WILMETTE LIFE A . Weeklv News-Mal!.azine for Wilmette and Kenilworth \VILMETTE. ILLI~OtS. ~1ARCJI YO L. XV. ~0 . 23 5. 1<)2(, PRICE FIVE CENTS RE-BURY EUGENE FIELD AT KENILWORTH SUNDAY Opens L'ivic Jltl eetin~ f. AsK· FOR PLAYGROUND \"ILLINOIS IN FRANCE" FILM HERE NEXT WEEK Distinguished Officials and Au~ r:-::;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;.;;;;:;;;::;::;:~~ 1 thors to Do Honor to Great Children's Poet TALK ON TAXATION Z. \ \ 'bite. of Chicago, \\·ill addrc~s the ~ I en's club of the Fir"t Congregational church, ).f on day evening, M arch 8. at 7 o'clvck, the occa::,ion being the month ly dinner of the g r oup. Mr. \Vhite's subject v.ill be, "Rela tion J oh11 of T<:txation to lndustry."