ft · July 16, ~926 WILMETTE LIFE A Greater Store for Greater Evanston LOVELY "MING TOY" CREPE FROCKS Adapt Themselves to Summer's Varied Needs Sizes 16 to 42 With colors as varied as a summer's day, and styles as varied as the. occasions to which they will be worn this season, are these smartly made little frocks of the well known Ming Toy crepe. You will like the youthfulness of the styles, the ex· treme "up-to-dateness" of the pleatings, tuckings, etc., which make them so very distinctive. I And They Wear and Launder Beautifully! That is what most women commend most highly after wearing Ming Toy Crepe dresses, the fact that after frequent washings and much wear, they appear just as fresh and lovely as the day on which they were purchased. Both Mother and Daughter find them practical and attractive for summer wear and will take this opportunity to purchase several. Colorful Scarfs Gayly colored silk sport scarfs are becoming an even Frocks Formerly Priced to $39.50 Available Now at more important accessory to costumes than heretofore, and may be had in styles for sport, street and evening, in crepe de chine and georgette, ranging in price from $2.95 to $12.00. Flat crepes ~ printed silks. pastel tinted crepe de chines~ and both light and dark georgette crepes are included i11 th1s group of Spring and Sum.mer dresses which we have reduced for immediate Clearance. You will be more than pleased The Tie Is Important For the plain colored silk sport frock, by all means choose a long silk tie from the assortments we are showing, e:rher plain, to contrast, or figured, dotted, or printed in colors to harmonize. A wide selection at with the values rrpresented, and will find among them styles for street, afternoon, sport and informal wear. Shop early, and make your selections from a more complete assortment. 95c. .. MING TOY CREPE AVAILABLE IN OUR YARD GOODS DEPARTMENT AT $2.75 A YARD