April 30, 1926 WILMETTE Joy Scheidenhelm to Marry A Ifred Taylor on Saturday May 8 Saturday evening, May 8, has been chosen by Miss Joy Scheiden helm as the day of her marriage to Alfred Hendricks Taylor, son of Mr. and M r<; Charles P. Taylor of Ottawa. Ttl. The wedding ceremony will take place in the First Congregational church, Wilmette, at 8:30 o'clock, with the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd officiating. A reception will follow at the home of Miss Scheidenhelm's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. S.cheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, Wilmette. The bride's attendants will he her matron of honor, her sister. Mrs.]. \V . McPherrin of Des Moines. Iowa, (Katherine Scheidenhelm ). who arrives May 1, and her hridesrnaicls. ~Irs. Samuel K. Comly of Evanston, ( Fl e lrn Cresap of Kenilworth), Mrs. J. Melvin French. sister of the groom. who is arriving May 6: Miss Katharin e Brown, a college friend of Miss Scheidenhelm. who arrives from her home in Ncw York this week: Mrs. \Villiam \V. \Vhite of Evanston (M argarct Patrrson of \Vilmettc) 'Miss Uan· Louise Scheidenhelm of \Vilmette, cousin of the bride, and ~1 iss Elizaheth Hannah of T<enilworth. Th · JOillSllH'Il will he the best man, Alben Scheidenhelm of Evanston. cousin of the hride ·and college friend of the groom, and the ushers. Horace Caner of Evanston. Portrr Case Taylor of Otta\\'a. brother nf the groom: Tohn \V. J\t c Plwrrin of Des Moines. i)rother-in -law of thr hrid);.: Ogden Cook of Kenih\·orth, Edwaro .1. Schcidenhelm. brother of the bride, all memhers of the Sigma Phi fratrrnit~· . ancl Joseph P. Hook of Oak Park, cousin nf the groom, and ]. ~{elvin French of Ottawa. brother-in -law of the groom . A glimpse into the engagement calrndar of the hride -e lect di!'closes the following affairs: ~[rs . Carl \Vidney of \Vilmctte, ho stess at a luncheon -bridge April 28, at the Orrington hotel: \1i ss Mary Loui se Scheidenhelm and Mr. · and Mrs. Albert K. Scheiden helm, a dinner-bridge at the home of Mr. and ~{ rs. Frank Sche idenh clm . 80-t Forest a\'enue. \Vilmette. Saturday evening, ~fay 1: Mrs. ]. H. Prenti-;s, ]rr; informal tea for the bridal party Monday afternoon. ~fay 3, at her home. 1313 Oak avenue. Evanston; Miss Helen Bruch. lun cheon and bridge. Tuesday, May 4, at her home, 1815 Chicago avenue, E\'anston: Mrs . George Kibby, luncheon and bridge. Thursdav. ~{av 6, at her residence. 835 Lake av~nue, ·Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs . Mark Cresap and Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Hannah of Kenilworth, a theatre party and dance Thursday evening, May 6; Mrs. M. L. Paterson and Mrs. \Villiam W. \Vhite of Evanston, a luncheon Friday, May 7, at Skokie Coun!ry club. Mr. and Mrs . Edward L. Schetdenhelm will give the bridal dinner Friday evening, May 7. at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Mrs. Hugh C. Foresman, 531 Es sex road, Kenilworth, entertained at tea Sunday, April 25, in honor of Mrs. Cope, and Mrs. Olmstead of Omaha, who is visiting Mrs. Bently ~1cCioud, of 416 ·cumnor road. Mrs. Mark Cresap gave a farewell tea for her mother, Mrs. Cope, \Vedne sday afternoon. Wilmette Youth Diea · · ID l:Jnuaual Acctdent I LIFE POUR AT HOME COMING A New A8Mortmeat of SpriDK aad Summer Peter Klappench, 19 years old, a son t:OATs-DRESSEs-HATS of Peter J . Klapperich, 412 Central aveAll very beautiful and of the nue, was killed last P'riday i~ Chicago best styles and mater-ials to be d f 11 f t· h h 1 found anywhere on the North w e~ e ;ape or e .rom an a~ oShore at prices that cannot be beaten. mootle. \ oung Klappench, who IS a freshman at De Paul university, stopped at the campus of Loyola university on his way home from school. 8. COPLAN. Prop. There !1e met James O'Brien, George 1 1 2 ti Central A venue Wray and Peter Furlong, all of Chi~~ rs. Robert 0. Law, 2-l \Varwick Phone Wit. 2403 cago. The three were leaving in avenue. has returned from her trip O'Brien's car when Klapperich is said around the wnrld on the Belgenland. t'o haYe jumped on the running board . \Vhen he found that they were going we st in~teacl of north he evidently leaped off or fell from the car, fracturing his jaw and hi s skull. The three J'~ast !:!ide bu:-;in es::;. v~rnnt 3Gx2i!ll; olcl improv e ments bring in $200. P.e!· .month. Th1:-; IS a good mvestment, with splendid future youths were held hy the police on poss ti.HIJ ties. charges of manslaughter and were lat er r<"leased on honcls of $5.000. Funeral services for Klapperich were held this week. Visiturs at Arden Shore camp on the occasion of Home Coming Day, Sunday, May 2, will be served with tea in the afternoon, with the following women presid~ng at the tea tables: Mrs. George Richardson, Mrs. Floyd Evans, Mrs. George Malcolm, Mrs. Donald \V clles, all of Lake Forest. Mrs. Frederick G. \Vacker, also of the same su.burh, is chairman of the tea comm1ttee. UNIQUE STYLE SHOP FOR .. at. The Cresc.ent circle of the l'ongregat ional rhurrh. ~~ rs. Edwin S. Band . chairman, will meet at the home o.f ~1 r~. B. E . Gage, 2.tl8 Hartzell street, E,.an s ton. for a 1 o ·clock luncheon Tuesday, 1fay 4. AND NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES soo Davis Street Greenleaf 16 17. ·· .) How long does this sale last? AFTER exa·m ining the floor coverings at Barry's and being impressed with their quality and with the unusual prices, people often ask this question. They are pleasantly surprised when they learn that these "bargai.ns" are just an every-day offering here. It's time now to select new rugs and floor coverings. Barry· s selection is complete. If you know of a store within 50 miles that can beat our quality and prices, we'll pay your fare there and back . . .) ... .. .. "' mh~~~~~~~ Write for Free Booklet Chicago. JAZZ in 20 Lessons on Ptano, Banjo, Sax., etc. 514 Davis Street DAVID G. BARRY . . · Evanston · ·U niversity 5712 RUGS · · CARPETS · · L I N ·O LEU MS