf a-flutter and a- years these people borrowed from thrillthe library 60,440 b,ooks, twice To-day I read !fis poem "UNWd by word as many as they took three years Amor~g the Silver poplars OJJ. Jhe hall. T h h b - Grace N. Crowell in Scribner's. ago. he report s ow~ t at Y far the greatest number of books TO BACCALAUREATES read are in the class of fiction. Listen, my children, and you This is perhaps unfortunate, bes. hall hea.r some .valuable, tho~gh cause there are other classes of -axJI~..U-~Ir.J..i.-~:""'!'"~-_:.::~r':-.-Lo- - - ;................,.. n.n.n.u lVI <:'" CUlC)',t e 1g wor to which you are ing, as for example history and about to be introduced. economics and biography. The If you are about to graduate value of the habitual reading of from the technical department of fiction is slight. a high school or college ypu are Three items from the Wilmette justified in expecting that you report are instructive. Although can get a good job soon after over fiJ,fiXJ volumes were read leaving school. You will probably last year the total tax for mainknow pretty exactly what sort of tenance was only $6 ;500, which, wprk you can do ; in fact it is not since it did npt cover expenses, unlikely that you have already had to be augmented by volungot a position in some business tary contributions amounting to where technical ability is needed. $1,000. If you are about to graduate We're grateful for our PUBfrom the liberal arts department LTC LIBRARIES. you can hardly expect to get work so easily as your technical MACDOWELL CLUB classmate. In the first place you Five of the world's greatest naturally are somewhat doubtful musicians will give recitals next as tp what you are fitted for. As year in the assembly hall at New a matter of fact you were not Trier high shcool. These worldfitted exactly, by your schooling, famous artists are Louise Homer, for anything. You may teach or contralto; Ossip Gabrilowitsch, do newspaper work or keep house pianist ; Reinald Werrenrath, for your f.olks or somebody else. baritone ; Maria I vogun, soprano; From this point of view the Pablo Casals, 'cellist. The averarts student seems less fortunate age price, to the subscriber, for than the technical. But what the each recital is $1.50. former loses in economic advanIncredible, that we on the north tage he may gain in cultural shore should have almost in our growth. And sometimes a young very homes vocal and instru!'lan r~ally gai~s by not finding mental solos by men and women tmmedtatety hts place at the who are the best in their own world's work-bench. fields I Read the names again and see if you can imagine a more BOYS AND MEN representative list of the world's The participation of the Amer- greatest musicians. Of course lean Legion m the beswwing of Galli Curci, Paderewski, Kreisler, the Eagle Scout medal on Linus d M Co k Smith of Wilmette was a notable an c rmac are missing, but even royal banquets can be too event. We have not lost sight sumptuous. o~ the fact that this medal is the If necessary you ought to h!ghest honor .that the recog- mortgage y,:mr home rather than ntzed board of control can best<?w not be a subscriber. These reupon a hoy $.cout, but. we des1re citals are red-l~tter occasions, tne to call espeaa~ attention to the like of which you may never again close c:ooperat10n of th~se . two have offered to you. very tmpor.tant organtzattons, We congratulate the Macone, the Legton, made up of men, Dowell Musical club on sponsorand the otlaer, the B.oy Scouts, ing this unique recital series. JDade up of boys. Boys an~ men together-that's It's p><>d «» be friendly with the way_ st ~ ought to be more the police. But when you're aroften. flow. much each ~n do rested for speeding, forret your for the other f As t!'e nottc«: to friendliness and remember that JDemberl of e ~ puts st- he is an officer of the law. _.At the ap the examples set by ie a hie thing." Park the right side of your car The preseace of men at a meet- close to the curb, and don't furIll&" of boy· always reacts bene- get that the right side is the right adaDy oa bOdi pUtiea: the men side. or JCACII WBBK ao/!l1sTEa. po. ntE PUBLIC LIBRARY To Vacation Lands ofWisconsin andNorthem Michigan JLL aboard for vacation lands of Wisconsin and Northern Mich.. igan! The convenient, enjoyable, clean way to go is over the North Shore Line. Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nahmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake.Also direct connections with Milwaukee Northern R.R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, Crystal .Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads connect with North Shore Line trains. Step from your North Shore train in Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train outside the door. workec rest, '! bean (!./2. House exact and 31 The favorit profeSl farce is ext· The eludes drama I Amon~ Bucha1 Messrs Matz, Nichol man. Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Manistee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake and Onekema. Leave here in afternoon; take night steamer from Milwaukee, arriving in Michigan next morning. Fast trains leave for Milwaukee over the North Shore Line, at frequent intervals. You may buy a "through" ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of destination. For schedules, fares or other information, inquire at North Shore ticket office. Chicago North Shore and MilwaUkee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 MOTOR COACH TOURS a-.· .,. .....,. trt...-ns ......... ......,. trt..-tse -u- to wke Geaeva - · retara, · . laela·... TMat trt·, 7 .... 7 t r l . - - . . . . . . ··el. . . . . ··tel.. ·eab ··· . . .t trl....... ----- ................... ., trl.--411 .Uet~o ... el. . l q ._..... -alii :.-:-.~n~th'th~e '!~ =·M~.~~~·~~".f:.:a =-~~reieo~elepbooe State s1u ..... All Filling Statio111 Loolt Alilte so you can hardly judge by appearances as to the quality of the gas and oil or the service you will receive. We are willing to be judged by both, and if we fail to satisfy you we don't want your patronage, no matter how convenient it is.