. ~· - . ~ ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION Notice is hereby givenvto the l~egal Voters, residents of the 'fownship of New 'frier, County uf Cook. Illinois. that the Annual 'rownship Meeting and Election of Officers of said 'l'ownship will take place TUESDAY, the 6th ·D ay of April proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. 'fhe Election will begin at the hour of 7 A. l\1. and close at 5 P. M. Standard Central Titne in the places designated as follows: J>i"'trit_·t 1. Commencing at the intersection of the County line and Lake ~Iichigan, thence running- southeasterly along ::;hun: line uf Lake :\Iichigau to 1 'ark A\·enue; thence suuthwesh·rl.r along CLllter line of Park Avenue to South .:\n:nue; thence \vest along cente1· line South Avenue to the center line of ~ection 1~; thenee north along the cente1· line of Section 1~ to the ::;outh line of ~ection 1; thence \Vest al.ong the ~outh line of ~ection 1 to the we::;t liNe of ::;ection 1; thence north along the west line of Section 1 to the C'ounty line; thence east along the County line tu the place of beginning. Polling l'lucc: Glencoe Lnion <.:burch, Glencoe, Ill. Hb1trict .:.:. Commencing at the intersection of the shore llne of Lal(e .:\lichigan and l'ark Avenue; thence southwesterly along the center line of l>ark Avenue to the center line of ~outh Avenue; thence west a. long the center 11lle of South Avenue to the we!:it line of ~ew 'l'rier Town::,llip; thence :::;outh along the west line of ..:-\ew Trier '!'ownship to the ::;outhwest corner of the southeast one-quarter uf ~ection 1~; thence east along the south line of the southeast one-4uarter of Section 12 and ::;aid line produced t:~!sterly in JacK:::;on Avenue to the center line of Grove ~treet; thLIH.:c north along the center line of Grove ~treet tu the center line of .:\ladi:::;on Avenue, thence east along the center line of ~ladison Avenue to the center line of Lake Stn:et; tht.·Jwe ::;outh alollg the eentL·x· line of Lake ~treet t-> the center line of Haruor ~treet; thence northeasterly along the ceukr line of Haruor Str'»t·t to the shore line of Lake .:\1 icl11ga11; thence along the :-;hore line of Lake .:\1 ichigan to the place of uvg·inlllllg. I·oJling· I·Itacc: J.'irc Stutiou, \ · Utugc Hull, Glencoe, 111. District 3. Commencing at the intersection of the short:: I me of Lake :\Iichjgan and Harbor ~treet; thence southwestLrly along the center line of Haruor ~treet to the center line of Lake ~treet; thence nurtherly along the -center line of Lake ~treet to the centt'r line of .\l<u.ii::;on Avenue; then<..:e westerly along the center line of .:\ladi:::;on Avenue to the center line of Grove ~t1·ect; thence south along the center line of Grove ~treet to Jackson .Avenue; then<..:e westerly a.iong Jack!:ion ..Avenue to the :::;outhwe::;t corner of ~ecllon 7; thence :south along the New Trier Township line to the ~outh Glencoe Village line; thence easterly along the ~uuth Glencoe Yillage line to the Ea:::;t Glencoe \ illa'b·c line; thence north along- the East Glencoe \'illage line to the center line of Haruor ~trel'l; tht·m·e east on Harbor :-;rreet to the place of beginning. Polling !·haec: Garage ut :.:71 Scott A n~uue, uf Cherry ~tret:t: thence ea~t along· the <.:t:nter line of Cherry ~treet to tht· center line of the Chicago and North \~restern Hailroatl; thenee uorthwesterly along the center lme of the Chicago and :-.=orth \Ve~tern Hailroad to the place of beginning. All in the \'illage of \Vinn etka and in Township -t~ :-.=onh, Hange 13 . Polling l'lnct-: ChriHt ('hurt·h J»nri~o~} 1 Botu"e, Ouk Stret-t, Winnetka, 111. . . . . . DIHtrlct U. L:egllllllllg ut the shon· l1ne uf Lal\.e l\11chig·an and the center line of El111 ~tn·et · thence we~t along the center line of Elm Street tu the 'chicag·u anti 1'\orth \Vestern H. H.; the11ce ~outhwe~terly along- the Chicago anu North Western H. H. to the l'enter line of \Villow Street, thence east along the center line of \Villow ~treet to the ~l10re line of Lake .:\Iichigan; thence north along th .. shure lme of Lake .:\1ichigan to the eenter . of Elm StrPet. All in Township 42, Range 13. · . I·olllng I·lnt.'t·: H · . \. Hoaglund · .:.: l'routy Annex. \\inut-tka, Ill. District 10. Beg·inning· at the illter:::;ection uf the Chicago and 1"\orth \\'l·:::;tern H. H. and the center line of Willow Street; tbence west along the cente1· line of \Villow ~treet to the v·t>st line of ~ection ~0; thence north along the west line of ~ection 20 to the north west corner therel'f; thence we~t alung the uorth line uf ~Pction 1~ to the uorth west corner thereuf; thenct· :::;outh along the we~t lille of ~eetion 1!.1 to tht· ~outh Wt'Sl corner of said ~ectim1 1~; thence ea::;t along tht· :-;outh lint~ of ~t·dions 1~. ~U and ~1 to the center line of the l'hicag·o ·tnd ~orth \Vesteru 1·. H.; thence llvrth\~·e~tel'ly along tht·L t't·nter line of the Chicag-o and ~o1·th \\'estern H. l' to the cellter line of \'/illow ~treet · tht· point. vf bt·gi.nn;;,g \II in 'l'own:::;hilJ 4~ H.ange · ' · · ' 13 · ... , th .., . (. t I) .., \\"In 1 . or ~ 1aortouu r)· ny ~t.· 1auo. I o 111 ng ...- 1net-: J'etku, Ill. District 11. Begiunin~ at tht· .short: lint> of Lake .:\Iichigan and the centt.·r liue of \Vill ow ~trt·t·t; the.nce west along the center line of \Villow Stret't to the center line of the Chicago and North '\' estern H. H.; thencl' southeasterly along the Chicagu and North \Yt·l"t ern · H.. H.. to the ~outh line of the Temple's ::-;ubdivision; thence ea~t along the south line of the Temple'~ ~uutlivision to the center line of Essex Hoad; thence north on the center line of Bsscx H.oad to the center line of \\'innt:tka Avenue and \Vinn etl~a Avenue produced ·northeasterly to the shore line of Lake .Michigan; thence north along the ~hore linv of Lake l\lichigan to the center line of Willow :-;tn'et. tht· point of beg·inning-. All in Township 4 <!, Hange 13. · , , , . . . 1 oiling J IaN·: h. h. ~tuiC~o~ llt·alty < n., 4HO \\ lnnetka .\,·e., \\' innetka, Ill. District 12. .\11 that part of the \ 'illage of Kenilworth and that part of the Northwe~t one-<tUartPr of the Northt·ast 14 of ~ection :!8 lying Wl'St of the Chicago and North \\'estern R. H. and no 1·th of the =-'t.llllh line uf tht· \'illage ·ol Kenilworth. All ill Township -t:!, Hange 13. ::;outhwesterly along the center line of the North Shore Channel to the Ct-'nter line of Sheridan Road; thence north~veste~·J~· along, the center li.ne of Sheridan Road to the c.entet lme... of ~entral Avenue, thence west al~ng the ce~ter 1.me ~f Centt~l Avenue to the ce.nter ln:'e of F1fth ::->treet. thel_lce south al<;>ng the cen.ter lme of F1fth Street to thl' south lme of the VIllage of \Vllmette; thence east alon~· the sout.h l.ine of the Village of Wilmette to the shore of Lake ::\~Jc:~1g·an; thence .northwest:rly along the ~hore ot Lake l\'11Ch1gan to tht> pomt of begmning. All in Township -!2, Hange 1 :L Polling Plncc: liroll & Smith, 419 4tlt St., Wilmette, Ill. DfHtrfl't 1S. lJeginning- at the inter~ection of Fifth Street and <'entral Avenue; thence west along· the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of .I<.;ighth Street: thence south along the center line of Eig-hth Street and \\'oodbine Avf·nue to the center line of Isabella Strcet; tht·nct· <'ast along the center line of Isabella ~treet to the center line of Fifth Street; thence north along tht> ce>nter line of Fifth ~treet to the center line of Central Avenue, the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Raug-e 13. l'olling Pine.-: I.uurt·l .\,·.-. St_·hool corut>r 7th antl Laurel .\,·e., "-'ihnette, Jll. ' ~ .... r- m tool tool 3: m r- .... "2j tu , DiHtrlct 1fl. Beginning at the intersection of l~ig· hth s.treet and Greenle>af AYenue: thence west along the center lme of Greenleaf Avenu~ to the center line of the Chicago and Nort~ ~\'(·st<>rn ' {all.road; thence southeasterl.r along· the centel lmt; o.f the ChJCa~o and North \Vestern Hailread th; -~o~lt~ limit~ o.f the VI1Iag;. of \Vilmett.e; thence east long tht south limits of the \ 1llage of \VJlmette to tht· ::e,ntcl: l~n C: of \y ood~ine 1\..venue; then~e nort,h along tht· ( ntel ll.nc of. \\ oodbme Avenue and Eighth Street t 11 tht· t·,·nt~·r lme 01 . Un.. <·nleaf AvenuP. the point of l>eg·irming-. All m TownshiP 42, Range 13. ;o J·olling Plnt.·t>: \\' llmettt-, fit. KnHltlau llrmo~., .I 14ii (i reenlt·uf ,\ \ 't·uut-, Gh·ncoe, Ill. DJHtrict 4. Beginning at the intersection of Harbor Street and the 11orth and ~outh cellll'l' li11t· of section ~ · t:·1enee south along the north and !:iOUth ceuter line of Sec~ tion 8 to the south line of Village of Glencoe; thence west along the south line of the Village of UJencoe to the west line of Section 1~; thence south along the wt·:-;t line of Section 18 to the cettter line of Tower Hoad; the net: e:.tst along the center line of Tower H.oatl to the <:enter line of Gordon Terrace; thence north along the center line of Gordon 'l'errace to the center liue of Gage ~treet; thence north and easterly along· the cent~>r line of {~age Street to the center line of the Chicago a.nd North \V e~tern H.ailroad · thence southeasterly along the center line of the Chicag<: auu North \\TeblCl'll Itauroad lU the Cl;:lllt·t· lill(· of Tow~H' the Chicag-o and North \\'t·::;tern H. H. and center line of Twelfth .Street in the \'illagc of Wilmette protluced :-;outh; thence nort hwt ·"t' 11.' alun~ t h· t'hit·a;..:,, and :--; ., 1 t 11 \\'· :-; tf'rn fL H. to i.t:-; int· · l ;-;, ·ct 11111 \\11 II lilt · ~urth lilnitl:l of the Vil- Polling l'hu·t·: \ lll:t~t· Ofllt.'t·, h.t·nllwortb, Ill. DiMtrh·t J:-1. Ut·gi nn i ng at tht· i 11 tt·r:-;eetiun of · .( 1-toa""; -4 and ,the cem-t:r line qf 'l'o~·er 1 Road 1f, exte ·.-, ?'~ to Ls~e .'\1ichigan; thence northwesterly along shure lme of LaKe ~\uclugaH to llle center Ullt· of Llarl>or ~treet J[ extended; thence southwesterly along the center line of Harbor Street t¥nc,. east rul.11g 'h·· '···ntor ll!~o "'\·~·r.~,.,r ll<· '<I \i·-· "ur ·~f.-;: ~~;~·t·.J·:l" '\'ii~".H.a;'l: H.ti.""wt: ·t:·::·~e~:. "Hiu!-rvi. ~· ~\;!. t !~11 :n; Lh~nl'e em, l· along :,;~ll.u 1· .t~t ~ .· d ·\\ (.·.st cetft~1· hne Bection ~~ tu th~· l'ellter lint· of Tw~lfth !':itrePt 1 .11 the \'illagt· of \\'ilnwtte; thynce south along the centl·r lme of l·L ...:t ..... t 1:·;;.· · ,, · Jlll~~· llt · , _ Lhvllt:·· '-".u;t HI"IIJ:; saJd llllllh 111111ls ~llle ~ D18trlct :!0. Deginning at the inter-Rection of the Chicago and North \Vestern Railroad and \Vilmette Avenue: the11.ce southwestt'l'ly along· the centt--1' line of V\"ilmette Avenue to the center line of JUdge A.Yenue; thence south along the center line of Hidge Avenue to the south limits of the Villagt:> of \Vilmette; thencc e,a st along thf' l"Outh limits of the Yillage of \Yilmette to the centQr line of tht· Chicago and North \\'estern Railroad; thence northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and North \\~estern Railroad to the center line of \Vilmette Avenue, thP point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. · . ·· _ . .1 oiling Place: Ut·ll Drt·HM ~hoJ·· 1-14 \\llmettt- .\,·t-.. "llrnette, Ill. District 21. Beginning at the intersection of the Chicago and North \Ve~tern Railroad and the center line of Highland Avenue; thence west along the center line of Highland Avenue to the center li.ne of Park .Avenue: thencl' northwesterly along the ct:>ntPr lme of Park Avenue to the center llne of Lal(e Avenue: thence west alo~g the center lin" of Lal{e Avenue to the cel!ter line. of Rtdge Avenue: thence south along the center l111e of Ridge Avenue to tht> center line of \Vtlmett e Avenue: thence east and northeast along the center line of \\'llmettc Avenue to the centt>r lint> of the Chicago and North \Vestern Railroad; thence northw~stcrly alo.ng the cent~r llne . of. the Chi~ago and North \\ estt·rn H.aJlroad to thP ct.·nter Jme of Highland A\'ellU(·, the point of bt>g1nn1ng. All in Township 42, Range 13. t·oJIID&' Pln.-ea J ... o"on ~- · ~;· wf ll:aM'JOH ' H~. Crntrnl nod Pol ~ .., ::0 0 ::r (") te t and ··No·;th:·we;~~n·.tn(fr·~·· ~- · Vill l"rn' r...:.- A,·.-····~·· '\,Vtln·r'tf... 'lht.L..>.I..t:t..h .J.uul:.........JU.d- .T...\.\:Jlli.UL....£t..t;_t±-u1-.ll.J:Udut·Pd LU-.the~---- ~in~ f f f K ftilworth .t thence ~e:o;t alon\- the sotlth limit"> 1 e\.~11 r~ f Kentlworth to tlH' north and south c<>nt~:::· 1 ~f Sec~foen °2 8· thence south along the north and south ~~~·~ ~ ."' {11~ ; . . ~-tli"'Hmtts....,~fth; ··-_ ., T- ... . -·' ~- f - "'""· ~ ~ _ _ ..__