The Season's Best Wishes To Our From the "Reo Gang" Friends and Patrons We Extend . the Reo Evanston Co. 1101 Chica·o A.,.nue EVANSTON Season's HeartieSt Greetings 'EVANSTON MOTOR SALBS JOtS Davia Street, ~vanaton Phon., University ~77 A Merry CHRISTMAS and Prosperous NEW YEAR PooL ·INC· & PtPER CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue, at Davia Street Evanaton, lllinoia We' wish you alJ..'a . Merry Christm~s , ./ and a HflPPY New.Year,.. Shore ·... Boot.ry:; SZ9 DAVIS STREET at Chicaro Avenue . ' ·r. I ·' , ~rusnn.s ~rrrttugs Christmas with its hallowed memories and golden hours of other years be for you a time of joy and sweet associatio~ , and ~ay tbe New year carry over its best thmgs of the old year and out of its abundance add new success. anticipations an~ real · izations. until it is richer, . braghter, better, than all the years that have gone before. t19 CHICACp AVENUE , r·· Neal! , Main Street l' ·· EVANSIDN ~ ...f11tr ay May Your Christmas :be Merry : and Your Gfk ORRINGTON AND LIBRARY PLAZA HOTELS New Year Prosperous Ward "' Buebhols FUNERAL DIRECTORS "' We Underatand" liZ Chicaco Avenue EVANSTON