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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1924, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1924 radical departures from the stipulations set forth in the previous ordinance. Yet it does not. In fact virtually all of the revisions and alterations were of a somewhat minor character-technical changes, as it were. There were no insidious "riders" to be ferreted out and cast away. The preceding code was found by i_ts severest critics to have been bmlt upon good, sound, practical judgprotecting the home-owner. ment and with the purpose of The revised code strengthens somewhat the regulations regarding apartment construction. It demands fire-proofing throughout. It is restrictive enough without being unreasonable and should readily weather the exacting te t s of the courts. AND WINTER SUITS COATS AND DRESSES are now on display. Come in and see the latest vogues for the coming seasons. WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Shore Newa) Eetabllshed 1912 with which Ia combined THE WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS Eatabllehed 1898 lSinJED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC, 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. FALL Sofia Stephah TEACHER OF SINGING Tone Building a Specialty at Wilmette Branch Studio 'l'ele····e . . . . . . . . . . . 817BSC&IPI'ION wuaette 1. . Unique Style Shop IIZt CENTRAL AVE. Pia. 1322 Greenwood A·enue Telephone Wilmette Zll On Wednesday from 9 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. PM A YEAR All communication must be accomp&nled by the name and addrellll of the writer. Article· for publication ahould reach the editor by Wedne&da:r noon to Insure appearance In current leau~. Reeolutlone of condolence, cards of thanke, obituary, poetry, notlcee of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged at recular advertising rates. Entered at the poet office at WliJnette, llllnola, aa mall matter of the ·econd claae, under the act of March ·· 1879. ~;iii~~~~iiiii~i~i~ii~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~iiii~ii WiL Z4IS "D FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1924 CAMPING DAYS Separate the Grades. Camping days will soon be but Enforce the Traffic Laws. a memorv, though, for months to Build the Through Traffic Road. Widen tlze Btt-si11ess Thoroughfares come, you will be hearing about hikes, canoe trips, bridge-buildA COMMUNITY FUND ing, reconnoiterings and nights The \\'ilmette Post of the spent out under the stars. American Legion has been reWe have had stories from time sponsible for the successful pros- to time, recounting some of the ecution of three c.ommttnity enter- camp experiences. In them we prises within the past six months pictured ourselves carried back and, ·w'ithout stinting in the to childhood days and revellings matter of arrangements, ex- in the great out-of-doors. Most hihitcd c.ommendahle stewardship of us, perhaps, were never inof fund s ~ecmcd by public sub- troduced to the joys and thrills scription. of camp-life with the grown folks Trustees of the Community around us. We had to be conPatriotic Celebrations' fund ar·e tented with occasional roamings Ralph C'. \Vessel, Lea J. Orr and through the woods, or the forCarl C. Renneckar. H. }. Flen- bidden plunge in some old milltye, Jr., is the t~,;.easurer. They pond. But we did have a glorious report having collected a total of timl:: even in. the f:u·e of the an$899 for the Memorial Day and ticipated dire consequences in the Fourth of July observances and well-supplied woodshed. Boy Scout meeting. Today, that same desire for exT.otal expenditures were cursions into the "wilds;" that $642.08, of which amount $135 same yearning for a swim; that was expended to meet a deficit same answering to the perennial from the 1923 Memorial Day ex- summons to hold communion penses. There is left in the treas- with nature is satisfied-wjth ury the sum of $256.92 to he util- consent of all parties concernedized in future community affairs. in the well-ordered summer At an expen se of less than camps. Every childhood demand $1,(X)(), the Wilme wa~ gi tor w esome iun · ihe most effective Memorial Day There is supervision, to be sure, and Fourth of July programs in but supervision loses itself in the its history. Wilmette Post of diversity of interest provided the American Legion, in cooper- when work and play are judiciation with the Peter }. Huer!er ously and pleasingly intermingled. Post, sponsored t.hese commumty We'd like to go to a modern event~ . They d1d an all:rou~d camp and enjoy it through childgood JOb _and, we feel certam, wt~l hood's wondering eyes. be prevatled upon to repeat thetr efforts in 1925. OPTIMISM DEFENSE DAY Strangely enough habitual pesWilmette's carefully selected simists are rarely found among Defen$e Day general committee the physically handicapped. They represents every civic activity in seem to be intent most of the the community and by its very time upon making the best of constituency cha11enges the co- their situation rather than broodor.eration , ,£ every citizen of the ing over misfortune. Henry vtllage in a ~suming an active part Meinshausen of 351 Oak circle in the Defense Test program. is an example. He lost a leg a As suggested by General Chair- few years ago. Not long ago man Harbaugh, the time of the surgeons found it necessary to local Defense Day program makes amputate the other leg. "Put a it possible for virtually every telephone at my · bedside," Mr. citizen to take part with perhaps Meinshausen requested, "I want a slight sacrifice here and there to talk to my friends and prove for those who are engaged in to them that I am getting along business pursuits outside the v;l- in fine shape." lage. The clouds of misfortune loom Every local o!"ganization-older people and the children-has been heavily for him, but through invited to enter into Defense Day them he glimpses the "silver linactivity. The program comprises ing" and knows "the sun is still a very brief demonstration in- shining." auguT11:ted by a street Drocession and concluding with a short DeLEAVE OF ABSENCE fense Day talk at the municipal playgrounds. Nothing elaborate Superintendent of Police Denis anticipated-just a plain ex- man will be away from the viipression of our patriotism in lage for the balance of this year. unis.on with similar expressions He g. oes to attend to the personal in towns and cities throughout security of General Dawes durthe land. ing the vice presidential nominee's Defense Day is established by strenuous campaign tour. Later act of Congress and therefore, as he goes to jo~n M.rs. Denman in Major Harbaugh emphasizes, "is southern Cahfornta, where she our own plan and we are in duty has gone because of failing bound to support it." health. Not s the ide; edy wit up entit race. 1 lowing and of per hap~ Like it has 11 of sce1 songs . scenes are se~ eral un or thr~ funny. One colored their a1 sincere tional dance School Books Get your school books and supplies early and avoid that long "waiting line." We have then1 all ready now and a complete list on hand for all grades. To Encourage Early Buying, We \Vill Give ner. equall)'l number the fot Dream~ her re ~ EE one school bag ·with every purchase of books and supplies atnounting to $3.00 or over, until and including Septetnber 13th. bird" v couldn' Then ton B filling Iiams · has do in am Iiams" The clever. mendu~ van wl cult st drilled "Zicgfi line. One it desi Great the Ia i The Satisfactory Store IIZS-27 Central Ave. . Ph~ne 1914 "Ear; laughi cludin succes OLD FLOORS BEAUTIFIED Linoleum We employ expert layers Hangings made Congoleum All patterns and sizes Window shades and . accessones Artb play, ' Skelly ing ch five m New to order See Our Beautiful Wall Papers before you decorate We carry E'Verything for interior decorating -andEXTERIOR .PAINTING Let us figure your W()RK and give suggestions Oil TING " niE BUILDING CODE It was no doubt gratifying to t n~r' sPaint St&re

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