WILMETTE LI 19l4 elen Shurtleff Selects the Day for her Wedding avenue halt hter, Phyltj, day evenint Rev. Georgt hich will be ~ a rents. Mrs. James d Miss Doria ry Day, ~ llbri ght, Mr. ISS Helen Shurtleff will marry C. Dean Klahr of Clarion, Pennsylvania, on Saturday ing September 6, at the residence her ' father, Wilford C. Shurtleff, Lake avenue. A wedding supper be served , to the guests at the Miss -Dorothy V. Smith , of 419 Ninth street will give a beach party and suP.p~r for eighteen guests on the Wtlmette beach, next Wednesday. -o. f . 803 M iss Kathryne Winship o f M h Chestnut avenue ha s le f t 0 .r tc tgan Miss Marie Vandenberg of Grand and Indiana, where s~e wtll be .gone Rapids, Michigan, is spending the suin- a month visiting relatives and fnends. mer with Mr.· and Mrs. I. G. Nichols -oof 1223 Wilmette avenue. At the end Mr and Mrs. William Ma~on of 1111 of the week, the Nichols and their guests Sheridan road have as their guests, Dr. will take a motor trip through northern and Mrs. E . J. Farnum of Fort Meyers, Wisconsin. Florida. · ~ Mrs. Elmer Abrahamson and daughters, Gertrude and Beatrice, of Ludington, Michigan, will motor to Wilmette next week, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E . D. Yarian of 1201 Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Knudseh of 424 Prairie avenue. -o-Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hannewalt and their daughter, Lois, 430 Ninth street, left Saturday to drive to Pelican Lake, Wisconsin. They will be away for a fortnight. '""""()- Miss Edna Dean Baker, president of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college spent the week-end at Oak Opening, a most attractive camp for girls in their teens, near Saugautuck, Michigan. This camp is in charge of Miss Etta Mount and Miss Olive Hazel. Miss Mount is a f h 11 f 1 b . ·member o t e co ege acu ty, emg in charge of the department of physical expression. -o-Mr. and Mrs. ] . Glen Wray and their family motored to Little Sister Bay, 'Wisconsin, last week. They will -o-spend a few days at "The Lodge," M.rs. J . H . Morris an~ ~~by of Con- and will then continue their motor stantine, Michigan, are vtsttmg Mr. and trip into Minnesota. Mrs. H. H. Hoffman of 411 Tenth - ..:...--- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - street, for a few weeks. --o- Lloyds !ling in other who relUain the summer ast week for Twenty young guests gave a surprise party on Wednesday eve!ling of last week for Max Humphreys of 519 Gregory avenue who left the following day for the citizens' training camp. '""""()- Mr. and Mrs. H . J. ~mith of 806 Oakwood avenue are spendmg t~o weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Smtth up at Manitowish, Wisconsin. -oDr. and Mrs. W eishaar of 816 Oakwood avenue are motoring through the east. They expect to return August 11. -o-Mrs. C. S. Keith, 222 Ninth street, are spending the summer in northern Wisconsin. --o- home of Mr. se who were di son Wildes, ey and Crossley, aud ey of Honesiscilla Lloyd, te. Edwin Heckler, who has been living in Madison this past year, has been spending two weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E . Heckler, 1109 Greenwood avenue. '""""()- Mrs. Eugene Goller. 418 Tenth street, has as her guest, Mrs. Louis Nathan of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. A luncheon will be given in her honor on Tuesday, August ·12. '""""()- Mrs. John Segsworth of F<?rest avenue, is taking a few week s rest at the North Shore Health Resort. -oM iss Bertha Davies, 427 Nin~h street, is spending two weeks m Boston. -oM iss Florence Dilnine of Freeport, Il linois, is the house guest of Mrs. C. Braithwaite of 906 Greenwood avenue. --o- Play and Rest mn gtma Ashley avenue, her n of Mr. and Miss Haines, aines, will be h e exact day. ~o Fischer and reet. entertained bn Sunday trt. nd Mr . Wa~tr. who were mat· the afternoon, ne of the Rev. officiated at the ann wa s Miss ka. and groom. r , of Cni .-J~~ Tom Nieman l d his son. th stree t, r~; a two weeks and his son. s grandf ather. cwport, Minthe cast, made ation s, when native town. er the family Parker and his New York, for Announcement is made of the birth of a daughter on August 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Hyal of Indiana. Mrs. Hyal was formerly Miss Evelyn Humphrey. --oMr .and Mrs. J, F . Byrnes are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seng at th e lo~ e of the se rvice which the Rev. latter's summer home at Eagle River. lbcrt Stansell will read at 8 :30 Wisconsin. The Byrnes expect to r eturn home next week. clock. '""""()ll iss Shurtleff has chose n as her Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Durham of 71.l wo attendants. her sisters. Mrs. John · Campbell and Mrs. Munroe Cole. Greenwood avenue left Saturday for illiam ·Mott er of New York City will Wisconsin, where they will spend a week or so. serve a ~ ~lr. Klahr's best man . -oA number of parties are being Mrs. Anna Arnold, 1410 Gregory planned for the bride elect, but at the avenue, has returned from a six weeks' !'resent time the definite date for only sojourn at her summer home, "Arnold one of them has been set. Next Wed- Chateau," at Fish Creek, Wisconsin. esday evening. ~Ir s. Campbell is giv-og a bridge at th e Shurtleff home. Mrs . Lloyd S. Lourie and her son '""""()of 1023 Lake avenue are leaving next Mrs. ]. H. Long, !'.15 Gregory a~e week Wedne sday for a month's trip entertaitted this week for her ltt- to Glacier Park. ~r·~"·"·u,!Jhter, Evelyn, in celeb\·ation . -os sevenfl) birthday. 1 welve Mrs. William B. Palmer, 1132 Forest were there. avenue, returned to her home Sunday --o::. fter undergoing an operation at St. M r. and Mrs. W . F. Prisk and their Luke's ho spital. Vernon, of 222 Catalpa place, are -o'ng August 7 for Green Lake, WisMr. and Mrs. C. W . Bossert and consin, where they will spend a week family who have been living at 317 ()f two. Park avenue, moved to Wisconsin --oa bout a week ago. 1fr. and Mrs. E dwin Dempsey and '""""()r. and ~Ir s . T . ]. Adam s left Wed~fr s. ] . B. Bartholomew and her two for an a utomobile trip to children rturned Monday to their h~rn \Vi sconsin . home, 104 Ninth street, after a ten --oday visit in Valparaiso, Indiana. Mr. Bass of Oln ey. Illinois, is vi sit -ohi s brother. Paul Bass , SIS ElMrs. L. C. Werden, 229 Ninth street, t h street. is convalescing from a severe illness -oat the Evanston hospital. Mr. Hoffman and hi s son , John, and -oillip H. Braun returned last week L. E. Blunt is confined at his home, a motor trip to Sister Bay, Wis. ·.1008 Oakwood avenue, with illness. M iss Alma Jones is the guest of Miss Shirley Cawkwell, 802 Ashland avenue, for the week. -o- WiSCOiisin Play- happy hours on sparklin· blue lakes; hikes over pinepaved trails; fishing; golf; bathiq. Rest - in the balsam-tinctured air; in the warm sunshine and in long nights' sleep under blankets. Lv . Chioa~7:00p. aa. (-.c:n)daily,es.Sua. F red C. Houghton is spending a fortnight visiting relatives in Toronto and at Niagra Falls. Wisconsin Lakes Special for Three Lakea, Balle River , Coaover, Pbelpe, State Liae, Watenmeet, Rhiaeluder, Tomahawk Lake, Woodruff, Leo du Flambeau, Powell, Mallitowiah, Mercer, Wiaobeater and Wiaefer, erriviq early aext morniof. Drewiq room ud opea eectioa eleepiol oan, obeerntioa·lou.,. car, aervial eppetizia~ buffet luooheoa aad breakfut. The All.-Year Car for Every Family S..Passenger Sedan 1- ..... ,.,., ....... ~~- foltlttr - · frr:c OIIJ'eqwsa Ashland Limited ~~~ Setuon. IIUI'ty-da, and w·et-end ,,.., _......_,.........,,.,.,.,., '795 Peoria E. E. ORNI!R, Tick.c A..C. 4 N. W. R.,. W illllelte, Jtl . Telepboa e · ... tkiflt.r at barlloln faru. WELLS- WESCOT CO., INC. U03 Chic:aro A..,e. Phone USI-8!157 Bloomia~on EYanaton 9 dior.o &ffolml WEmRN h · Who doesn't like Bananas? Everyone who does will surely appreciate GOLDENROD BANANA ICE CREA~1. Full flavored, ripe tropi-. cal fr uit imparts to GOLDENROD BANANA ICE CREAM the distinctive flavor that makes it irresistible. Order GOLDENROD BANANA ICE CREA11 from your dealer todayt It is mo~t delicious! ·F. I. B. ART SHOP Formerly Gairing Fine Arts During the months of J uly and August we are offering a discount of 20% on picture and mirror framing. 1640 Orrington Ave. Evanaton, Ill. Phone Evanaton 770 ley of 234 Ca-l uring the early. breaking botb the last part the home of Mrs. Bradley ilmette in two Gregory avenue, isconsin, where Seng, for two Smith of LeDhouse gue t of nig for a few Sttah 6- Chiclttn Djnners &.UNCft i ON SIA.V & D AT NOON#> Only Twenty Minutea by Motor from the North Shore Buainesa Diatrict When you order Ice Cream sPecify GOLDENROD The name may be taken literally as our g uarantee, a nd as a definit e pledge of better quality Ice Cream. Business Men's Lunch 314 Park aveMiss Hermi.l The Proctors from a motor thev vis, Dr. Wells. Seventy-five Cenb GOLDENROD ICE CREAM COMPANY 937 West 21st Street Tel. Rooaevelt 2980-all department.. Get away from business by taking time off at noon for a run out into the count ry. CHICAGO, ILUNOIS