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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1924, p. 7

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 is in the best position to initiate the movement to abolish war. Let us mobilize for peace. Let us make up our minds to do sane world thinking. Let us get busy and see what we can contribute to the idea of the League of Nations." nothing of the genius of her organizaThe Church is united in the expression of her desire for peace; the naRev. Stephen A. Uoyd Gives tion. Against their ignorance, misunder- tional body of practically every one of Stirring Address on De- standing and indifference we must mob- our great denominations have so deilize knowledge, patience and zeal. Every clared. fense Day Theme branch of government, judicial as well Two of the great political parties as legislative and executive, must be have without qualification put themguarded as a priceless heritage. selves on record as favoring some such Editor's Note: Nati(.mal Defense Day, I am not so much afraid that any organization as an International Court ~(·illl its ft·st of the dejc114e resources gesture of ours will be misunderstood a11d facilities of tile 11atio" as represr,.ted by the people of Europe or Asia as I of Justice. Militariam i 11 its citi:;m anny, provided the subject am that the freedom of America will Ramsay MacDonald, premier of the fnr a remarkable sermon given Stmday, be misinterpreted by the people of the Scptcmbrr i, at tke First CongregatimUJl United States; that they will regard British Empire, has said that he is deChurch of Wilmette by the {'astor, Rev her gifts and not her sacrifice and will termined to devote every ene~y of his Stcpheu A. L/o)·d. Mr. Lloyd selected be carried upon the wave of her bounty government to the prevention of a reas the theme of his ser,ron the single without helping to bear any of her re- turn to the old militaristic program. Never was the atmosphere more clear, ~(·ord "Mobili:;ation." Ar01md that word sponsibilities . . the time more opportune to mobilize and fts broadest mea11ing, he lJuilt up a Score· Voten' ladiffereace s01md argrtmmt that should have the When fifty per cent of the qualified the sound mind of our country for a rffect of allaying any possible srupicio11 voters say by their stay-at-home policy, campaign of edu~ation for a well-conthat National Defense Test Day is a "Let George do it I" it is not surprising sidered and honorable program of inmilitaristic gesftJre or an attemPt at a that George helps himself . In 1920 ternational peace and good-will. "cheaP display of arms." E.rtracts from there were in the u. s. 52% million! The only means of avoiding war is the scn11o1J are givm i11 the folfowir~g. of citizens 'qualified to vote, 26"' million to help the nations of the world to find voted. In the state of Illinois 1,458,721 some other way of settling disputes. By all means let us mobilize next FriWe have been so unduly stressing, dur- citizens who had the privilege of voting the past few weeks, on meaning of ing never went to the polls. If you day. Let us mobilize the memories of the good word "mobilize" that we have say "well, it has always been so, I what we are and why we are a nation. obscured some of its worth and have point out that in the presidential dec- Let us call to mind the wisdom and the almost brought it into disrepute. It is tion of 1896 80% of the qualified vote sacrifice of our fathers. Let us rememquite natural that when military men was cast, in 1900 73%, in 1908 66%, ber the arbitration treaties which we use the word they think c£ marching in 1912 62% and in 1920 51%. Alarm! now have in honor with other nations. F.JW;'W[I· and the assembly of all the im- yes, but if God has given us the gift Let us bethink ourselves of our tradiof war. But "mobilize" means of a sound mind, here is a challenge tional faith in courts, our resort to reason rather than to force. Let us recall only to assemble, "to bring together," to mobilize. We should mobilize for instruction the nation-wide enthusiasm with which but also "to render mobile," "usable,' "to stir to activity." and acquaintance with the worth-while. the proposal for naval limitation was When we talk about assembling forces To do right we must first know how received. Let us not forget, in our greetand making them active, it is quite right to tlrillk right. The law is so fixed as ings to the boys who have returned that to scarcely need stating that "like pro- dear, dear company of those who will that every good citizen should ask-:; duces like." Ill-will creates ill-will, never come back from "Over there" but "What forces and to what purpose? ~;elf-interest stimulates self-interest whose sacrifice cries out to us to make As Christian men and women, as citi- whether it be individual or national. good their desire that war sha ll be no zens of a Christian nation, we want to think this moving not only of armies Suspicion begets suspicion, preparedness more. Let us use this day and other days but also of all forces of mind and of promotes preparedness. Germany builds personality that are to be mobilized and a great force and rattles the sabre and to cultivate christian public opinion, to England and France must do likewise, practice christian forbearance and charirna de more active for the world's good. then come ill-considered words and un- ty and to mobilize the forces of power The Apostle . Paul in a letter to young restrained passion and the world is afire. of influence, love ot our fellowman and Timothy gives a splendid word of ad- America had nothing at all to do with sound mind alive enough, under the vice which we may well make our own starting the fire but because the ideals blessing of Cod, to bring the world when he exhorts him to "Stir up the gift dearest to life itself are threatened with from strife to brotherhood. of God that is in thee: For God hath destruction, she must go and do her part not given us the spirit of fear. but of toward putting it out. So it will be English Lutheran Rally power and of love and of a sound mind. again and again unless we can by some Day Set for September Z1 ' Not Prompted by Fear means mobilize the forces of sound 0ur ~ssemb!y on Defense Day next minds and of fraternal good-will. Because of the necessity for addiFnday ts not prompted by any sense America Wanh Peace tional time in ·which to prepare for of fear. No horrible dread need posThere may be a few military men the event. the Wilmette English Luthsess us as a people. We feel the se in America who do not desire peace eran church has postponed its Rally curity so well stated by Secretary of but I do not know them. Every man I Day acti,·ities until Sunday, SepState Hughe when he said recently: know of whatever profession wants tember 21. There will be special programs in "So far as we can see into the future peace. The question is, how to bring Holds Mobilization Teat Is Step TorJJard Enduring Peace un., trace ~ things~nd lice. id kings, 1 and mice, as one stm . . . ~e sam~ planet far, and · e.rclaims ooting star!" Oliver Herford. Oppo··· Want-Ad, Phoae 411 ....... 3Sc ........ 2Sc stance , ....... SGc ···....· 2Sc A Happier Home in Evanston You will like the quiet, desirable environment of this convenient suburb, where trees, flowers and good people bid you welcome. The Orrington is Evanston's largest and finest apartment hotel. It is newup-to-date-beautiful-comfortable r There are furnished rooms and suites of two to four rooms with and without kitchenette&, or you may selec~ an unfurnished apartment and still retain all the ease and comfort of hotel service. A beautiful roof garden, men's clubrooms. spacious lounge, children's playrooms, ballrooms, and garages in direct connection are provided for your convenience. Po~ cl e ' - · t:ufn s~!_; f,t;gWe~gg ~e~s.iuo t tib V. a'tTe··knOJi - I -: { l I wers .lies any menace ~o our security said last spring: "The United States ticipated. ere IS no occasion to vindicate our oper authority, for no one challenges t. There is no reason to dl'monstrate our ability to take care of ourselves for no one doubts us." We do !t<;>t depend upon anm IJut upon the . sp~r~t of our Americ1u life and Defense Day is more to empha!>ir.c ;md Dry cleaning pays actual dividends. It is one of the to foster the unity of that spirit than methods of saving clothes and money that never makes to make any cheap display of arms. The day can and should be a day for the you sorry you tried it. You should get acquainted with finest show of patriotism; tile recalling the thoroughness of our \\'Ork. ?f all the fine and noble qualities woven tnto the v~ry fabric of our n'ltional life; the. standmg upon and feeling the secunty of t.he ~oundation stones ol righteousness, JUStice, sympathy and patient 1105 CENTRAL A VENUE understanding upon which our national life has been builded. Phone Wilmette 690 ~e cam~ot do without our armies and na':1es unttl we have something to talce thctr place. Until the world shall find some better way to settle disputes tha.1 by recourse to arms. Ready to Maintain Peace '~hen, the ref ore, we assemble our armres on Defense Day it is not in any proud or boastful or threatening spirit but that we shall say to the nations of the w~rld "\Ve have not changed either ~:mr mmds nor our policies. 'Ve believe m peace. as we always have. This little army . ot ours is an emergency groupa poltce force, quite as much for your sake!\ .a. .for our own, that peace may be mamtamed in the world. \\' r rio not depend . olely upon arms but consider m but a ~upplement to the force of >d will which have always been our The new 4-inch Nokol converu any water heater havint a onghold. If we ha\'e any pride as we etofale tank into an automatic bot water -vatem. It la auto~ssemble on Defense Day it is rather matically operated by an aquaatat in the water tank, eet at tn the consciousne s that we have the two predetermined degrees at which you wiah the water confidence of the world. That we need temperature kept-say 150° and 160°. When you draw not to hide our face in shame for past water from the tank the temperature falla below 150° and misdeeds nor do anything in secret lest Nokol begi.Ju operating. When 160degreeeuagainreached, we be misunderstood by peoples across Nokol automatically stope. Becauae of the che~pneu of oU .. the sea. Our record of friendliness, and fuel, N okol in.atalled in your preiCnt saa.fi.red water heater unselfishness good will is co-extensive will result in a eavint in fuel COitl of between SO and 7 S ". Nolwl prooida automatic heating serW:e /or any type of bwilclwith our national life and every goving from &he 5-Toom bNngcdow to &he lOO.Toom aparemcM. ernment knows that we arc neither ambitious for \Vorld power nor desirous of anything but good for any nation on earth. ZIS N. Michiran Avenue, Chic:aro There are enemies within our borders and Defense Day may be a god time Telephone Central 7832 to seriously begin to mobilize our forces to meet them. Make· for Stabilizatioa We need to mobilize for the stabilization of our own government. The world AIIMu. . . . .FIIJJ . . . . . . . . . l o r has come to us. Out of every center of population, down the by-paths of the world ha,·e come thronging the future OIL HEATING CO., Americans. They are in the crowds 1U N.Mlchlpa A·e.,Cbicaao that jostle along the streets of our great Pleue - d me complete in· E~o. about Nokol Autocities. On our farms, in our mines, our -aM: Oil Heacioa for ills, our factories, our banks, they 0 Hot Water Senic:e s ... found. Every kind and manner of 0 Home IUatlq e and industry claims them. They ow America's opportunity but little of her history-less of her ideals and ,.. 0 - 111 11 1 ~ 11 ~~.. wot'ld to .,....,._·· o{ "\lind in re- ...n deoarltnenta o£ the chul'ch on. that .:.t gclrd to peace. 'l.uj. Gen. Jonn F. Ryan day and a record attendance is an- problerfi and household care~live in beautiful Evanston at The Orrington. Viait ua today. Send for booklet or telephone Univeraity 8700 a bapp\.e~ horne--free bom M~an.t. We Clean Everything ~ DE LUXE CLEANERS ORRINGTON . · EVANSlON··~tLJNOIS ~ And now anew lor bot Water servloe Nokol OIL HEATING CO. ..,...,.......... ,......,.. ... ..... ,_ ......... ...................... .......... M.lpfal ....... - - · · ..... 01' .........a._, .. .._ aaa-ttllat·,_ . . . . ... wlaetiMr . . . . . . . . What·v·r flY Circu.mstanu· OkOI ..................................................................... Street---------------Phone Wilmette 654 1124 Central Aw. Wilm.~

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