March 5, 1926 WILMETTE -· LIFE 17 ~T TAKE COLLEGE COURSE~ per ek ·n - 'X - ~ 1<1 he Ol " en e ~. r t· a ~ i- an ~lC f' en hk- 0 - ,._ 11} ls. er J(' \" North Sho~e Women EnroU in Mid. Miss Clarke was born in Bulgaria, Year Class at Kindergarten and but received her education in America Elementary College at Mt. Holyoke, Symonds Kindergarten Training School and the National Miss Hazel Knox, 1.046 Spruce street, Kindergarten and Elementary college. ~{iss Clarke is in America on a year's Winnetka, Miss Rosalie Budinger, 614 furlough and expects to visit schools Maple avenue, Wilmette, and Mrs. R. in the East and to attend Columbia N. McConnell, Jr., 507 Lake avenue, university this summer. Miss Penka Wilmette, are members of the mid- ' Kassabova, a graduate of the Ameriyear class of thirty-six students en- can training school in Sophia, is also attending the National Kindergarten rolled in the National Kindergarten and Elementary college this year, and and Elementary college this semester. will return to Sophia after finishing One of the most interesting mem- her course here. JOINS REALTY STAFF hers of the class is Miss Elizabeth -------Clarke of Bulgaria, head of the Ameri- E. Roy Sholes Family The real estate fifirm of Heinsen & can Kindergarten and Elementary y·-·- p k· . I Kroll, of 421 Fourth street, announce school, So_phia. The school originated aaea er lpl Reatdence the addition to their sales force of D in a kindergarten opened in 1900 by The L. C. Perkins family of 1507 McDqugall, of 218 Tenth street Miss Clarke under the American Board Highland avenue whose residence propHeadquarters for of Foreign Missions of the Congre- erty at that location was sold recently DECOR.-\.TING gational church, in an effort to bring by the E. E. Stults Realty co., of 4Z4 the benefits pf modern education to the Linden avenue, moved Monday to Interior and Exterior Painting · f h N h Canvass \Vork Antiquing children of Bulgaria. Through :Miss I..oc k port, t h e 1ocattOn o t e ort ern Craft ex Textures 15 21 Sherman Ave. Clarke's indomitable perseverance the Cereal company with which Mr PerAlbert Wallberc school has ~rown . to include the kins is associated. E. Roy Sholes, who 2715 Reef;e Ave. Phone Greenleaf 464 elementary grades and a trammg purchased the Highland avenue propTel. Univ. 8507 school for kindergarten and elementary ~e~rt~~_:_ ·, ~oc~c~u~p~i~e~d~th~e~r~e~s~id~e~n~c~e~T~u~e~s~d~a~Y..:_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-! teachers, graduates of which are given the highest recognition by the Bulgarian governmetJt. The kindergarten building, planned for fifty children, is now accommodating eighty in the kindergarten and an equal number in the grades, together with the students in the training school. The city has made a grant of land for a new school, the government has donated wood, · and funds have been secured to partially complete the building. Construction is now under way for a much larger social center or "Communitv Fireside" as it is called there, \vhich ,,:ill include, in addition to the school, a health center for the children, cafeteria, domestic science department, residence for the missionary and assistant and a hostel on the up- · Iworking girls. floors for university students and Sew for County Hospital at Woman's Club Today Mrs. Edgar Arthur Stevens ard Miss Elizabeth Stevens of Abbottsford road are giving a luncheon at Skokie club The Cook County hospital will be Wednesday, March 17. the beneficiary of .t he sewing to be done today at the Wilmette Woman's club under the arrangement of the philanthropy department of the club. Women of the village interested in this work are cordially invited by the department to join their fellow villagers at 10 o'clock this morning and spend the day in philanthropic work. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30 o'clock. HORNER PIANO CO. Pianos Phonographs Radio ZENITH RADIO / Sit Behind the Wheel of this New Cadillac-Drive it Yourself 1- · e Why not do it tomorrow morning- stop in at our sales rooms- and try out one of these New and Greater Cadillacs yourself? Someone has rightly said, "your judgment ts no better than your information." And, since this New Cadillac surpasses any . previous Cadillac· in every respect, you cannot correctly judge it from previous experience or knowledge. 1. (' . 1- r- Planned Excellence HE FACT that enrything that u served to you at the Central Cafeteria is so supremely good is not a matter of chance. The minutest derails are so carefully planned each day that !10 room is left for doubt. You can prove it to yourself any time you come-for lunch· eon, for week-day dinner. or for our faultlessly strved Sunday dinner. Sundays 12. to 5 Personal Supervision of Fred Mlller T First hand information. secured by learning the .. feel .. of this thrilling. smooth. comfortable car bebind its steering wheel. is the only information you can afford to rely upon. You assume no obligation to buy when you take a trial ride in the New Cadillac. We shall be pleased to have you drive it, even though you are not considering the purchase of a new motor car. 1- c e p v EVANSTON BRANCH I y e s, r CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nrlson Building Central Avt., tat of Wilmtttt Au.. WILMETTE CAD I L L ·A C 1810 Ridge Avenue Evanston & · University 8600 Rogers Park 9133 d