meet game aveday of Wilmette = E. A. DANNEMARK President T Obe so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of tnind. T Otalk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you tneet. TO tnake your friends feel that there is - tnething in then1. ORlAN GALITZ Fint Vice President = === TO look at the sunny side of everythjno· and tn~kc y optin1i n1 con1e true. ur = :s } LEE ROSBERG Second Vice President TO think only of the be::;t, to work nly for the best and to expect only the best. i] ~ ~ ~~ ~:£) TO be just a. enthusiastic about the succe - of others as you are about your own. TO forget the mi stakes of the past and press on to the greater achieven1ents of the future. TO wear a cheerful countenance at all titne , and give every living- creature you tnect a . mile . = §i CARL RENNECKAR Third Viet President ;;;::::: :c::: ~11 TO give o n1uch tin1e to the itnproyement of yourself that you have no time to criticise others. TO be too larg-e for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the pre ence of trouble. -C HRTSTIA~ D. LARSON. = .= 5 · = -- i! CARL E. STERNER Fourth Vice President = ~ - I = -= § DR. D. W. RAPP Secretary = = ;;;::::: §E = !!!!!!!!: = == = = luWIBIIHIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIII.HWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIWIIIIHHIIIHHIIIIIUIIIUII-·UUI.UIIIUIIII.III.IUIIUI-UIUiliHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIliiiiiiiiiiiDIIWIU.U. . . . . . . .II. . . . . == = = N. A. SCHWALL TtetUutet HOWARD BOARD REV. GEORGE P. MAGILL Sttgttznt -at-Arm·