\\'ILMET'I'E LIFE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 Establishment of an employment agency as one of the features of the "\'Vt>'ll tell th~ld that Dwight service rendered local merchant s afCu5.ack of Wilmette is ~orne fisher- filiated with the Wilmette Chamber of man ·· headlines a Chicago and ~orth- Commerce, was appron~d at a meet ing of that organization Monday of western railway bullet in. . this week. It is the purpose under Appear in Person on Ridge "How's thi s, boys?" it co.ntt!tue s. "One ·mu sk.ellunge wetghl ng. 34 this plan to secure competent ~eli> for School Stage 1 pounds. 480 mches long. 22!4 mch the business people and to. m turn. provide employment for worthy pe?pic who are seeking work in the \'II !age. . Carpen ter s and ~ce ni c t>xperts will The Chamber of Commerce, at 1ts ~oo n ht> engaged in con1·erting the meeting this week. announced a din~tagc of the Ridge school auditorium ner and social evenin~ for Monday, into a radto hroadcastinJ;!' st udio. October 13. at the Lake Shore Terfrom which , on ~londay. October 6 race. At that time the local Chamber Frint George, popular Chicago and will be host to the workers on Wilnorth <>hore producer. will present in mette Day and the members of the concert a hcvy of the outstanding Winnetka Chamber of Commerce. ( "hicago radio star s, including a selec t Welcome signs. designed to extend group of the most popular entertaina greeting to visitors entering "the ers in the Chicago broadcasting field. gates of the village" will be placed by \\' hen the carpenters and decorathe Chamber at the southern and tor-, have completed their tasks, the northern extremities of Sheridan road ,tage of the auditorium will be an in the village. and at the west limits <'Xact reproduction of a broadcasting along the principle highway outlets. studio-exact in the minutest detail. Braun Brothers, recently established From thi s studio will be given a in the Tire repair business at 621 Ilona fide radio concert, such as one Main street, were accepted as memca n hear most any evening hy "tuning bers of the Chamber of Commerce at in" on Chicago stations. Emphasis Monday's meeting. will he placed upon the prese ntation of request numbers and the occa ion promises to be jus t a good old fashWilmette Knights T emplar ionnl get-togt·t her for everybody. at Springfield Conclave It 's Frint George's idea-this Radio-Stars - in -Pe rson novelty . Wilmette Wi lmette members of the Knights gets one of the firs t performances hy Templar order of the Masonic fraternity these artists who have been hooked left the village yesterday to attend the solidly through the entire season for state conclave at Springfield. pt· rformanct's in leading theaters in Among the local men at the gathera ~core or more Illinois and \\'i,coning are Commander M. S. Humphreys A Champion'· Catch si n town s and cit ies. inclucling an apof the Evanston commandery; R. Coulpearance in M ilwaukce\ large,t the - g-irth. Also, one .Korthnn J.>ike, hourne of the Evanston commandery; ater. weight 12 !JOunds, 38 inche s long. and Paul A. Hoffman and William ChristAnd here we ha1·c so me of the three bass weighing a total of 12~ enson of Columbia commandery and familiar voin·s to he heard. pound s. Frank A. Randall of the Illinois com'These are the highlight s of Mr. mandery. Jerry Sullivan of the Calumet RainJ,o Gardens station : the Three Melo- Cusack's fishing exploib on a vacaMr. Hoffman plays with the Columbia dian s from KYW; the Harmony Girls tion spent at Big Twin Lake, Lakota commandery band, while Mr. ChristenResort, Conover, \Vis." of the Edgewater Beach hotel station: son is a member of the drill battalion The .'34-pound muskie is recorded as of that commandery. Frederick Agart of Edgewater lleach: Bohby Couglc of WTAS: the Lang- the largest fish caught in the Lakota The huge don Brothers of the Drake ~tudio: resort area this season. Miss Dorothy Hall, 500 Central aveHarry Geiss, the original "How-do- fellow was snared with bass tackle, nue, has left for Sullins college, you-doodle-do" man, and tltt· Seven according to Mr. Cusack. Bristol, Virginia. Kings of Syncopation . Mr. and Mrs. Cusack res ide at 1203 Mrs. Cusack is The \Vilmette program i~ gi1·en on Elmwood avenue. a "Silent Night" for Chicago stations also an ardent angler. FOR SALE and will be the only entertainment of ~fr. and Mrs. E. B. Rathbone are ib kind in the village for perhaps many months in view of the fact that lea ,·ing today for their home in CaliMr. George has hooked and placed the fomia after spending several days artists for virtually every "~ileut with the John Rathbones of Kenilworth. lliJ;!'ht" through the winter season. PIT RUN There will he special rates for children. DR. C. E. GEISS£ Producers everywhere arc watching Mr . George's original and unique O.teopathic Physician entertainment with keenest intert·st. · Phone RADIO STARS TO Wlwm FISHERMAN BE HERE OCT. 6 HOOKS HUGE MUSKJ£ . C. of C. Establishes I:-····················~ an Employment Agency I ----·--················-····· . . l "There's a Spe - cial ~ 1 1 1 for Each Meal" l 1 l 'l 1 l t 1 t t \ Ve serve a de liciously cooked breakfast, a satisfying plate luncheon, and a top-notch tab le d'hote dinner. Best coffee in town. WILMETTE CAFE 1181 W"dmette A·e., oppoaite ViiJaae HaD ~--------------------------··----------------------·· J. Let .Us Store Your Car GRAVEL STORAGE $10.00 Per Month $1.50 per yd. Uni·eraity 6200 H. F. Field Becomes Sole Owner of Local Grocery H. F. Field has become sole owner ot the Wilmette Grocery and Market. Louis Abrahams, who was formerly part owner with Mr. Field, having recently disposed of his share of the business. The general per sonnel of the store witl remain as it was with the exception of Mr. Abrahams, stated Mr. l'ield. The market and grocery departments will continue their usual 1ocrvice to Wilmette residents . .\.1 r . Field has been part owner of the establishment since he and Mr. Ahrahams purchased the business from t h<· Aspcgren interest. Villqe Theatre Bldg. Phone Wil. 2052 General Auto Repairin·g WILMETTE MACHIN£ AND AUTO WORKS at 1225 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phoae Wilmette 185 ' For Your Drug Store Need· Call Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmette 400-401 Wilmette and Central Aves. A Trial Ton Will Convince You That Fall Cleaning Send us your household goods such as Rugs, Carpets, Draperies, and other effects that should be re·n ewed for the Fall and \Vinter seasons. \V e will render you a perfect service at no greater cost. GIVES MORE HEAT AT LESS COST No smoke-No soot and very little ash. Call Lawndale 702.5 and a Service man will come to your home. without coet to you, inspect your heating plant and show you how easy it ia to uae coke and how to save on your heatini coat. For Sale by Central Coal & Material Co·...................... Uni·· 5200; Wil. 333 Mey· Coal A Material ~ ................ Phoae Wilmette 1733-17U £diapr A Sou ................................ Pho..e Wilmette Mt tc.tt. BrOL ·.................·.·...·.·...·...... Piao.ae Wahaette 1 Aram K.. Mestjian I North Shore '· Leadinii Rug C/eanero Pbonea Wilmette 1949 E·auton 5050 511 Main St. Wilmette IlL