12 , FRIDAY· SEPTEMBER 19, 1924 'WILl\IETT E LIFE · hili Iiiii Jill\ Jill Jm.Ui.\3i Carroll Ridgway, Inc. ~~The OCIAL Invitations Out For Antkrsen-McArdle Wedding NVITATIONS have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Nels Pet~r Andersen, of 809 Michigan a':'enue, Evanston, formerly <?f Wtl.. r the marriage of thetr daughter, Mary Catherme, to me tt e, fo W 'l t Robert P. McArdle, of 111 Br,o adway, t met e. . . The ceremony will take place \Vednesday. mornmg·. October 1, at ten o'clock, at St. Francis Xavier church, Wtlmette, wtth the Rev. Francis Clement Kell y, D.D. Ph.D. B~shop-elect of Oklahoma, officiating, assisted by the R~v. Fr~ncts Magner, Rev. Eugene Me· Guinness and the Rev. Patnck Gnffir. A w~dding breakfast for the immediate members of both fam. ilies and the bridal party will follow at the Evanston h<?tel. Mi ss Anderson will have as her attendants: Mtss Georgta Marks, maid of honor; Miss Mary Hartnett, Miss E.leanor~ Aubere, l\li s Angela Koenig and Miss Mary McArdle, brtdesmatds. E?ward McArdle will serve his brother as best man, and the ushers wtll be \ 'incent Sheridan, George R. Andersen , Frank Cullen and Thomas McArdle. Miss Andersen entertained her bridesmaids at a luncheon at her home on August 16. . Several affairs have been given for Miss Andersen. Mtss Eleanore Aubere entertained in her honor , at a tea and shower on September 7. Miss Helen Biehl and Miss Rosa Miller gave a luncheon and bridge at the North Shore club, Wednesday, September 10, and Miss Mary Hartnett, on September 14, gave a tea and shower .. There will be two others. On Saturday, September 20, Mtss Lillian Phelan is having a bridge party, while Miss Ardle will give a luncheon and bridge for Miss Andersen on September 27, at the McArdle home in Wilmette. Store for Children" I TUESDAY SEPT. 23 DOLLAR DAYS ~~~~~y , 0 on ar P.one to John \, . Purdue: Patti~on A few of the many bargains for $1.003 pr. Hose Bloomers Blouses Suit Underwear· Blue Serge Caps· Wash Trousers Wool% Sox Coats BIG SAVINGS IN Dresses Hats Sweaters Shoes Suits ~on. Foj Tom K liam K nah. Ri cnce G for \Y i. Stcllm F.lizahej Tad \ Vl Scheidel on for Williani Adkins Jack Sl John's: J.::inder :\otre Salle. Take this opportunity to inspect our new line of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING TWO STORES Evanston Wilmette 619 DAVIS STREET 1120 WILMETTE AVE. University 3511 No Phone Orders Filled Wilmette 311 Announce Engagement at Bridge Luncheon T a bridge luncheon, given by Mrs. Paul G. Turner on SepA tember 6, the engagement of Miss Sylvia Esther to Harvey N. Bowen .of Wilmette, was announced. The weddmg date T~rner has not been set. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ]. Newburgh The marriage of Miss Isabel Schilof 832 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, bach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. announce the engagement of their George H. Schilbach of 1606 Lake ave· nue. to Dr. Harold Richard Tregiegas of St. Paul, took place at the St. Francis Xavier church, Thursday morning. at ten o'clock. Miss Roberta Schilbach was flower girl. Miss Letta Fieweger of Chicago, brides maid, and Dr. W. C. Carroll of St. Paul, best man. The guests from out-of- town were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jaeger of Marionette, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Poulin, of New York. After an extended wedding trip through northern Minnesota and Wis~~~~~~... :~d..l~r:;.J~elfielt~ "t'uV! -o-Mrs. John A. MacLean of 924 Green- wood avenue has motored east, ac· companied by her daughter, Mar· garet, and her so~, John, to attend the marriage of Mtss Betty Hatch ol South Orange, New Jersey. Miss Hatch is a niece of Mrs. MacLean# and grandaughter of Mrs. Barry. o 912 Greenleaf avenue. Margaret MacLean. and Mary Stuart Barry, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Barry of Evanston. are to be bridesmaids for their cousin. who is to be married to Fred· -Reick Sttldlo erick Needer of South Orange. Mi.. Marjorie N-bur·b -<>Mrs. ]. E. Rich of 1016 Linden ave· daughter, Marjorie, to Clarence Ed- nue. who has been confined to her inger, of Winnetka. The wedding bed for twenty years, went out for will take place in the spring. the first time since her illness . when -<>last week. she motored with her T . S. Tillson of Umatilla, Oregon, i!.. daughter to the latter's home in spending a few days with :Mr. and Highland Park. Since then, Mrs. Mrs. Albert N. Page of 901 Ashland Rich has made several trips, one to avenue. . Chi<:ago, ·me to Naperville, Illinois1 Mr. and Mrs. Page and their two and the others, around the vicinity 01 daughters have just returned from a the north shore. week's motor trip through Indian-o-apolis , Columbus and Greensburg, M iss Mary Adelaide Harding o! where they visited relatives. Hubbard Woods is visiting Mrs. C. P. --o-Van Schaack of 614 Linden avenue George Prescott of Miami, Florida, until the Hardings return from the who came to the village to attend the east. where Jane Harding entered funeral of his mother, Mrs. Charles Smith. and Victor, Exter. Harding Prescott of 1019 Linden avenue, has Van Schaack has returned from the returned to his home. Mrs. George Chicago Memorial hospital, where he Prescott is visitiug her parents, Mr. underwent a slight operation. and Mrs. M. H . McMillen of 1010 Linden avenue, for a short time. Mr. and Mrs.Emmett Yarian of -<>1020 Central avenue motored to Fort Mr. and Mrs. ]. K. Hughes are Wayne, last week, and after a short visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Millen of visit with relatives, they returned 1128 Gree·lea( avenue, after their through various points in Indiana, wedding trip of two months spent in bringing back with them, Mr. Yarian's Canada. Mrs. Hughes, formerly, Miss niece. Miss Grace Montooth, who will Margaret Millen, was married in spend the winter with them. June. -<>-o-Mrs. D. R. Lockhard of 6Z7 Eleventh Marie Veatch, upon her return from street has returned from a ten days' Europe will open her Evanston studio motor trip through the east. Mrs. on September Zl. Lockhard will have as her guests over Miss Veatch will specialize in this week -end, the Misses Bonnie and Spanish dancing. after tudying with Anna Leavitt of Chicago. Manuel Otero, of Seville. -o--o-M iss E. Mae Raymond, who hu Mrs. Z. Rafalski of 1150 Central been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Weld avenue gave a farewell party in honor of 726 Tenth street for the past four of her nephew, Tad Weclowski, who weeks. has returned to New Yorlc to is leaving for Champaign to enter the resume her duties as teacher in ColUniversity of Illinois. umbia university. -<>-<>Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barr formerly Mrs. Robert S. Swaim of 701 Laurel of Kenosha, Wisconsin, but now · f avenue returned this week from a Hollywood, visited Mrs. Dora v~n motor trip to Danville, where she at· Glahn and family of 1114 Lake ave- tended a reception given for bet nue, last week. daughter, Mrs. Stanley Olmstead. A Rule of Transportation for the North Shore ~ d STRAIGHT line is the shortest distance between two points- and a fast and comfortable line is the best. That character.. izes· the service of the North Shore Line between any two pointa on the North Shore. I Local, express and fast limited service is carefully arranged to meet the requirements of North Shore citizens. With double-tracked, stone..ballasted roadbed, the latest steel equipment, including dining and parlor.-observation cars, and an operating personnel picked for efficiency and courtesy, the North Shore Line is a real transportation factor of the North Shore. It is more than a coincidence that the name of the North Shore Line is the same as the territory it serves, for it is identified in every way with the interests of the North Shore. And when residents of every community from Chicago to Milwaukee refer to the North Shore Line as "our line", we are proud of the co--ownership implied. Fast, frequent trains from the heart of Chicago, the Loop, to the heart of Milwaukee serve every intermediate city and town. Dr are and aven May C h icago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad ·Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 ~rth Shore fMerchandise 'Despatch Sentice Over-night tervice for ahippera between every important point on the North Sh~e Line. Mercbandiae received up to 6 p. m. delivered the next morn.mg. Throush eervlce to Sheboygan. Burlinaton. Watertown and all pomta on the Milwaukee Northern R. R. and T. M. E. R. &. L For rates. deliveries, etc.. write or telephone local North Shore agent, 01' Traffic Department: Chicago office; 72 West Adams St. ·phones State S723 and Central 8280; Milwaukee oftice 403 Securlty Blda. ·phones Onnd 990 and Grand 2762. · ' --o-- Chkaeo North Shore and Malwaukee RaUroad Company Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ]. Wrightson and family of 1006 Linden avenue have returnc:d from a very enjoyable trip to vanous lake resorts in Michigan. -<>Mr. and Mrs. George Illiff of 924 Linden avenue have returned from an extended trip tl.trough the east. Miss Eleanor Brown of 1010 Central avenue is visiting her sister, Mrs, Eugene Perry, of Sandusky, for a few weeks. --<>- --o-M rs. N. C. Fisher of 908 Greenwood avenue is expected to return to the village next week from Milwaak~.