1924 WANT AD SELL REAL EfiiTATE 11 HELP WANT&D-FBMALE THERE A REFINED YOUNG WANTED TO BllY-8JaCOKD BAMD furniture and other houaebolcl ~ woman dealrlng position ln small Htcbeat price paid for ~~&~~~e. Croet family? Lovely room; good wa~ea: Furniture Store, 1004-1 Emenoa 8t.. housework; asaiet In care of 5 yr. Evanston, Ill. Phone lit. old child; no laundry; about October 17LTN14-tfc 1st. Tel. Glencoe IIU. llLTNU-ltc llb tes start CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General !day October 1 Noticta-ClauUiad &dTertlMmenta will be eharaed oab to realdenta of tbe dlatrlct from JCvanaton to Glencoe lnclualve wboae namea appear ln the telephone directory or who are rel[ular aubacrlbeM to either WILMJCTTJC LIFB: WINNB:TKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. · cents per lln<t In one paper. 10 centa per line In &ll three R attl~10 papera. Mll!UII1111 CHARGB He. Averase of ave worda to Elgin. Ill. (ONE HOUR FROM THE LOOP.) Beautiful homea and Improved acre tracts; also farm· at bargain prlcea -(live In beautiful Fox River Valley District). Write or call for my otrerlngs. Wm. H. Abelmann, 26-27 Home Bank Bldg., Elgin, Illinois. 1LTNU-5tp FOR BENT-H0118E8 FOR RENT-NEWLY DECORATED 6-room house ; sun and sleeping porches; h. w . h.; garage. 1341 As· bury Avenue, Hubbard Woods. Tel. Wlnn. 1453. ZLTN52·1tc IS w ~!1!:h~Y~~;:gtln~~ 0 ~:i~ry Fa~~ I!t!!!8!!!!!!!!!!II'!!!O!!!R!!!!!!!J!!!A!!!L!!!!!E--!!!!!!!A!!!!!!11!!!T!!!o!!!·!!!!!!o!!!a!!!J!!!LII:!!!!!!·!!!!!!~ R. Fletcher, the line. No black face type used. Ratea for Dlaplay type on application.· Deadline for cepted up to Wedneaday U o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or 11.11 three papera: Thuraday 1:1 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday U o'clock for the GLENCOB: NEWS. Telephones: WILMJCTTB: 1UO-ltl1 or WINNETKA 1000·1001. lnsertiona--C 1···1tte4 adnrttaementa wm ~e ac- commission. Call at 518 Davis St.,l:;::::::::::;:=;::::;:::::::::::;:=:::::=::::::::==i Tolotr Studio, Evanston, Ill. Tel. Fords - Fords - Fords 2178. 11LTN5Z-ltc Special this week WANTED-MAID; WHITE; RELISmall down payment, terms oo able and good coo'k tor cookln11 and downstairs work In small house; best balance. references required. Tel. Wlnn. 93~. 2-1924 Open Express ton trucks. 11LTN52-1lc REAL EfiiTA.TE FOR RENT-Glencoe furnished 6· WANTED-GENERAL HOUSEWORK room bungalow; large lot; reu. girl; white; some experience; small price; long lease or winter moe. house; 2 children of school age; no Tel. Glencoe lOZ4. 540 Jackaon, corwashing. Tel. Wlnn. 1604. ner of Greenwood . 2LTNU·ltc 11LTN5t-ltc FOR RENT-ALL OR PART OF WANTED- EXPERIENCED WHITE nicely furnished house for winter; cook and second maid; good dt>ft>rcentrally located. Address Life, 325. ences required: beat wages. 'l'el. ~==:===.!=======;2;L;;T~N;;;_;52;·;;1;:;tc Mra. Stein, Highland Pa~~L\~~:, 2 _ 1 tc 4 FOR RENT-A.PA.RTMENTfll WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN. S. E . ; A SPLENDID BUY IN A 6housework; aaslst with child; no FURNISHED rm. frame, on wooded lot, all fresh- FOR RENT-NICELY laundry; call Highland Park 1671 living room, bedroom, kitchen and ly painted; 2-car garage; $15,000. and reverse chargee. private bath. Also fu-rnished rooms. lph Street, e Choice Phlox, ~st if you desire NE OF THE BETTER HOMES ON the North Shore located In Winn e tka, near the lake on a beautiful lot with nearly 300 feet of frontag.a, grounds have wonderful trees, shrubbery, ftowera, etc. The English Manor hou11e Idea Is carried out In the Interior plan, decorations and woodwork of the house which Is built on Steel framework. There a re 7 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 extra I a vat01·Ies, sleeping and dining porches, sewing room, linen room He rvant's porch, unusual closet and cupboard space. Basement .fa very and completely ftnlshed and ncludes chautreu·r's room. Lot alone is worth $411,000 which makes the en· tiJ·e llroposltion a very attractive purchase. §l!Jl~lllllf~~Jill lHI(Q)tt<ell WllNNl&TOC.A 3-1924 Tourings, starter and extras. 3-Late Model Coupes. 1-Roadster with express box. 1-Good Special Six Studebaker Touring and others. J-1924 New closed Ford Truck with panel body. 1-Ford dump Truck. good COftdition. llimcdlll~lffilHiiillll (G]f(Q)llJllfficdl~ 7-rm. white, new English Colonial, clapboard, 8 baths. 2 tiled, lot 726 11th Street Wilmette 1868 134x216, with beau·. sweeping vie'?" 4LTN62-ltc 13 SITUATION WANTED-MALE over golf course; a genuine buy at $27,500. F<t~ch!;~~~-2~:a~~:Snt,FU~NIS~!~ E~fe!~~~N~~~ ~d1N j!i:~~H:i~o H~~; from C. & N. W. station. Water care of furnaces. Tel. Wll. 911-J. o o liD. ~~:~~a~~tn.w~:;.r ~~~~1cvtr f.e31~s. for 13LTN52-ltc Wll1LIWIE1f1f1E llNN 1 These cars were turned in for non payment of installments and can be purchased by taking over unpaid contracts. Standard Motor Securities Corp. N JE woIlirilJID<e'{t]k 1----------------1 634 Davis St. Tel. University S7 18LTN6S-ltc Used Cars-All UINLAN & TYSON-Inc. Fountain Square, Evanston Prou-ty Bldg., Winnetka iversfty 2600 Winnetka 2199 1LT52-2tc of EXCEPTIONALLY WELLbuilt, new modern ALL FACE· BRICK residences: Hot water heat; steel beams'; steel casements; all tile baths; KelYinator refrigerator; mosaic vestl· bule; sun parlor and English side porch. Lot seventy-ftve (75) toot front~ge; two blocks to transportatoln; ideally attractive natural surround· lngs. trees, shrubs, hedge. SIX rooms and sun parlor rooms and porch, Reasonable Terms to Desi~·- 6-rm. tapestry brick, beau. planned ~:-::----------------·-L_T_N_52_·_1_t.:_p I t4 SITUATION W A.NTED-II'EMALE on 75 ft. wooded lot; a splendid _ value at $20,000. FOR RENT-BEAUTIFULLY FUR- MANAGING HSEKPR. IN SMALL nlshed apartment; near Howard home by woman of reftnement and ~~~nuR:e~s~~~\~/o~~t an~~~n ~~~: ability; would consider care or Indrake 8193. 4LT52-ltc ~~~~d$jl~~~~-erless chlld.1~LfN:~_c{t'!; 10 Prouty Annex, W ·lnnetka Winnetka 1800 Winnetka. 1226 APARTMENT FOR RENT-$65; TWO SITUATION WANTED-SEMI·INVA· 1LTN52-ltc rooms; kitchenette; near transpor· lid or child cared for competently. tatlon: Immediate · possession. Tel. Mary Huddle. Tel. W ·lnn. 1525. Wll. 1800. 4LTN52-ltc 14LTN52-ltc Makes REDUCED PRICES on all used can 8 W telrilt<ecdl Ml«»ft<O>lr Coo WiiJiil· Jm<eitJka Dodge B.rothers Motofs:f~~~l-lto Used Cars All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Wlllys-Knhcht and Overland Dealers Evanston HO 18LTN42-tfc JLno<Sill!. Vll l?\\1111]f Tm]f' "'Tl'))IZS:I]f(I.W .LL l!..¥ !!11.(1. \WI!.LL \WW\!00 '~ lt.-lcdl.JlO (QlJllii},<W'(I.'"'lffi &AnnIZS:Ifl'i6> l!.~.W with FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OF- SITUATION WANTED-BY YOUNG ftce rooms. G . F. Gonsalves. Tel. girl to assist with general houseWinnetka 62. 4LTN43-tfc work and help with children. Tel. Wilmette 612. 14L52-1tc II'OB REN~ARAGES GARAGE FOR RENT, 1031 GREENwood Avenue. Tel. Wll. 20;'i:, ·tfc 49 '!Oillll y~};,~Gin :r~!~1: w~!:~tf!E:.. 1;}~~~!: ton. Address Lite, 323. $l~~~~~ .JJo IHio GARAGE FOR RENT-TEL. WINN. _t_o_3_s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7T..:~:..s_._u_c Wllmette 3206. 14LTN52-ttc FOR RENT-GARAGE 830 PARK GENERAL HOUSEWORK, COLORED, a bl e Applicants Ave. Tel. WI!. 2590. . 7L48-trp to go home evenings. Tel. wn. ~11 ~n... 0 3180. 14L52-ltp ~JID~eif<elf ~lilllllillfl (Q)l!Jl~<e FoR RENT-ROoMs SIT. WANTED- STENOGRAPHER: 0 IN Ht.JBBARD WOODS FOR SALE. FOR RENT-LARGE CORNER FRONT experienced; short hours. Wll. 1835. 909 Ridge Ave. 6 rooms; sun parlor; 2-car garage; ~~~m~o~fs:rt~gfe;hoo~:: hl~~l t':r~~~~= HLTN52·1tll Wilmette, Illinois dat"dy wooded lot; owner anxious to terla; 1 '.it blk. transportation; hot te FOR SALI!'-M.I CELLA.NEOUII Phone 364 se 1. water heat; Instantaneous hot 1LTN52-ltc .(Q>_ water. Ref. Wll. 844-J. FOR SALE-SANITARY COUCH WITH ~ I.IJ.I.&I\Sillll~l.t'l:::. \W , ~ 8Lli2-ltp pad $2; single metal bed, spt'lng and 1L52-Itc $1G, 5 00.0~ 410 Linden Avenue Phones Wilmette 407-408 UL'·!!-Itc p~!~: ~~~~ab~~W~~~ne~~i!~ 51~ & (C(Q) A'\l<e'W:f -----------------1 n IHI <e "' JHi taiJlo fl'i\!111/ZS:\fl'i T!l"lf'"'llnn llJiildOo 556 Center St. Tel. Wlnn. 254 FOR RENT- NICELY FURNISHED Formerly West Railroad Ave. front bedroom In a private home. 1LTN52-1tc Convenient to transportation. Call at 418 Park Ave. after 6 P. M. FOR SALE-21-ACRES ADJOINING 8Lii2·1tc the exclusive North Shore Golf 1·-FO-R--RE_N_T___ T_W_O_A_D_U_L_T_S_;_N_I_C_fJ_L_Y_ course, also an unrestricted view of the club house and grounds; exceptiona! buy for a home or for Investmenwt. YFoArTpaTrtlc&ulacrsosoeeNorscall- ~:~~enatfrc?~f!';!e:'i 1~;~~~~et a~n ~~; --------------l_L_5_2_·_:1_:t~ V ~«:~ll'il.tt WiiiiDim<efclk~ WlliLMI&1r1fiE of "L" Wll. 2760 Ph. GlenvleEwxc8lu1.slve AgNeonrttshbrook to·. 1LTN"2-1t ..c ., FOR SALE-WINNETKA, EAST SIDE, 6-room modern house, two blocks from transortation; steam beat; N. W. WOODED LOT 100.1:225 IN EXlarge sleeping and sun porches, new cel. location. Adj. pty. held at U30 breakfast porch; Lovekin hot water per ft. Must turn at once at $90 ft. heater; excellent condition throughout. Price '13,000. $3,000 cash and balance In easy ayments. Address Wilmette Life, 316. No dealers. 1LTN51-3tp $1,600 will buy a 50-ft. lot 1 blk. west or the Ridge. Other lots sell- IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON Ing for $2,500 and more. 10 YEARS' TIME OR MORE Location-Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave., Ashland Ave., 7th Ave., lOth St., Lots Z, 7 and 10, B. 1; L . 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. 10 Prouty Annex, Winnetka 3 and 4, B. 9: L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; Winnetka 1800 Winnetka. 1226 L . 5, B. 13; L. 1 and 3, B 17. 1LTN62-1tc John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 1LTN29-tfc EoJEo§{tllJlllbJR<.<e~ll1tyCCa», To lHI<ellilll.~<eJm & 0Clf(Q)llnplllffi«:o 2 FOR SALE-316 FT. ON GLENVIEW Road In Wilmette limits; large orchard and 10-room home, recently Rent with Option to Bny remodeled; furnace heat; water and FOR RENT- LARGE SUNNY FRONT 7-ROOM COLONIAL; OVERLOOKING all modern Improvements; will diroom; private home; central localake; 2 sun rooms; breakfast room; vide. Address Wilmette Life, 306. tion. Tel. \VII. 965-1\f. 8LTN52-ltc &11 glazed and heated; extra. toilet 1LT50-2tp and lavatory, 1st ftoor; h. w . h.; 2· ear garage; beautltul woooded land- FOR SALE-WILMETTE; GOOD N. W. location; new 5-room bu·ngalow with scaped lot; '250 per mo. glazed porch, tile shower bath, large attlc, hot water heat, lot 50x150, $12,500. $2,500 cash, balance easy terms. Address Wilmette Life, 322. Center St. Tel. Winn. 254 1LTN52-ltc ~orme.rly West Rallroatv:·~~- -ltc FOR SALE-316 FT. ON GLENVIEW Road In Wllmete limits; large orchard and 10-room home, recently remodeled; furnace heat; water and all modern Improvements; will divide. Address Wllmete Ll t"e, 306. 1LT52-ltc A IR<.EAIL IHI(Q)MilE tress '12; Revell large solid mahogany bed-davenport, finished tn heavy genuine Spanish leather with spring and mattress $86. 1220 Lake Avenue. Wllmette 955-R. 16 52 furnished room In a small family; L ·1tc centrally located. Light housekeep- FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP; ONE ing If desired. Tel. Wll. 253. complete double brass bed: two mat8LTN52-ltc tresses and one spring; Morris rhalr; FOR RENT-LIGHT, CLEAN, WELL ~~~~~a~e~lv~nr~s~m~u~S.~le~n:lt~h~~ furnished ca~~y room with congenial 6 Inches by 10 ft., 6 Inches: Wilton east side family . Less than 3 blke. rug, and several small rugs. '1'el. to C. & N. W. and 1 blk. to electric. Wlnn. 566. 16LTN52-ttc Tel. W.U. 995-R. 8L52-ltc FOR RENT-Z VERY PLEASANT l<~O'R SALE-ICE-BOX SUITABLE connecting rooms; near Hubbard for large home or store, $45; dining Woods Station; suitable for two; ~~~~ees~n~ 1~ gh~~~~· ~~~do~ ~aa~~s ~a~~ hot water; $10. Tel. Wlnn. 1119. rlage. U: play yard, $1.50: 2 white 8LTN52-1tc kitchen chairs, $2; 1 wicker chair, FOR RENT-VERY PLEASANT ROOM $2; brass bed and springs, $12. Tel. for gentleman; east side; near WI!. 2682. 116 9th St. 16L52-ltp transportation. Tel. Wll. 2143. FOR SALE-MUST BE SOLD THIS 8LTN52-ltc week: porch furniture; four poster FOR RENT _ TWO ROOM FLAT antique mahg. bed, perfect condlpartly furnished; light; heat; teas tlon : dining room set: new walnut Inclu-ded. Employed ladles preferred. twin beds; box springs; chairs; Tel. WI!. 735-W . ~L52-ltc g'-r~l:~~o~~~ls ~:1. ~~lll. ~~ ~~~· l0l2 l<'OR RE 16LTN52-ltc front r:O;'n;- :;,~~GJ;,rln~~:~~~~~~ l-F-O_R_S_A_L_E__ S_T_E_W_A_R_D_G_A_S_R_A_N_r._ .. E_·: heat; hot water; near transportation. perfect condition: white doors; self Tel. Woll. 1940. 8LTN:>2-ltc lighter; nickel turning. Bargain r.t PLEASANT ROOM FOR COUP'LE OR $25. Also German silver mechanltwo business men or women. Ref· cal c1rawlnl( Instrument: never USf'c1. erences exchanged. Tel. WI!. 205. At $6. Tel. Wll. 1765, day: 885, eve8L52-1tc nlng. 16LTN52-ltc ~!~bi:&J~~es~e~~; s~:~~!:n~~d ~!~ 5 2 ~ CONTRACTORS AND .JOBBER HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GA· rai!'I'S. North Shore Rep., Ralph Watts. 1722 Greenwood 'Blvd., ElVanston. T('l. Unlveulty 3422-J. lnaepectlon invited. Cash or terms. IntormtLtlon gladly furn~~t~NfiO-tfc Cheap labor mt>anl! cht>aJ> work. )loorlr done . HaYe your trt> Pll and shrubb·· r·~· trlmml'd by ex· verlenct>d men. I.t>t m lnsptol't your trees and eXJ)lain ou·· mdhod. Robert Alfe 1f<O)l!Jl IB3l!Jlnncdliirrru~ N~tt §]p)lfnrmfl? SAVE MONEY; BUY THIS FALL. FOR SALE OR RENT-5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans .. My building plans have changed. I lake, golf course; $10,000 to Ul,008. otrer my beautiful wooded lot In Also lots for sale UO a ft. Owner. Ravinia, 7lix150, just East of SheriCounty Line Rd. 2 blks. west or dan Road' towards the lake, at a Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. special price till October 1 of $72 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc a. toot. Small cash. If Interested address M. A. Hawkins, Linden Ave., Wilmette. 1LTN52-ltc FOR RENT OR SALE- 219-13TH St.; 5-room house. bright and chet>ry; furnace heat; location convenient and attractive. October to May. $70 a month. Key with Miss King. 1126 Central Avenue. Tel. 215. 1LTN52-ltc MUST · SELL ATTRACTIVE well bollt 7-rm. house, loc. east Wilmette. convenient to "L" and FOR SALE-IN CHOICE SECTION OF Kenilworth, resident lot 75x160; one steam roads; sun and slpg. pchs.; block from lake on Robsart; $112 water heat, beau. lot, abundant per foot. Owner leaving for Call· shrubbery and ftne trees; excep. .Cornia. Tel. University 8632. value at U8.000. Wllmette 2066. 1LTN52·ltP 1LTN52-ltc SALE OR RENT-MODERN 1- WANTED-ONE TO THREE .ACRES room residence. Corner 3rd and of ~ood land tor chicken farm on Kaple. H. w. h . .Addre.. Owner, C. main road, near good tra.neportatlon. J. Cress. UOl Foreat, Wtlmette. Tel. State price and details. Addrees U72. lLTNU·ltP Lite, U4. 1Lst-ltc G. Bolinger Tree Expert \Yf' nlso do surgical FOR RENT-TWO LARGE FURNISH· lllH' I\~ lnj.r, f('rtlllaing, plnntlr .:: . ed room11. Gentlemen only. Tel. Lt>t Ul'l rt·arrange your shruh · 'VInn. 404. . LTN52-ltc FOR SALE-2-PIECE OVERSTUF!'"EI> living room set ; lee-box; day bt-d; b ry for bPtter etrects. 1230 Wlhm·lt An·nue FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOM; console tablt>. Will sacrlfic . Tel. Phon~.> 'VII. 3163 sui table for two; break fast optional. tln lvt>rstty 7907. 16L52-ttc Z<4LN5l·Hc 2 Tel. WI!. 78 6 ·JX. sv; -ttc FOR SALE-WROUGHT IRON BRIDGE HELP 'V-"NTED-FEMAl.E lamp n.n<l table lamp, silk shadea; 11 desk lamp: also cut gla!!R. cheap. Tel. Wll. 922-J. 16TL52-ltc WANTED-COMPETENT GENERAL housf'work girl: white: small tam· ~HONE H USECLJIANING lly: no laundry: good wages; room ONF. BUFI<'ET, LIGHT llRAY, WITH NORTH Storvlc,. cl· ani! wall pap r lUI palnt blue trimming: suitable Cor break· with bath. Tel. Gle-n. 02 or call work; 1\lt~o furnltur· pollallla , ftoor faet room. Tel. Wlnn. 1575. at 200 Maple Hill Road . waxing null window wuhlnc: calcl· 16LTN5l!-ltc 11LTN52-ltc mining nml walls atarched: turnac a cleam·d and alJ!!.o odd jobs of all WANTED-MIDDLE AGED WHI1'E FOR SALE- LACQUERED FLOOR klntls. 1-~d. T . Hand)'. Tel . WlL woman ae mother'· helper; half clay· lamp, sllk shades: baby braes b d; 1147. Call 7· A. M. or 1·8 P . M. reference·. Tel. Wlnn. 1 41. hair mattre11. Tel. Wlnn. 1161. ULTU-4to llLTN>!· ttl' liLTNU-ltc w<>r"·