WI y 11 1924 WHATS Gaines Young, until recently a resiThe Ouilmette Council, Knishts of Rev. Herman W . Meyer, .pastor of dent of Wilmette and connected with Columbus and Ouilmette Court, St . John's Lutheran church, will atthe Northern Trust company of Chi- Da ug hters of America, will hold a jo int tend the session of the international r motored from the west cago, was taken by death Thursday, yesterday, and, stopping .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. !July 3, in the Methodist hospital at basket picnic Sunday, August 10, in convention of the Walth er ~ague of t he Glenview Forest Preserves, it was the L u theran d enomination, to be held hall, alighted from his During one of the exciting moments lAdianapolis, Ind., following an oper- announced this week. in St . Paul, M inn., July 13-18. Mr. 'round the triangle. at Tuesday's meeting of the board of ation. There will be special awards for Meyer represen ts the Synodical board fellow's taking in the trustees, President Edward Zipf exMr. Young was operated upon winners in the various athlet ic an\! of publicity a nd lectures a t the coarked one of a group claimed : "Fight it out among your- fot appendicitis at St. Luke's hospital, field events scheduled for the day's ven tion. in front of the Wilmette selves, I'm through-I'll be 'damned if Chicago, some time ago, going dir~ctly program. Delegates from St. J ohn's unit of the he's contemplating buy- I do and I'll be damned if I don't." from the hospital t" visit his fiancee, Walt her league will be th e Mis&es e property." A hearty laugh was indulged by the Miss Charlotte Brandon Howe, at InMr. and Mrs. John Fuhrmann and Esther Schmeisser and Ber th a Knobel. · one was mistaken . big audience that heard the sally and dianapolis, where he fell into what their son, Carl, 1630 Lake avenue, sailed as far from being a real caused one of the visitors to say: proved to be a fatal illness. from New York for abroad July 5, Ellis Jones of W ilmette, acco~ In fact, his watch "I don 't believe the old warrior will . Funeral services were held at Vin- where they are planning to spend three panied by Kenneth Dowse of Kemland he was looking for evt>r abandon the love for a fight; he's cennes, Ind., February 16, 1898, and months in European travel. worth left Wednesd ay for a canoe by which to set it going sure \¥ilmette's premier financier. home of his brother. -otrip in' t he lakes of north ern Wisconsin. Mr. Y,oung was born near VinTalk about Andrew Mellon and his Dan G. Stiles, 1101 Forest avegue, re- · -ou a town clock in this treasury plans, why who forgets when cennes, Ind., February 16, 1898 and htrned on Monday from Lc:Juisville, Mrs. L. Osborne, 1428 F_orest ~venue, finally inquired of a Zip£ found the village's finance s in was a graduate of La Porte High where he spent a few days visiting rela- is spending t he summer m We tgand's he. chaos and how he put them in order. school in 1917. He received the A. B. Bay, Wisconsin. ," came back the m. a .· TJ!ose were days of rough sailing on deg-ree at the University of !~diana tives and friends. clocks are indoors-in the political seas and none but a in 1921 and concluded a course m the ut there's something just financial navi gator of dauntless cour- Harvard Business school in 1923. sube better," and he pointed age could weather the &torm. I don't sequently accepting a position in the t of the First National know who'll succeed Mr. Zip£ in the bonding, analyzing and statistics desynchronized timepiece. ,·illage president's chair, but I do know partment of the Northern Trust comsq.id the stranger, "how that when he' s gone Wilmette will those bank people are; one feel lonesom e." paWe. was a memb er of the Baptist ze s the value of a correct church, the Phi Gamma Delta frafor the public's service until ·k S1 S · ternity and the masonic order. B UIC the use of it." a ea, erv1ce He is survived by his parents, fiye is remark he motored off. Station Opens Here brothers and a sister and wa to have r realized before," remarked ' been married this fall. Leonard A. James, one of the most philosopher whQ witnessed Mr. Young's sister, Miss Edith t. "how lacking the village successful automobile salesmen of the Young, is a well known resident of clocks. There 'oughta' be country, and among the best informed Wilmette, havin~ been a instructor s (')n display. what with all men in all the departments of that in- in piano here during the past four ters and others who must dustry, has opened a Buick sales and years. se ly on the trains. Let's service station at t.141 Greenleaf avenue, ign for more clocks." Wi lmette, where he will display a comDr. Stephen A. Lloyd has returned plete line of the Buick factory's products. after a week with the Roosevelt troop, Previous to associating himself with Boy Scouts, in Camp near Sawyer, Street May Bring the Buick people, Mr. James was a lead- Michigan. of Excitement Soon ing salesman on the Cadillac Motor com-opany's staff in the Evanston branch. His Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McCallum, 1331 chroeder has a double dis- record with that concern won him an Chestnut avenue, have been at Spider that of owning a lot right of a public highway and enviable reputation among the trade Lake, Wisconsin, for two weeks. throughout the country. Up to June 1, elding one of the most ns in all of New Trier town- this year, at which time he relinquished roeder established these facts his position with the Cadillac people to to the entire satisfaction of join the Buick forces, Mr. James stood st and most select lobby in first place among the Cadillac salesa village trustee meeting. men and last year the volume of his busiabove-mentioned is situated ness put him in 9th place in competition ter and lops over on either with all the automobile salesmen of the h street between Wilmette nation. OPTICAL SERVICE The Wilmette Buick showrooms and land avenues. Some time to be satisfactory, must be der offered it to the vil- service station will be kept open hange for $500. The gen- week day until 9 o'clock P. M. and complete without division of was for some inexp lic- ing the mornings on Sundays. resp,o nsibility. Mr. James is making his home at 922 n thrown into t he trustees' OUR SERVICE kef or otherwise effectively Oak street, Winnetka. SANS ACLOCK Battling Etl Zipl ·Get· a Laugh With His "I'm Through" Gaines Youn8, Former Catholic Group. to Hold Attead Walther Leape Resident, Puaea Away Outin· at Glenview Sooa Seaaiaaa at St. Pnl Reduction in Prices A substantial reduction in the prices of Exide Batteries for automobile starting and lighting is announced, effective July lat. In making this announcement, we wish to state emphatically that none of the well-known qualities which have always characterized Exide Batteries · has been sacrificed to make this reduction possible. The same materials and the same high-grade workmanship which you have always associated with Exide Batteries will continue to feature their construction. c. ~ILE is now worth $800, Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blaylock and he still is dangling it on fami ly, 1232 Lake avenue. have gone bargain counter as . a bait to their summer home in Michigan, to trustees. He told them so, be away two months. night, in what many of the be,st literary critics have d as his masterpiece. In se treasure, he warned the t hat unless it takes this lot hands he will be ob liged to it in as a cemetary for Wilhas-been politicians." ocument was received , filed be considered by the proper it was explained. EMBRACES Eye Examination Grinding of Lenses Designing and Making of Glasses Repairjng of Br9ken Glasses Accurate adjustment to t he face We carry a large assortment of Goggles or Protection Glasses. 14 Years of Successful Practice Exi~e BATTERIES Ask for Prices Winnetka Exide Battery Service U. C. ABEL, Manqer Open from 7 :30 A. M. to 7 :30 P. M. Sundaya, 9 to lZ Z-3 Carlton Building Phooe Wianetka 1387 Dr. 0. H. Bersch ldrcn's program at Ravinia afternoon, July 17, will be rm of a Fairy Story After[any of the tales told in tlie ades of the schools will find actcrs on this program. 1 numbers will be under of Eric DeLamarter. The include: e to "Secret of Suzanne" ............. Wolf-Ferrari Gavotte, Suite in D. . ... ....... ... . ..... ... .. Bach e from "The Midsum mer f. 0. b. FfiiV. ...... 's Dream" .. Mendelssohn from "The Bat" . Strauss WELLS· WESCOT CO., INC. Chase Schaeffer will be the 1103 Chieaao An. Phoae 1151-1857 the queer Prince." Davida E ...aaatoa istler will p lay the accomPeoria The All-Year Car for Every Family Optometriat Fo,ur M,r. Optu.J D1tl. C. D. Pldtoclt, ltat For A-ppolataeat P·o·e WU.li'TM or Re·ldeaee Wllaette 1'701' HoD'I'II dall;r fro· 8130 A. H. to &aao P. H. B"e'· avpotata-t. 1177 Wilmette Ave. ·:r Whatever thl Circumstance· tile ..... eoart.q--dMt . - . 1aelpftal . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . all perplaiac detaf!r .,. _.. . . . . ,.. wiMtlaer 7 ·· ..... .. 111llladtM ap llldl twe or whather dmuutaDcel .....- that ,_ .......... aclae--. Is properly s~ed for use in every heating plant. Make your furnace responsible for the fuel it consumes. Our Service Man will inspect your plant and give you good fuel advice without cost to you. For SaleS, EDINGER & SONS KUTTEN BROS. Phone Wilmette 654 1124 Central Ave. WilmettP. Wilmette 641 Wilmette 1 Call IA'Wflll4le 7025 {01' our Ftft Snria