32 \VILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY DECEMBER 1924 "Sootfall" in Chicaao Health Probes AUTO FOR XMAS? Measure HERE'S APLAN Outline Ford Weekly Purchase Method Ch=cago's "sootfall" is to be measured = n exactly the same way it has always Christmas this year will bring automobile ownership to thousands of persons who never before even thought they would ever enjoy such a thing. Of course. the giving of an automobile at Christmas time has been a practice for years. Families have bought new automobiles to replace old ones, the thoughtful husband has surprised his wife with a new car and indulgent yet practical fathers, to retain larger car~ for family use, have played the role of Santa Claus and presented sons and daughters with Ford runabouts or coupes as personal cars, a practice, which, by the way, is becoming quite popular. Saota Uaea Ford Plan Winnetka Boy Pledged to But for those to whom the ownerEpsilon Society ~. Utility Coup6 ship of an automobile has heretofore seemed impossible, the Ford Weekly Northern Illinois is well represented Purchase plan is now playing the role among the 17 pledges to Pi Mu Epsilon, of Santa Claus. Thousands of per- honorary mathematics society at the sons who enrolled under the plan early Gniversity of Illinois, having the folin the year and made their weekly lowing pledges : payments will .this Christmas ta~e deCarl A. Borgeson, 1512 lOth street, livery of the1r cars, and rece1ve a Rockford; Russel D. Levy, 739 Van Christmas gift that gives year 'round Buren street, Oak Par; Bonar Brown, pleasure. 943 Oak street, Winnetka; Richard T. Approximately 150,000 persons al- Milner,· 2016 Harrison street, Evaflston; ready have secured their cars under Marion Fisher McConnel and Lola the Ford Weekly Purchase plan and Kuhlmcycr, Pearl City. this number will be materially increased before the close of the approaching Christmas season. Children Show Proweu WEU.S-WESCOT CO.. INC. The convenient manner in which As Writers of Essays payments may be made under the 1113 Chic··· ATe. The last report from the North Shore plan and other attractive features connected with it, make it possible for E lertric league states that the lighting most anyone to purchase a Ford car. essay contest has narrowed down to a Dealers throughout the country al- chosen few. The judges have had a difready have begun to report enroll- ficult job. The primers, which were ETaaatoa ments of persons who plan on a Ford turned in, surpassed all expectations as for Christmas next year and it is ex- to originality, correctness and neatness. Excellent handwriting proved that the pected that similar enrollments will show a large gain during the next contestants on the north shore and month or so. for people of limited vicinity are among the best writers in means everywhere arc finding this an the country. Sound logic also showed easy and practical way to purchase a that they understood the fundamentals of car. good lighting. In many instances the been the practice to measure the fall of rain and the result is to have an important effect in determining future action in the movement to abate the city's smoke nuisance, health department officials say, more than a mere. effort to keep the city safe for the wh1te collar. Shiny copper jars have been set well out of the reach of inquisitive small boys, on poles in. various scc~ions of the city. After a t1me they w1ll ~ taken to the sanitation bureau at the c1ty hall and the amount of fine black soot that has gathered in thcm-t.he same that keeps housewives busy w·th the dustcloth ----<:arefullly weighed and analyzed : "A smokeless Chicago depends m the long run upon the willingness of the small householder to shoulder his sh~re of responsibility," F. A. C~mbers, d nef of the smoke abatement division of the sanitation bureau says. "Mtile most householders cannot practically install smoke-consuming apparatus. they can choose their fuel scientifically. As coke comes more generally into use, gas, of which it is a by-product, will become cheaper and will be used more extensively for heating purposes." Pi Mu cotl~ '640 As Monarch Coffee excels ordinary eo Monarch Tea and Mon· arch Cocoa give evidence of their eupel'iority at the first trial. REID,M.URDOCH & CO. ~rtahlished 18SJ ~ Jlolt.on PUtshwzh Newl&'*. TRADE BUILDER. FOR ZS YP o\RS "For owr 2S ,_... Monart'h Co&e. 11M been ODe of our mo11p1t trade builders. Ourealea on MODJm:h have illcreued to do DOt betialle to buy iD lhoU1811d-pouud lou." RECitNORS, C...O...Jowa the point where we TPif'plloaP Bittersweet ;4f.MMJ Call I' We guarantee all work one year Expert Ooek Repairers JStZ BELMONT AVENUE t\icqo Home Cock Repairiag Co. t ', UTECHT, Prop,. foraaerl7 Field .A: Co. wltlt Maraltall \Vhy ha\'e your clock taken out of the home and wait ages for it, when it can be done in your home where you can see that it is done right. We repair any kind of a clock and are especially experienced on Chime, Hall and French Clocks. Brighten the Home for the Holidays Cleaning Rugs Phones ~nd Draperies will be a great help .. ;::::~}727 John Nazarian the same courtesy-the same helpful service iD managinc all perplexing detan.-ere aceorded J"CMM whether y o a deaire aa unlimited expenditare or whether circamatanca suaat that you refrain &om undue coetL · Evanston Motor Sales tots Dam Street, EYaDStea Phone UniYeraity 2277 Phone Wilmette 654 llU Central Ave. Wilmette ·· · ·-c.