WILMETTE LIFE J~ly~.?· 192() On Your Vacation-Leave Worry Behind! THOSE valuable papers of yours - where arc they? In a \vooden drawer at borne subject to fire and theft? Or in our steel yaulrs where hun1ans and science combine to offer the highest degree of saf cry known . Is your vacation going to be marred by thoughts of \vh.1t n1.1y happen at homr during your absence? Is your silver-ware ,1 tcmpt.l tion to some pro\vlcr? Be certain of their security . deposit rhcrn in our vaults. The cost is so neg I igible in cotn pa rison to the value of vou r p.1 pers and silverware that you shouldn't br \Vitbout l safety box .1ny longer. Which is it going to be- - safety or sorro\v? THE WILMETTE STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Street · "Your Home Bank"