October 2, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 35 Wilmette Grammar Grid '· ARDEN SHORE BOARD I .Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie of Find Rushing Business Team to Meet Evanston The Wilmette board of the Arden 1115 Elmwood avenue and Dr. and Mrs. in Wilmette Rentings Shore association will meet for lunch- Donald ~I. Gallie, Jr., of Glencoe reThe E. E. Stults Realty company has don e a rushing business in rentals recently, accord ing to reports issued this week. Clifford Older. former head of th e state high\\'ay commi:sion has rented the Ethel ~1. \\'illiam residence at 1026 Elmwood avenue, ,\\'ilm ette. Lawrence \V. ] ames has rented his home at 701 \V ashington aYenue, \Vilmettc. to Glen H. Pickard·. who former!\· liv ed at 809 Linden avenue, \ \'ilmct tc-. ~f r. fam es is taking an apartment at the ~indcn Crest. George Johnstonc has rent ed th e residence at 1213 Gregory avenue, \ Vi lmett e, from ~Irs. Rosenow .Be ck of Glencoe and Postmaster ] oseph E. Schant z of \Vilm ette is moving into the Linden Cre . t apartments. ~lore than 200 \Vilmctte grammcr school pupils arc out for the various school f oothall teams this fall, according to D. C. ~'tone. physical. director fof the schools. The first interschool game to be played will be Friday, October 9, when a heavyweight tealll from \\'ilmctte \\·ill play the Bolt\\'Ood Junior high school at Evanston. \\'ilmctte, together with Evanston and Kenilworth. is a member of the north ::.hore grammar school football lcagul'. Teams in the league arc di\'ided into three cla~sifications- light \\'eights, under 80 pounds, middle\\·cights, from 80 to 95 pounds, and heavyweight s, above 95 pounds. Games between teams from different rooms "·ill be played nightly, it was Mrs. Clifton Keith and Mrs. \Yalter said, f ollowcd by games between WilBaldwin have been spending this week mette schools, tim: developing good teams. in Champaign. Ill. - turned Monday from a 12 days' motor trip to Louisville, Ky., where they attended the National Dental society convention, and then motored to Frankfort, Lexington, and French Lick springs, where they stopped for two or three days. -o-0~1 rs. John Fuhrman of ·1630 Lake The Royal Neighbors will give a avenue gave a dinner Thursday evencard and bunco party Octoher 9, at ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 11 orrison and Miss Evelyn Rich of the Odd FcllO\\·'s hall. The affair Hollywood, Cal. open to the public. eon and the day at the home of- :Mrs. Leslie· F. Gate , 723 Eighth street, Thursday, October 8. -oThe East End circle of the Congregational church meets 11onday next with Nlrs. Harry \Vilber of 833 Chestr.ut a venue. The Evanston Branch of SPAULDING & Co., Jewelers H UNDREDS of Auburn 6-66 Sedans have been sold literally at first sight. The first impression of unusu~l beaut y, distinction , and enduring qualit y backed by Auburn 's reputation, has been all that was needed to make a knowing prospect an owner. And they're al! satisfied. That's the delight of owning an Auburn - the knowledge that , from the very first mile you have a car y ou ' ll btproud to own. New lines, lower, longer. Richly upholstered. Brew Lacquer finish. Largest size Ross ster windshield. steering gear especially designed for balloon tires. Four wheel brakes, front brakes enclosed. Engineering futures you coulCln't duplicate within hundreds of dollars of the price. Se~ it today! Convenient. for Our North Shore Patrons Ju~t near enough to be within easy driving distance, with plenty of parking space, the Evanston Branch of SPAULDING & Co. brings to the North Shore those interesting and "worthwhile things" that in so many instances can be found only" Spaulding's." They are carefully chosen for a clientele that appreciates the shops of Bond Street and of Paris. Spaulding buyers are constantly in search of the new and original productions from all lands - and our buying facilities thas offer you "the world's smartest merchandise at your very door." · · 8 -8 8 Sedan $2350 ; 8-88 Wanderer $2400; 8 - 88 Brougham $2250 ; 8 - 88 Touring $1995: 8 -88 Sport Roadster S 1975. 6-66 Sedan S I 795; 6-66 Wanderer $1845; 6-66 Brougham S1595; 6-66 Touring $1395; 6-66 Spor{.._Roadster $1495. Freight and tax extra. BONDURANT ,. MOTOR SALES 102 7 Davis Street Tel. Greenleaf 1046 .. 9.1ake it a part of your day's program to "come in to ~paulding's" and see "what "is n(w" in Silrcerware, Jewelery, Glassware, China and Leather. SPAULDING & -CO. Goldsmiths ., Sil'Versmiths ., Jewelers EVANSTON AUBURN 1636 Orrington A venue near Church St. Evanston Michigan Avenue at Van 23 Rue de Ia Paix Buren Street,CHICAGO Paris France