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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 1

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F......,TM Lake Shore Ins A Cl.an Ne ..,_,.r lor a Cl.an Commanit;y VOL. XIII, .NO. 46 009 lhn, ~ in ~th WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAy, AUGUST 15, 1924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS HOLIDAY FOR WIL ETTE,. AUGUST 20TH BOARD PONDERS mmJzo~ =TRED PLAN DEFENSE BUILDING CODE PROGRAM HERE Believe Puaaae of Ordinance WUI Require Several Owners of property abutting on Main street sent a petition to the village board on Tuesday evening, urging that Main street be rezoned into a residential area from Oakwood street on the south to Isabella street and from Lake avenue north to the village limits. The proposition was referred to a zoning commission composed of F.]. Newey, Elmer D. Becker, George T. Hellmuth, F. C. Huffman and Robert Stoddard. According to a man fully conversant with the situation, if the petitioners are successful, their proposition will reduce property values there about 50 percent and be a bar to the proposed improvement and widening of that thoroughfare. "At certain hours of the day traffic is so heavy on Main street that it is almost impossible to drive through it," one Main street merchant said, \Vednesray. "Why, only a few hours ago I saw two trucks completely block the street. It should be widened and repaved. The present paving is inadequate." ing 11ia, ld's of eks Irs. !ue. ale, ner ick Bob Slt.elton, S111im Champion de Luxe, Acme of MoJe·ty INVITE ALL TO ANNUAL·- PICNIC Vis . and eke ~eir are sin. i:Jay he ed ~~n c. tnp Robert D. Skelton, 511 Park avenue, holder of several world's swimming records, who recently won the 200 meter breast stroke event at tM Olympic games at Les Tourelles, Weeks' Time France, establishing a new world's record in the event, has returned to the village and is finding much of his IS BIG JOB FOR CLERK ENDORSE DEFENSE DAY time taken by requests to "tell the STORES, . SHOPS CLOSE folks all about it." Being a champion appears to be all in the day's work with "Bob," who Every Detail of Measure Ia Would Lay Plana for Demon· i~ a former New Trier student. Contests, Baaeball and Daneatration Program Pressed for details of his remarkable Carefully Checked inca Featurea achievements by members of the Wilmette Rotary club who were his hosts at luncheon this week, the upstanding As the result of action taken Tues- youth insisted upon talking about The long anticipated new building PARADE ROUTE day by the village board o{ trustees en- everything but himself. He gave the ordinance emerged at the village trusThe Wilmette Day Parade route dorsing the observance locally of Na- Rotarians a comprehensive idea of the tees' meeting on Tuesday evening and tiona! Defense Day on September 12, in method of conducting an Olympiad, as announced this week by Grand was the immediate cause of a warm Marshal A. C. Wolff will be as accordance with the general plan out- but said nary a word about the pileand long debate. The discussion arose lined hy the War department, repre nomenal race that won him the cham- follows: over the method by which the docuAssembly at 9:30 o'clock at sentatives of all civic organizations m pionship and helped to materially ment would be approved. President the village as well as other interested boost the averages of the victorious Village hall green, Wilmette and Edward Zip£ said it had been careCentral avenues. fully drawn by the village attorney, citizens of the community, will meet 111 American entries. The procession willproceed north and suggested that it be accepte<! the Village hall assembly rooms Mon He declared. in the course of his without reading. Trustee Baker obday evening, August 18, to discuss defi talk, that, everything considered, the in Twelfth street to Elmwood aveiected. Mr. Baker said he preferred nite plans for a program here on that Americans received fair treatment at nue· east on Elmwood avenue to reet ; south on Sixth street to know what the ordinance contained day. the Olympic games. Housing condi- Sixth stbefore lending his approval. Every person in the village who en- tions and food were not of the best to Lake avenue; east on Lake avenue to Fourth street; south on "It was drawn by our own attorney," dorses the government's plan for a at all times, he said, but the hardy Fourth street to Linden avenue; said President Zipf, "to whom we pay Mobilization Test is urgently requested Yankees soon accu~tomed themselves west on Linden avenue to Prairie $1,000 a year for such work; I believe by President Zipf and the board of to the strange surroundings and went northward on Prairie avewe can dispense with the reading and trustees to attend the meeting on Mon- abom the business of capturing the avenue; to Lake avenue; west on Lake pass it." day and offer suggestions concerning bulk of the honors just as though they nue avenue to the picnic grove at Lake how Wilmette may best observe the day. were on their "home grounds." "Because we pay an attorney $1,000 a year for this work is no reason, to I IZens rged 0 Attend As set forth in recent issues of WIL- Boh talked about .ten minutes and and Ridge avenues. my mind, why we should not examine Notification Tuesday MET'!'£ LIFE, Defense Day contemplates managed to say absolutely nothing its provisions," Mr. Baker answered. Stores, shops and offices will be a test of the progress made in our na- about himself. At the close of the Orner tM Toiler tional policy of preparedness. It will Rotary meeting, however, he was be- closed on Wednesday, August 20. While the debate was in progress. determine in a great measure just how sieged with questions and contrived there was one person in the room who Wilmette citizens have been invited well the United States is prepared to to "open up," just a bit, to the utter when Wilmette enjoys its annual manifest.ed unusual concern over the by the City of Evanston and national insure ~. the o«a ion thu!l oong a de\i~ht of tho e who held him hol\day-Wt\mette Day-which outcolne. H(' wa· J Clerk Ea 1 1 E. leaders in charge of the program, to g.reat peace demonstration rather than raptive. takes the form of an old-fashOrner, and ~ t ""'ne might. The attend the ceremonies and festivities ioned picnic at the grove at Lake ordinance is a formidable docq,ment in attendant upon the forma\ notifica- a military round-up, as has been intiand Ridge avenues. For several bulk, maybe not so large as Holy tion on Tuesday, August 19, by the mated by those opposed to the pro~rit, but still a big volume. If Republican party that Gen. Charles G. cedure. weeks the Chamber of Commerce, It has been suggested by Maj. Gen. 1t were to be read, the job would de- Dawes has been nominated to be the sponsor of Wilmette Day, has Harry C. Hale, U. S. A., in command volve upon the clerk and though Mr. candidate of that party for Vice been utilizing its entire memberOrner possesses remarkable elocution- President of the United States in the of the Sixth Army corps, including the north shore, that citizens of the various ship it formulating the arrangeary attainments, he has no penchant Nove·m ber election. It is requested that Wilmette citizens communities gather together on Sepfor a reading marathon. But the fates, ments for the outing that is extember 12 to consider various questions on this occasion, were against Mr. who plan to attend the notification pected to claim the attention of relating to preparedness ; to discuss why Orner, and the Baker plan won. activities proceed in a body to the f E b Arran d alJ the householders in the com"It will take probably 50 hours to Dawes residence at Evanston. As- preparedness Is necessary, by what V · t 0 ane y ven ge munity. read this thing," came from the presi- sembly of automobiles is called for 7 authority it exists, why, in reality, it For Annual Program dent, who by this time was evidently o'clock at the Village hall green is the exact opposite c.f a war measure Every detail of the interest and why it wilt insure enduring peace. nettled; "however, we have lots of Those who attend are asked to have laden program has been carefully Plans for Defense Day within the time; let her shoot, Mr. Clerk." their cars placarded with a sign bearworked out by the Chamber of Com army and its reserve units emphasize a When Clerk Orner had recovered ing the name "Wilmette." Water sports will reign supreme in merce comtnittees and it may be safely from the. fi~st shock, he dolefully atAs previously stated in the columns careful check upon the fighting forces Wilmette, Wednesday, August 27. predicted that-provided Old Sol keep tacked h1s JOb. Then somebody sug- of WILME'fT£ LIFt, contracts for of the nation, with particular stress That is the day set for the water car- his appointment-the vi1lager are gest.ed tha~ mere~y the. chapter and Dawes day decorations have been let placed upon the strength of the citi- nival at the bathing beach. due for a day of festivity unparal sec~1o.ns, w1th their captions, be re~d. and arrangements at Evanston call zens' army which is being schooled each leled in the annals of local recreation The reason for choosing a WednesTh1s 1d~a .me~ approval, b~t even w1th for the reception of some 50,000 peo· summer in the various citizens training day rather than a Saturday or Sun- and amusement events. camps. It will be a sort of grand clith~t ehmmahon,. the readmg will re- ple. day, as explained by Beach Master Parade Heralda Enat . · qu1re hours of t1me. max to the period of summer training. Adjourn at lZ:OS A. 'M . Flags: huntmg: str.eet . and h~nse As in other years, activities will be It is expected that the Wilmette meet- Francis Bradley, is to make this a regClerk Orner began at 10:45 o'clock d~corat1.ons ~nd JllummatJOn by mght ing will bring some expert to the village ular Wilmette affair for Wilmette resi- gin with the colorful street proce sion and stuck loyally to his task until w1ll he 111 evtdc;_nce. as a result of con- to explain the meaning of the day and dents. On Saturday and Sunday there a sembly for which is scheduled for the village clock told that it was 12:05. tracts let by the Ctty of Eva~ston last .the importance of preparedness against arc usually a great number of guests 9 :30 o'clock in the morning at the from other communities and the city, Village hall green . Business concerns He might have gone on to the end. week to the. Home Decorat.mg Co!ll- war. and it would he impossible to prevent civic groups and indi"iduals already but some humanitarian interceded with pany of Ch1cago, the Publ~c ?erv1ce the proposition that the meeting ad- Company of .Northern llltno·s and Mrs. Hathaway Gibbons of Kcw York them from taking part in the events. are laying plans to enter the "best journ until Friday evening. The su _ other corporatiOns. A \·ariety of races, feature exhi- looking" car or the "best looking" is \'isiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. gestion wa adopted. g Emphasis is placed upon the fact Charles C. Cameron, 510 Central avenue. bitions, games, fancy diving and other float in the line of march. There wH events are being planned. The races be no prize awards in this competition "When I stopped at 12:05 o'clock that, in.asmuch as the noti~catio!1 cere· Wednesday morning," Mr. Orner said mony IS an event of natJOn.a l ttnport. will include short and long distances it was announced late this week, since yesterday, "I had traversed one third every north shore comml1111ty should for boys, girls, men and women. The the Chamber of Commerce feels that events will be distinct for each class. the rivalry should be purely on theof the ordinance. I believe it will re- be represented at the Dawes home by quire about four meetings to complete large groups of citizens. The demonThe feature exhibitions will prob- basis of civic pride and the approval it. · stration, insofar as the north shore is ahly con sist of the various strokes of the throng of pectators that wi!J (This INue) "I enjoy any variety of work, but T concerned, will be of.~ purely civic used in swimming. including the Au- crowd the line of march. Here's an 8-room home that have some alarm, a fear that this nat.ure a!'d not of a pohtJcal char~cter . The street parade will, by a circuit stralian stroke, the Amt'rican, specialty someone will sell or exchange task will put a period on my conver- It 1.s des1gned as th~ north sh.or~ s ocmethods used by some of the well- ous route, lose itself at the grove on for a bungalow. a flat or some sational powers." easton to express 1ts appreciation _of 'vVest Lake avenue where the 11rincipal known swimmers and long distance clear vacant. Looks lik' oldAs the reading progresses, the trus- t~e l?fty honor co~f.erred upon. a disswim relax methods. Water polo, activities of the picnic will transpire. time bargaining's about due. tees are noting the sections wherein tmgUished fellow c1t1zen and ne·ghbor . water baseball and other games will At that location the pro pective merry-makers will he greeted with a': alterations may be suggested and the be played. People are always looking for A number of Wilmette young men amazing array of novelty attract ion thing gives every promise of occupy- Wilmette Inn May Give good cooks, experienced waitdesigned to attune everyone to the ing the village legislators for some and women, active in college athletics resses. efficient mother's helpers time to come. Zoning Law Real Test throughout the country, have expressed spirit of the festivity. There will he and office assistants. Yes, those the intention of taking part in the something of interest for per on of desires are expressed in our In the early part of this summer. diving contest. A canoe tilting con- all ages from babyhood to easoned want ads. the village trustees rejected an applitest, an umbrella race and other events years and it is cNtain "a good tim WILMETTE DAY cation from the owners of the Wilwill he had by all." are to be on the program. And here's a person who is mette Inn to make $30,000 worth of A relay team from the \Vilmette Racea, Ball C.111e prepared and equipped to do all at a alterations on that property. The apbathing beach is being worked into kinds of sewing and ~mocking. Promptly at 2 o'clock those having plication was turned down because the shape to represent Wilmette in the a penchant for races, conte. t and GLANCE inn is located in a resident ia I zone. relay race for north shore commun- similar competiti\·e events w1ll fare \Veil, sir, somebody became At Tuesday's meeting of the village ities at the water carnival to be held forth to the new municipal play absent-minded and "lifted" an 9:30 A. M.-Parade Assembly at board, a notice from the attorney at Winnetka, Sunday, August 10. grounds located within a hlock of the umbrella from the First National for the inn proprietors .intimated in a Village Hall green. picnic grove whert' will be helrl the Bank at Wilmette and the communication that they proposed to 2:00 P. M.-Races and contests at Grandpa McKeigban Haa annual te t. o{ skill and speed. E\cnt rumor that "it ainta gonna rain municipal playgrounds. Ridge mandamus the trustees if a permit no more" didn't pan out and Birthday Party No. 88 will be in plea in~: variety and there was not issued for the improvement. avenue entrance. the original owner of the shelter will he attractive award. for the Special Feature-First Aid ExhibiAfter some discussion, President A. H. McKeighan, for many years winners and runner . · UP in each comstick i curious, yes, quite tion at municipal playgrounds. Edward Zipf named Tru tees Baker editor of the "Yate City Banner," and petition. anxious to he advised of its 4:00 P. M.-Baseball Game at and Hoffman and Village 11anager who now. resides with his . on, Albert At 4 o'clock the Wilmette Athl ti whereabouts. municipal playgrounds. Schult:z: as a committee to investigate A. McKe·g~an,. at 1~ Forest !lvenue. club baseball t.:am will enter the Afternoon and evening-Dancing the legal phases of the problem and reached hi. ctghty-e·ghth mdestone limelight. pitted against the nine repAnd, say. there are all sorts in pavilion in picnic grove, Lake to learn if it cannot be solved withlast Wednesday. re enting our neighbor Winnetka. of bargains in furniture and and Ridge avenues. out going into court. They will re~e wa:. very much plea ed a!'d sur- The game will be played on the mun.ihousehold appurtenance , and All Day-Excitement and interest port at the next meeting. pr~sed when a numb~r o! h· near cipal playgrounds dtamond and wtlt in automobiles. galore in picnic grove. ~e·ghbors pre ented .h·m .wtth a. beau- . start immediately after the race and "This means," said an official, at the Come out-your neighbors wjll be close of the meeting, "that the Wilttful 10-pound cake, ~nscnbed wtth the co 1 ts han· been compl ted. It will be interesting to glance date, and "Happy B1rthday to Grandn es there. mette Inn people will test the zooing at the Want Ads. pa" as a token of their esteem. (Contmued on page ordinance in the courts." President Zipf and Villaae Board Call CitiMns to Meetiq, Aquat 18 CALL WILMEITE TO HONOR DAWES c·t· u t WATER CARNIVAL HERE AUGUST 21 I In the Want Ads

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