WIL11E'l"fE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 \'oter to m'lrk his ballot somewhere with- tagc of this law. The reasou for your in h:,. l>wn .;tate; others either cxprcss- absence must be directly counected with :y ur impliully allow the hallot to be )OUr regular "h~siness or duties." Furnnrkcd nu -ide th e \'oter's home state . . hermore, mere absence from home is Indeed. a i t' W Ia w' arc so generous as not sufficient ; you must be out side of t·· permit ah;.cnt-,·oting in practically any yuur home cou11/)' in order to be an "abpart ni th,· world. Again. a few states S('nt voter." Cnder the Illinois law a duly qualipcrn. it dll cl.t~"c" qf absentees- rcgardlcs,. of the rea,.oth ior their ahsence-to fied voter who expects to be away iron. his home county on r\ovember 4, "in Illinois Laws Provide for Ab- take advantage of the ah,.ent-voting Jaw: rno·'t ,tate' rc.trict the privilege of the course of his business or duties." sentee Voting ; Expert Ex- Inn ,·,.ting· in al·,.··ntia to qualified voters who may vote either before or after he leaves plains Procedure expect w ht· ah~er1t from their home home by complying with the following county in the cour~c oi their "business requirements: Apply for B lank No w or dutit:; ." E,·en this restrictive languIf you live in one of the followONCE agt·, ht~Wt\·t· r , i· hroad enough to make- ing( 1)cities. Chicago, East St. Louis. MUST ACT AT it lll"'ihlc i11r the following classeo; of ah~llltl't· \'oter' to vote hy mail aftrr Springfield, Galesburg, Danville, Cairo, )(·aving hotnt\ or to obtain a ballot ami Rockford, BIQOmington, Freeport, or Peoria, you should immediately apply Absentee Voters Should Get mark it !>.·fore lca\·ing home. in person, or write or telegraph to the Blanks Now Group · laduded city election board of your city for a I 1 l C\·mmercial travellers or travel- blank applicatim1 for an ahsent voter's lin)! reprc~entatives of business houses; ballot. li you live outside of these cit( 2. l engineers and contractors engaged ies, apply tn the county clerk in your on work at some distance; (3) sailors home county, for this application blank. B y P: ORMAN RAY f l'ro/Nsnr of Politiwl Sciencl' . .\'ortlr- and fisherman; (4).. railway and steam(2) As soon as it is received, fill out ~hip employees, e pecially those engaged the application hlank and mail it im. 'l.vcstcm Ullit·asil)'.) 111 the movement of trains ·and hoats: Ln~ sual efforts are being put forth mediately, in order to ha\·e it reach your tate officiab who dutil.'s require county clerk or city election board not tn hrrng out a larger vnlt' em ~ovem ( 5' ber ~ than .w as polled in the last prcsi - them to travtl ahout the state ; (6) fed- later than Octobt·r 30th. This is the dcntral electton. At that time only about eral go\'crnment officials or cmt>loyees last day on which such applications can half th~ eligible voters of the country ." the dcpartmt·nb in \Vashiugtou or he filed. ·!her place" rt·m<·tc from their home· took the trouble to go to the polb-tht: w < ( 3) Having filed this application at Pl'_(lrcst showing since the Civil war. In (7 l memiJcr, oi the theatrical profcs~ least five days before election day, you thrs . connccti<?n it is important to call S101n; ( S I L'·Jllt·gt· aud univcr~ity students should receive an Absent Voter's Balpuhl1c attentron to our absent-voting ui \'oting age, of whom there arc prob- lot. and printed instructions for marklaws, so that those who arc obliged to ably hundreds in large states like r\cw ing your hallot . Follow these instrucbe away from home on .1'\ovcmbcr 4 may York, Peurbyh·ania and Illinois; and tions very carefully, so as not to have ,r ake advantage of the.;e law~ and not lastly, (9 J person" in the military or na- your hallot invalidated. Do not mark val !>en·ice fJf the state or nation. Josr their votes. ynur ballot until you find a notary pubThis list is by no means exhau~tin·. A fc~v years ago, whcncvtr a geuerlic, a justice of the peace, or the clerk but it will gin- rotlt.' a fair idea oi the al electron came around, hundreds, pcruf ~orne court. Your ballot must be JJaps thousands-no one knows how largt· numhcr oi po~,;iblc ah!'>cntec~ who marked only in the presence of such a ~nr-fullr qualified and intelligent vot- nct·d nut J.,,l. their \·~>tc ii they arc away magi~tratc, but in such ·a manner that t'rs were vtrtually disfranchised in every from honi~· "II the .Jth of next /'l;ovcm- he does not see how you vote. A no~tate because they were obliged, for one ht.-r . Oul) ,ix ~tates han· extt·mlcd the tary may be found at any bank. at the good reason or another, to be away from l_lri,·ilege oi absent-\·oting lt> persons kept ~~sto1nce, or at the city hall. Under no ltomc, and so. were unable to appear in trom the pnlb b} reason of sickness or crrcumstaJICes mark your ballot when 11erson at the1r precinct )>oiling-place on injuries. These ~tates arc Iowa, IJelaIt is in this di- you are not in the presence of a magis~lcction day. That wasn't the only un- ware, and Xew York. tratc qualified to administer oaths. As lortunate feature connected with the otcl reeti<?n, do>ing tardy ju,tice to the sick soon as you have marked it in accord~ys~cm. Candidates and party organi- or dt~abk-<1 voter, that most remains to ~attons often spent large sums in pay- be done in periecting our ahsent-voting REMOVED GOITRE Ill!{ the travelling expenses of voters law.;. At Home. Serioua Condition Rewho "went .home to vote." Many people Datea Ba(;k to lt17 lieved by a Liniment. ~·egarded thrs as a mi ld form of bribery The [llinois absent-voting law was masmuch as the voter was expected to pa~~cd ba~k in 1917. Yet, although it l\tr·H. Fnnnit' "'right, "'apello, Illl'·?tc for the candidate or party that paid In~ bet·n 111 i(·rce for mort· than seven noil:~, ~:~ay~:~ 1<he will show an,· one what IIJs expenses. This sort of thing has ft';.tr>, very few people an· aware of its !:lorllol-Qun<lruple rllrl !or . her. Her ncrv .. s allfl !wart wet·., In a terrible hcen remlered unnecessary in most :.tatcs e:<·.'teuct·. ~nd ~till fewer know its pro- condition. 1·) the ahscnt voting laws. Hold at all druK stvn·s or write n't"ll'. :\ot cve:r voter who expects Sorohol l'omvany, ~l;.chanlcsbuq.:-, May Vote by Mail to be al\'ay, .or ~~ called away, from Ohiu. J,o('all)· at Henn .. ekar· Drug . It wou ld be hard to find another re- home at elccttou tunc can take advan- Co. -Ad\'. I orm connected with our election sys· tem that has spread so rapidly and har ·a ttracted so little public attention as th( cn~ctment of laws which have check(:d tlus form of campaign expenditure and have restored the suffrage to most abwithout extra charge to you ,.ent-v<?ters by permitting them to vote hy mat! or before they leave home . Since the passage of the Vermo~t law 111 1896, and the Kansas and Missouri laws in 1911, one state after another has adopted legislation for the benefit of ah,..enh:c voters, until at the present time 11~t more than four states appear to be Without any such laws. These four ~!atcs. are Connecticut, Georgia, South ( ar.olma, and Kentucky. . No t~vo of these laws arc exactly alike A. J. WOODCOCK 111 d~tails. Some permit absent-voting in dcct1~ms. OJ_Jiy; others, including Illinois, prrm1t 1t 111 connection with primaries as well. Some laws require an absent HOW.YOU · cAN VOTE BY MAIL ance with the printed instructions, the miigJstrate must s.gn the certificate ou the ballot-envelope. That done, mail it nack at one,· to your county clerk or city election IX>ard with prepaid postage. ""·c ._~" ·t w:ll ~hen hl· forwarded to the polling officials in your home precinct: (4) To have your vote counted, your l>allut mu.t reach the polling-officials in your home precinct bciore the t>olls close on :\uvember -4. ln order to allow for unioreseeu delays, you should get your ballot, mark, and return it at the earliest poss1ble moment. The law amply s<~icguards the secrecy oi your ballot. '1'11e f oregomg . · %Oil mstructions to voters who . reside in m · aptlr ~ 1 11911. . .J (Ien t ~ u f M . .c htgan, Indiana, 1 .,.. co.ns :n, Mm~tc~ota, and many 0~ \Vi wtlt find stm1lar lawS' permitf ~ h~ vote by mail, although these'll( "-a d1~er somewhat in details from:: II 1101s l~w. Absent-vo!ers from ll. states sh?uld lose no ttme in · · tbo.t t~legraphm~ .to their city or c:!~ tton ~uthon!tes for an applicati 011 br'.t,. and mstructtOns. lart In conclusion, let me urge absen from other states as well as th it~ . . to "V ole as "Oil PIose r""' Ill mots .... or VOTE." J ea.rt--bt.l B! Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 WD.Mm'E, DL. 721 Maia Street. MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. ) EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE Begining Noven1ber 1st our Monthly Storage Rate will be $15;!~ We still have a few stalls open for the winter. J. C. Slown I I A. B. VanDeusen 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE TAYLOR'S "The Satisfactory Store" Ladi·· ', Men '· and Children '· Fami·lainp Cclrter'· Knit Underwear Slaoa That Wear PHONE 13 0 4 WILMETTE CONVERSE RUBBER FOOTWEAR 1125-1127 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 1114 FREE WE DELIVER PUMPKIN to Every Boy and Girl .A lln~ yellow ~um~kin will be given away to each bo). or g-tr_l who.wtll brmg an order for 1 bushel of our chotce 'Vtsconsm Potatoes, per bushel $1.69. Free delh·ery-this deal for cash only. guaranteed. Potatoes Every Hallowe'en Party in. town ~ill serve doughn uts "'!th th~ c1der. that always g~es wtth thts fe ·ttve occasion . The more experienced hostesses will make sure that the doughnut~ served are \Vilson's Doughnuts-there's really a difference! Just Arrived 2 Car Loacla of Wiaconain Potatoes and 500 FineMuabrooma, Cauliftower' Spinach and J umbo D--k f in·ly low pricea. .uaa eta o Blue Grapes, at exceed- Yellow-Pumpkins~ COSMAS·. BROTHERS Oppoaite 6e v--.. ..........._WILME1TE