16 I · WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1924 OJ 0 w "( 0 em QlltQ HEN we were supposed to be sleepmg quite 50und, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. Then he filled up our stockings with candy ar.d toys, For aren't those the presents for girls and for boys? irl /Jg Martj WMo~re · J us is ...., a t4 j~ f~ tl 1 1 ,,tl 'i W Since the table the center of interest is, He selected a fixture that was not amiss. So with filament lighted. the bulbs are uueen. By the people who dine with my mother, the queen. Bur he did not stop rhere, lor he took trom his sack. An assortment of lamps as from a peddler's pack. Finf were lights for the living·room, lovely and new, For the ceiling and side walls. and table lamps. too. At the head of the table, for comfort again, He placed a new oudet, a double one then. So that coftee could percolate. waftles could fry, And bread mi&ht be toasting. with ham 'n eggs nigh. a I. He permuted our old chandelier to remain, And the lights o'er the mantel to stay just the same. But in front of the firep1ace, beside the new couch. He placed a small reading lamp, taken from his pouch. In the kuchen, the domain of pot and of pan, He placed baaeboard outleu, the jolly old man, And a dense milk-white fixture of enclosing gla-. W as the light for the ceilinc. the best of its claa 0 0 Then he put in the corner where bookcases are, A taD floor lamp for which we're more grateful by far, Than a ltrong. &}aring light from the middle of the room, Since we've 'neither to live in the alare nor the s)oom. Thouch the ficht was di.ftueed evenlY' o'er the room, To prevent any shadows. companioGs of gloom, He placed lampa o'er the aink and over the stove, lust so hi&h from the floor to avoid danaer above. 0 To 'the eDd of the parlor St. Nicholas strode, And still chuckling with minh u he carried his load. He uncovered a bridp lamp to ute by the desk. Which was just what she'd wished for, our dear Aunt Therees. Then he g<Khered his pack and to haD and to stau, He advanced, pausin& only a moment, once th~re, To attach a new Iicht where before none did burn. On the landing. the place where the stain make a tum. .i A piaDo lamp next was discloeed to my view, SiDcJr 1 was but hidina, not sleepi - g like you; Thea quick u a wink to the baseboards he ll:ew, To place. for CODveDience. an outlet or two. He attached tome new fixtures, tome brackets were they, To tPe wall on each side of the dreeeer to stay. Then a small boudoir lamp did he place near the bed. Which sbe always h· Jonced for, so Pegy has.said. next Then he wenl ro the bedroom where Peggy did sleep, I can swear that I eaw him. lor I told you I peeped. Now the di~g-room was the place chat he went, He advanced. althouch laughing. on serious intent. And he put candelabra upon the bullet, Which enhanced its appearance by night and by day. Then fixtures with brackets he put on the wall, To add spots of color. to brishten the h~ll. The bathroom, the basement, the porches, too. Then he gathered hia pack, up the old chimney flew, Quickly staned his airplane. aod was loec to my view. 4C..,rl41W , ,· ., 11·'11 W Itt..,., Then to other rooms quickly the old man Dew. 'AMODERN SANTA CLAUS" written by Mary W. Moore, aJC 15, raiding at 310 Wat wu ltle17 W.lloore . 15th Street, Chicqo Heights, Illinois. Tbia pi iJ one of the more than 10,000 ntranta from, the territory terved by this Company, in the nation· -wide Better Home Liahtin1 Contest. Havina a creative tum of mind and the ambition to be individual, Mary Moore tJraented her ...., itt dte poetic ltOry form ptiDred above. Sbe defdy brinp Santa Cla,ua up-eo-clace uad yet leava hialldll po111!11ed of the myduca.l IOqlall~ with which we loft 'to aurround ...... We feel that Mill MOol'e'a effort i. worthy of special notice 10 we are sMDI you aDd otben an opportunity to read thla poem and compliment her at the 1a111e time. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOis ,.-Serving 6,000 ·quare milJ-2o2·citiea and towna-witla .. . . I ·ea. or El~ctricity : :.