WILMETTE 13. 1924 Tbe North ShOre \'assar ·r Dr and Mrs. M. H. Bickham, 429 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mahan ~nt~r A recital will be gi,·en by t h e pupt s " . -·~· nth. street, gave a dinner on Friday, meet Tuesday, 1...e 17, at 2 :30 Marsh on Saturday. ·" M A. J at the home of Wrs. Philip P. tained 16 memb~rs of the Spur and of Hildegard Lind 'd June 6, in honor of Mr. and rs. Saddle club at breakfast recently at J une 14, at J o 'c 1oc: k · at t he res· ence Ell:.ott. Among the guests were Dr. 425 Greenwood boulevard, their borne, 718 Elmwood avenue, with of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berstiach, Indian Hill road, \Vinnetka. Those · nd Mrs. Gilbert Stansell and Rev. and This will be the final meeting Miss Ann Harding of the "Horse year. The following notice comes from the Thief" company as the guest of honor. taking part are Dillon and Jade Kai'K- ~Irs. Francis C. Stifter. burst of Evanston; Dorothy Biehl --o· ~ Ravinia ticket campaign committee: This began a series of breakfast rides and Gregory Barton of Wilmette; Mr. and ~irs. Donald Simmons reMrs. Hubert arleton, 1103 p.._ 4'he advance sale of subscription to be given by members of the club. Helen Bersbach, Herbert Butz, Sher- turned from Fort Dodge, Iowa, on avenue, and her daughter, Phy · Mrs. Mahan is among the exhibitors hooks last season (1923) was the largest in the history of Ravinia Park, ex- at the South Shore club this year, man Taylor, Philip vonAmmon, Barb- Wednesdav. They are the guests of leaving Monday to spend a ._.. ceeding for the first time the sale of where she has entered her west coast ara Hobart. Diantha Schmid, Frances Mr. and ~irs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Ceo- visiting Mrs. Carleton's mother Newtonville, Mass. tickets during the war times when champion, Glittering Glory, in the Whitman, Katharine Korrady, Harriet tral avenue. -o-o-people bought so generously in order three gait class. Glittering Glory has Dallas, Harriet Daughaday, Barbara Bersbach, Mary Newhall, Clayton One of the Tuesday clubs met for Mr. and Mrs. W. E. TenBroeclc will to entertain the men from Fort Sheri- won 23 ribbons in the last year, besides Paulson, Marion Hilpert, Mary Cushluncheon and bridge this week with occupy . the Carleton residence, 111.1 dan and Great Lakes. War times three champion stakes. Helene Mahan is riding her 5 gaited man, Joyce Whitman and Alice Mrs. Geor~e D. White at her home on Forest avenue, during the su~~~~er were lean times and times of economy m_o_n_th_s_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ and sacrifice and yet the residents of mare, Marigold, in the children's class Odhner of Winnetka; Ruth Findlay 1_Gr_e_en_w_o_o_d_a_v_en_u_e_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the north shore were then greater at the Horse Show. She won the and Janet Kirk of Glencoe. --opatrons of this beautiful outdoor silver championship cup in the junior The Junior Auxiliary of the Infant ride given by the Spur and Saddle temple of music than other times! club this spring. Welfare society will meet at the home The season of 1924 should break that of Mrs. C. B. Blake, 1009 Chestnut -o-of last season's record because Mr. The social committee of the avenue, Monday, June 16. at 2 o'clock. Eckstein is offering opera given by the greatest artists in the world and \Voman's club of Wilmette gave a de- There will be sewing during the bu ibecause the north shore has increased lightful get-together luncheon Tues- ness meeting followed by bridge for so in population in the last twelve day, June 10, at the clubhouse. The those who wish to play. Tea will be months. If the new north shore resi- table was artistically decorated with served. dents have for any rea son been omit- spring flowers. Mrs. Kline, president -<>-Mrs. Gertrude Lees Roberts, who ted by the canvassers they will greatly of the club, and Mrs. 1'\orma Fuchs, please the town chairmen if they will social chairman, were the guests of gave her annual pupils' recital last notify them, and new members, honor. week, has discontinued tea::~; ing for holders of the subscription hooks, are Mrs. Kline will entertain the com- this season, and is leaving the end u1ged to affiliate with the Ra\'ini::. club mittee in J,uly. of the week to pass the summer in whose great work for the children on Colorado. Mrs. Roberts will resume -<>-Thursday afternoons is too well known The card party to be gi,·en at the her teaching early in September. to be commented on now. The enter- home of Mrs. John Boylston, 1302 -o-taining of children from the Chicago Chestnut avenue, on Wednesday, June Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carnahan were slums and settlements is a great fea- 18, at 2:30 o'clock is for the benefit dinner hosts on Thursday evening at Bcg: nn 'ng Monday, June 16th, and continuing throughout the ture of the work of this organization." of the St. Francis Xavier School fund . their home on Central avenue, on the sumt:· £'r. I \\' :11 conduct regular clinics every Monday, WednesMrs. A. W . Levy is chairman of the Those who have this affair in charge occasion of their anniversary. Their dry - nd rricay tr.orn "ng from 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. and on Mondays Wilmette committee. hope for a large attendance. guests were the members of Mrs. Car:-nd Fdd:>ys from 3 to 5 P . M., at which time parents can bring -a-o-nahan's Tuesday bridge club and their in their children for examination and be advised as to the conHarry \\'. Hopp and family, 225 )frs. J. E. DeBerard who makes her husbands. dit :on of their eyes. Linden a\·enue, and Mr. and Mrs. Ro- home with her son and his wife, Mr. -o-Th ·~ examination will in no way obligate anyone, and is inJlert G. Saxer are visiting the David and ~{rs. C. }. DeBerard, 803 ElmTt is hoped that a large number of t end ed rrimarily to provide data for a report which will be issued Maney family a,t Barlow, Ky. Mr. wood avenue, was expected to return villagers will attend the card party to 1:- ter. a r.<l be a means of comparing our youngsters· eyes with Maney, formerly a resident of Wil- \Vednesday from the Evanston hos- he given by the Catholic Daughters of those of less favored communities. It will also enable parents to mette, was one of the original mem- pital where she had been for five America on Friday, ]t·ne 13, at the St. get competent advice regarding their childrens' eyes. hers of the Wilmette park board weeks. Joseph's school hall. Lake and Ridge leaving here to reside at Crown Point' --oavenues. There will be tables for 14 Y eara of Succ:eaaful Practice Tnd., where he was an officer of th~ Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich are 'bridge, five hundred, euchre and bunco. Allman Gary Till company until ill- leaving Wednesday for Hanover, N. -o-ness caused him to retire in 1922. H., where their son, George, Jr., is Mrs. John R. M. Polk and her -ap:raduating from Dartmouth college. daughter, of St. Louis, Mo., are the Arthur L. Rice, 518 Central avenue They will include ~ew York and guests of Mrs. 0. A. Borden, 1531 For·er Mer. 0111t. De111t.. c. D. Pea~k. lae. is leaving Wilmette on Sunday fo; Boston in their fortnight's trip. \Valnut a\·enue. 1177 Wilmette AYeaue, Wilmette the east, where he will be joined by For appointment pboae Wil. Z7M or ReaW.ace Wil. 1717 his daughter, Miss Betty, who has HoW'S daily 1:31 to 5:30 P. M. EYeaina· by appointm-t only. ....-o--.-C · Announcing Judg Fair ll of thei family, ,Mrs. Iowa, Earl 11 nue. Mis Mr, alt Central Sweet Miss ed to days Miss avenue ton an mence Geor univer sum me avenu Free Clinics For Children ~l.1':~:t~:t~7.j~~;~:1~r~:· ~;:1~~ ~I r.,, H. E. Preston, 1031 Greenwood M c r..... AiWELL. . . . :;:. . . HRYSLER. . . . ., M o To R c A R s Dr. 0. H. Bersch, Optometrist Miss avenue from 1 Mass. --b'u' . , v~-~~ Mr. and Mrs. George J. Phillips 1119 F~rest avenue, h11ve returned fr~m a ~~£~~i~l~?f~~t¥~~{Tfi '~= ....A~ _ _ .._ ..... _ ~ -~· The Neighbor'h!d circle met on SALES SERViCE'-Ul Tuesday with Mrs. Paul G. Turner, Facing "L" Tracks at University Place. ~ 739 Twe If t h street. femJmHHnnJHnnuuuuunuuJuuuunJnuJunmJumn·unnunmmnmunJmumJnnnnnum 1111 J 111111111111111111 m 1111 m 111111111 mmmm111111111111111111111111111111 ~ ~ f = ~ = uNIVER;;·:;; I:OiftT D't!II&Oil v;~;~; sAL£s 1= ~ ~L ~ JOHN B. NAZARIAN Oi'lenW an DOmea nve. EVANSTON ;; " - J Ruga Unusual offering of Fine Oriental Rugs at We are willing to stake our reputation and years of experience in this buaibaa never seen such a combmation of beauty, utility and economy in a motor car, u we now offer you in the new Moon Two-Door Sedan. Seeing ia believing. Come and look at the car. n~u ~n the plain atatement that the N ortb Shore Full room for five aclalt puaengen. 'four aeab adjustable to ...; lee room. Re.dy acc.u to aD4I from back aeat without cliatarbiq frOBt ~w to the roa.d. Fully eqaippeci-Bamper; Motor Seme,.._.; Bar Lock; Diac Wheela; Fave Baloon laree; Hydnulic 4-Wh..l Bnkee, delivered to YOU ready to drive, frei·ht and tax paid for. a surprising low cost. Also special prices on Cleaning and Re- Han·· ,......era. pairing during the month of June. MOO Slocum Motor Sales 1029 Davis St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 10194 Pbonea WilmeHe and Winnetka 727 578 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka "Mr. Happy-ga-lucky alwoys hGs 11 lot of lire trouble" says Speed O'DGy. B ETTER take along an extra tire. It is a matter of sense to take two if you are going on a long trip. The 9eneral tire lives Up to its mileage promtse.