Z6 WILMETTE LIFE April 16, 1926 Our Spring Catalogue of Announce Tentative Local Residents Visit " Near Orlando, Florida Plans for Woman's 1 L, Dahlias, Gladioli, Lilies, Phlox, Iris, and Hardy Perennials is now ready. Send for it, and .w e will send later our Fall Catalogue of Choice Dutch Bulbs Also our special list of Novelties of the -latest introduction. FRANKEN BROTHERS Visitors Welcome Deerfield,~ > < Phone Deerfield 241 : Announcement We wish to announce that we have recently added a new Invalid Coach (more commonly called Ambulance) to our equipment. Aside from its beautiful and dignified appearance, its most pleasing feature is the side door loading, where the patient is placed into the · Coach through the large side door, as in a private limousine, instead of through the rear door as in the old style ambuiance. The Coach is equipped with full sized balloon tires and the cot is s~pplied with an air mattress which adds to the riding comfort of the patient. It also contains a Doctor's emergency cabinet, electric fan, etc., all of which add to the safety and convenirnce of the patient. Women of the local hoard of th~ Illinois' Federation of Wom~n's c!uh$ arc bu sily engaged with thc_tr spnngtime plans for the conYenttOn to he held May 18-21. at the . Edgew~ter Beach hotel. Each mornmg scsston. it is annmmccd, will op~!l wit!~ asscmhh· . inging, pledge of Atlcgtan~r to the Flag." and repeating of th~ Lttan_v- ' of the Club \Vom cn of Amen ca. There will he di st ri ct chorus singing hv the thirteenth, second, sixth: thi_rd, aifd tenth districts under the <hr~cttOn of Mrs. E. J ~1urray, state chatrman of music, at both morning and after noon sess ions. Tuesday evening during the art progra m, Mis. .t\delaide Berkeman of Chicago. pianist. \viii play, and at ~l~e WELLESLEY GROUP TO MEET . Vvcdne sda,· evening banquet the phtlt The regular monthly meeting of the con chorus witt sing. This chorus ~,·ill North Shore Wellesley circle wilt he repre se nt Illinois at the General Fe<!held Tuesday, April 20, at 2 :30. o'clock, eration convention in June ·at Atlanttc at the home of Mrs. R. Starrett, City. Mrs. J. Clarke Phillips of Ern333 Richmond road, Kenilworth. Mrs . ton, delightful Yiolinist, will also pta~· Charles 'Ray McCallum and Miss Jean at this han()uet. Ten Broeck will be assisting hostes ses. Thursday evening the Juniors '.\'ill put on their musical p~ogram d~trtn g Miss Madeleine Truitt, daughter of their dinner, and followmg th_e dmncr Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Truitt, of 511 Lin- in the Assembly room, dunng the den avenue, entertained 16 girls at Educational pro-gram. of which Mr s. luncheon and ·b ridge at her home Grant Beebe is chairman, the VlaukeTues<lay, April 6. gan Woman's rluh trio wilt sing. -oOther musical numbers will he addec 1{iss Helen Harlan of Kr.nilworl h as . the program m~ture~ spent the past week-end 111 Rockford,' 1[rs. Arthur Jackson, 7416 Yates Ill., visiting friends. I avenue, Chicago, has been ratified by the local hoard as chairman of the decorating committee, and Mrs. Frank F. Collins of the Berywn Woman's club. as chairman of hospitality and courtesy. . :\frs. \Villiam Franklin Farrell, pre sident of the Tenth district, is chairman of the local board. Formerly with C. D. MacPhtrsOI' Miss Ethel and Miss Margaret Gil Interior Decorating christ and Miss Mildred Burns, v.·ho have hcen in Wilmette during tht!r Exterior Painting spring recess from Dennison univer sity, entertained some of the girls of Canvas Work-Antiquing the ~hepard~on ~ollegc. Glee r_luh of Dcnmson untverstty durmg the1r stay Craftex Textures in \tVilmette Friday night of last we ek. -oThe Skokie Valley chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Monday, April 26, at the home of Mrs. Karl B. Korrady, 527 Ahbottsford road, KcnilwQrth. The regent, Mrs. Fannie Cope, of 239 Essex road, will leave the following day 1 for a summer in Europe. De. and Mrs. Hilton Ira ] ones of 1538 Fore st avenue, Wilmette, who arc now motoring through Florida, were entertained en route at the beautiful new home of Dr. and Mrs.. A. Colledge at \tVinter Park, Fla. Dr. Colledge, '"ho is educational director of the Redpath Lyceum bureau. \\·as former!\' a resident of Kenilworth ; and pastor ·o f the Kenilworth Communitv church. \Vit~ter Park is a charming resi dential suburb of Orlando. The Colledge home adjoins Rnllin s co:lcge and face s a beautiful lake. Three other lakes arc visible from the windows. The tree s in the varcl arc loaded with oranges and grape fruit. They send greetings to all their friends on the north shore. Club Convention · w-: ·. Albert W allberg l 2715 Reese Avenue Tel. Univ. 8507 · Attendants Uniformed All Foods Kept Better with the · Dry, Frosty Cold of the , . .. UNDERTAKER 11 The House of Personal' Service" 20 years on the North Shore Kelvinator THE OLDEST DOMESTIC ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION 1124 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 654 I -,, 508 Davis Street, Evanston Tel. University 2132