·J2 WILMETTE LIFE EMBARK ON LAKE CRUISE ] uly 23, 1926 Mrs. Webster and daughter, Ruth, VOTE TREE SURVEY FUND Three hundred dollars was approE. C. Webster, 719 Linden avenue, will join thetn at Mackiaac, August Wilmette; recently launched his yacht, 1, for a cruise through the North priated by the village board of Wilthe "Idler," a thirty-five foot ketch, at the Sheridan harbor, when he and Mrs. Webster entertained the yacht's officers and crew and a number of girls on a day's ~:til. Mr. Webster's sons, Si~ney, the navigator. \Villiam, the engmeer, and crew, Llewellyn Bowen and Nelson Whitman of Wilmette, Webster Jackson and Duncan Farnsworth of Winnetka. left } uly 12, for a cruise of Lake Michigan and Huron. Mr. and Here's a Sad Tale of·a Moth Massacre Chann-el and Georgian Bay, a visit at mette, Tuesday evening for the purKillarney, Ont., and the return sail. pose of defraying the expense of the tree survey of the village which is now Among the affairs given recently for. being conducted. ~Y . the Boy .Scouts Mrs. Albert Hawkes, who is visiting under the supervtston of Supermtendhere from the East, were the luncheon ent C. C. Schultz. on Saturday last, with Mrs. Frank -------Brown of 945 Michigan avenue, the Dwight Chapman, Jr., 900 Elmwood hostess to twelve guests, and the avenue, sails for Europe · August 1, for luncheon for sixteen given at Skokie two months of travel in Europe. Updub Tuesday by Mrs. George H. Bird on his return he will go directly to of 1010 Chestnut avenue. Harvard university. · in Wilmette, Mates Wilmette has met the enemy and they are hers. But it took an interested citizen, a trustee, the village manager, an ' 4 L" employe, and the chairman of the public relations de partment of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad to thwart the attack, and when the enemy lay dead on the field of battle the victors agreed that they had. killed the wrong parties. But listen-you shall hear all. · Early last week Miss Amy Weedon, 204 Fifth street, noticed that insects resembling the tussock moth were eating the foliage of bushes on the "L" terminal property. Realizing the pos, sible damage which they might inflict if allowed to spr~~d. Miss \Veedon called on Village Manager Schultz to have the invaders sprayed. He re ferred the matter to the agent at the "L" station. asserting that the Village had no right to spray on property of the Elevated company. This employe in turn notified his main office, and the affair here fell into I the hands of John ]. Moran, 924 Greenleaf avenue, who, as well as being chairman of the public relation s department of ·the Korth Shore road is a Wilmette citizen. As a result of Mr. Moran's quick action t!1e th~eatening 1 itwaders were stopped m thetr tracks on the field of action and everyone breathed a ~igh of relief-And then the inquest was held over the vanquished. The invaders were found not to be tussock moth s, and furthermore were so dead that no one could he sure about the family name which they had carried. There they I were, with toes turned up as good 1 \Vi.lmette citizen s had hoped for several day s to sec them, but their epitaph must read. "They ha fT!ed entomologist s by dying without identification." .. ,' l; Take Nonh Shore Line trains to Kenoeha, and North Shore Line MotorCoacheafrom there on reg· ular achedule. Through ticlcets. Talce North Sh.ore Line trains to Waulcegan or Libenyville. Nonh Shore Line Motor Coaches frorn there on regular schedule to these points. Through tickets. Oconomowoc Nashotah Lakes Ne~abin Lakes Silver Lake Delafield Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Pewaukee Lake Talce North Shore Line to Milwaulcee-step into T.M.E.R.& L. trains at door of our Milwaulcec terminal, for these points. Through cicltecs. Ludington Manistee Hamlin Lake Portage Lake Onekema Talce North Shore Line to MiJ.. waukee; Pcre Marquette night steamer frorn there: arrive Mich.. igan next moming, Through tickets. WISCONSIN Sheboygan PQrt Washington Elkhart Lake Cedar Lake Crystal Lake Talce North Shore .Line to MiJ.. waulcee; connections at door of our Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee Northern trains for these points. Through ticlccts. -~ · ILLINOIS .... ~~~;;;~~~~ Libertyville Mundelein Spend an enJoYable day in the alluring Lake County Country .. side. Visit beautiful St. Mary of the Lake, the magnificent, tenmillion .. dollar, thousand- acre Seminary that is attracting people from all over the world. Best reached by the North Shore Line. Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them ~autiful. Rather, it's the glow whicb radiates from them. UTY' less keptalwayscleao. 1nd healthy, EYES lack1this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. tides and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. O..r illaucrated books oft "Eye Caw' or "E~e Beauc," are FREE oft uquat. The Murine Company even Abd-el Krim would know about it." So remarked Otto H. Kahn on a recent occasion. Ravinia, "the opera house in the woods", is equally a privile2e and an opportunityformusic lovers. There, at small cost, one may listen to world-renowned 'opera stars in the brilliant operas of all times. There one may pass the summer evenings comfortably, profitably and enjoyably. Easily reached by the North Shore Line-leave trains at Ravinia station. l'il ulf Ravinia were Europe, its summer sea'-'L son would be a festival so famous that The high-speed electrically-operated railroad \Yilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. office, or at Traffic Dept.: Chicago, 79 West Monroe Street phone Randolph 6226; Milwaukee, 4o8 Security Building' phones Grand 990 or Grand 2762. ' For BAGGAGE CHECKED sdaedules, fares and ~t~ information, inquire tJt ticfcet 1·98 tlfllq!!~fY~L J'>ept. 33, Chic.ao , JJ· EYES·