July 2, 1926 _ . WILMETTE LIFE· 7 g r een. He caught his breath and stood what species and how many of each in r everent admira tion. Then . h e are n'o t known. What th eir true conspoke in r e ve r e nt tones, 'th a t must b e dition is, no one approaches knowing. the tree Joy ce Kilm er w rot e about.' T he first thing, plainly, is to ge t some meas ur e of the p roblem. Beauty, Health Values Take the t rees in V attman par k. One \Vhen t he Uni ted States ·w as being settled, the fore·s t \vas an enemv to be bid g iant is full of knots b ig as your vanquished. Our grandparents and their ne ighbors helped each other at ' log-rolJ ings' to make clearings, and the word lingers with a political meaning in our vocabu lary. Todav something of the old desire stavs -with us to destroy tree s, at least ·when presumahly in the ,,·ay of progres s. A public improvement ma\· vet he considered more of an it;lprovemcnt if trees have to be cut down - sacrificed is the word now used. But times are changing, and the hcauty and health values of trees are heing recognized as assets of the first order. Trees help to purif\· the air and modify th~ temperatur-e of our streets and yards. Kot onlY do thev cut off the direct ran of th-e sun and keep them from bei'ng reflected irom street pavements on hot days hut the t rees give off enormous quat;tities of "·atcr, and thus have a marked effect on keeping temperature down. Trees have another va lue, a comhination of economic and spiritual. "What are trees worth? Offer $500 They give character to a town, just each for these trees and listen to the as morality, patriotism, and like vir- owner' a, 'No.' " tues give character to people. A home two fist s, the homes of elm-borers. tmn1 like \Vilmette is unquestionab ly Slowly they are sapping the life of possessed of finer ch aracter and civic their host as the thinnes:-; of the uppri<ie because of trees of majestic per right part of the top plainly heauty than a town \\·here the hard shows. That loss of leaves is a sign .lines of streets and buildings arc un- of distress. A shot of carbon bis ulfi d relieved hy trees. in the front door-hole of each knot, Must Be Cared For plug it up with putty and the pet dies. fi \Vilmette is to continue a town Another of the noble old elms onr oi beautifu l tree s, t\\·o things must be by Lake avenue was struck by lightdone: we must take care of the trees 111ng scYeral years ago. A strip of \H' have and plant others where lack- hark was peeled off and, where the ing . . particularly in the newly annexed trunk is naked. it has begun to rot. If terr~tory . · been given the 1 simple fir st aid had \\hat the wh ole problem is in \\'il -~ \\'Ottnd soon after inflicted, the tree lllette no one kn ow s. How many tree , (Continued on page 8) Announcement The Genthner Market is. now owned ·and operated by the PALACE MARKET CO. : ,_.,t' ~~::te 2814 Leg Genuine Spring Lamb .l Pallce Market J ;~~::te I 1145 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 1559 Sherinan Ave. Evanston We wish to announce that there wiD be no change in personnel of this new market-the same men will give the courteous and pleasing service you have been receiving. -· -· --· . :.. I i I I ----~ 1 I 2814 ~ I I ' I Calves . SweetBreads I 60 lb 4sc lb. (Mint Free) Native Pot Roast ·i ; 1 I --· -· -. -· .I 22e lb. I i i I I ·:· I I - ·- -·- . - ·· 1 Kinds of _ AllCooked e . I ·= · Fresh Dressed Hens for pot routing or stewing 40e lb. I 1 I Meats Fresh Butter and Eggs Always on Hand The PALACE CASH MARKETS are the North Shore's Leading Markets Do They Keep Correct Time? We are speaking of your watches and clocks. They may need some cleaning, adjusting or repairing in order to keep. correct time. We are equipped to do high grade watch and clock repairing of all kinds-also gold, silver and platinum jewelry remodeling and repairing-silver plating .a nd repairin. g in all its branches. We will be glad to call for and deliver any clock we repair. Our Optical Department Conducted by Dr. Burr Davey, 0. D. Optometrist; Eyes tested, glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired. Complete line of Optical goods. Phone Wilmette 6 PAUL DAVEY -JEWELER- 1165 Wilmette Avenue ·