18 WILMETTe LIFE August 6, 1926 ]. H. ANDERSON MONUMENT CO. offering for Sunday night, August 8, when Miss Luella Melius will be heard ~s Rosina. This is o.ne of the finest coloratura roles in . opera and Miss in the Monday night concert program Melius, whose work has won universal and he has likewise scheduled the first admiration during her summer at RaSpecial Concert of Polish Numperformance of the season ,of that vinia i1 umbers it among her favorite bers to Be Given Sunday; great. ,d~ama t~c ?Pera, . "At~dre~ parts'. The role itself not only a~C?rcls Repeat "La Vida Breve" Chemer, 1t1 which GIOvanni Martu~elh wonderful opportunities for a hnlltant will sing the title role. for the first ti!ne display of coloratura singing, hut the The com';.·1g week of Ravinia opera I in his career. "La VIda Breve," wluch ·lesson scene gives the artist carte and concerts has so mu.ch in store for] was given. its first P.erformance last blanche to select the numbers she likes all music lovers that It assumes the Saturday mght and winch at~racted OI~e best. Mario Chamlee will appear as appearance of seven nights of gala, of ~he season's record ~~tdienecs, wtl.~, Alma\'iva, in which he has di?tingu~sh not to mention the festive air that will agam be pr~sented, ai:d La B~hemc! eel himself this year, and ).Iano Baswla surround the Sunday afternoon con- which h~s been a pnme. favon~e this will be Figaro, the fun-loving- barber. cert or the double attraction th~ season, IS sched_ul~d ;;Ith F.l.tsabetl.~ Leon Rothier will haYe the c ha1_1~e Rethherg as 'Utnll. Fra Dtavo_lo: I both to sing and to act as Don Basl11o which _was restored _to the Ravtma and Vittorio T~eyisan is given untl repertOire season befo1 e last-a restor- limited opportumttes as Dr. Bartolo. ( 'o tH't·rt Soprano- Tt·aelit·r of Voice ation which brought this fa~ous work Others in the cast are Anna Correnti Announces the open ing of her to the attention of Amencan oprea and Francesco Curc-i. ).fr. Papi wilt new and enlarged Voice Studio. · goers after a lapse of many years- conduct. Our Newest Creation THE STUDIO BUILDING wilt he given its. first performance of Music Memory Contest 1718 Sherman Avenue, Evanston the season dunng the week, and An unusually interesting concert tu in Modem Memorials Interviews ginn without charge. "Lohcng~in" is to. he repeated. But he g-iven hy the Chicago Symphony or Reserve hours now for Fall to cxamme these 1mportant events In chestra under the direction of Eric and Winter. I their order: DeLamarter will he the attraction on I Give Polish Concert Monday night, AugtL t 9, during which Tone Placing Special significance is attached to the musical knowlrdge of the grown Concert Opera Repertoire 57 51 Ravenswood Ave., the concert which, under the direcups will he put to a test just as is that Studio-Greenleaf 3523 Chicago, Illinois. tion of Mr. DeLamarter, will be given of the children at the Thurscla~· conPhones: Res.-University 7278 Write foe catalogue. on Sunday afternoon. Although the ccrts. Tn response to popular refjuest, genera l pt~hlic will be admitted to this Mr. Eckstein has decided to make t be concert the same as on every Sun- Monday nig)1t concert a music memor y dav afternoon, 2,000 Polish residents of contest and a lecture-recital. ).fr. DeCh-ica go have decided to make Ravinia Lamarter has arranged a . pecial prothe scene of the outing which is being gram for this occasion ancl will gi\'C' an given under the auspices of the Polish explan atory talk concerning each numArts club. Tn \'iew of this the pro- her before it is played by the orchestra. gram of the Chicago Symphony or- One number in the fir:;t half of the chestra will consist of Polish numbers, program and another in the second and ~fmc. Tna Bourskaya of the Ra- half. \\·ill he unannounced. and the auvinia opera forces and Jacques Gordon, dicnce will he called upon to identif y violinist, will be heard as soloists. it. This concert promi ses to he a frolic Mme. Bourskaya will sing a group of for the grown-up~ . All re scn·ed . rat .:; songs in Polish and ).frs. Gordon will for these concerts arc free. the general play a group hy Polish composer~. admission at the gate coHring e,·cryAlt scats are free for these concerts. thing. "The Barher of Seville" \Yilt he the One of tlle high spot s of the scas nn " :ill he rear heel on Tuc~da ,. ni ~ ht. August 10. ~Yhcn " :\nclrea Chenic·r." one· of the mo st clrr1matic oncras to he found in any repcrtnirr. " ·ill he g·iHn for the first time thi..; ~ea ~ on . Thi c; Gionlann npus has hren a great fa,·orite with Ravinia audience s for se\'eral years, and now it takrs on ad<1rc1 interest, for Cim·anni \fartinelli is to sing the title role for tl1e first time in his rarecr. while Elisabeth Rethherrr '"ill he heard in l1er first RaYinia nrrformance of !\f acldcleine. a role in · which she l1as scored triumphant success in several opera houses. The role of Chenier was designed hy Giordano for a tenor like \f r. ).f artinelli. for it at The Orrington where you can enjoy all the demancls feats of dramatic ,·ocalization "·hich few si turcr s ar<' ahle to percheer and comfort of home. Here you may form. By (lddin~ this role to his choose a room or suite of rooms furnished as repertoire. U r. ~f artinelli is extending his artistic accomplishments in marked tastefully as your own home and with or withde(l'ree, for there is C'\·en· reason to out a kitchenette as you prefer. Everything is beli eve that he will make it as famou s in harmony to make your Orrington home atas he has those other !!reat roles for which he is noted. ).fme. Rethhcrg tractive and pleasant. will have unlimited scope as Maddeleine, for, like the title role. this part Reservations may be made now for long is extremclv dramatic and \f me. Rcthberg is ne~er more at home than she term leases at preferred rates. Visit us or phone is in a part .of thi s kind. But the University 8700. tremendous demands of this opera are not confin~d to the tenor and the soorano. The h·aritone is likewise given his full share and it is.. good news to know that Giuseppe Danise wilt sing the part of Gerrard, in which he has taken Ravinia audiences hv storm on more than one occasion. Mme. Bourskaya will he heard in the stirring, if brief. part of Madelon, which demands unusu<~l sinJ:?;in!l. Others in the cast are Miss Paggi, Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Defere, Mr. Moiica. Mr. Ananian and Miss Grassi. Mr. Papi will conduct. Repeat "La Vida Breve" FOUNTAIN SQUAR.E-BVANSTON When "La Vida Breve" was given Thrte Floors-Elevator Service its first Ravinia performance last Saturday night-which was its first per ... (Continued on Page 26) . Ib d f h h 'ld OFFER FESTIVE WEEK T~~~sda:;a~fi~rno~~- \ ; p~o~id~~~ t~~ Irepertoire for the week, Louis EckIN RAVINIA DROGRAMS f . stein made an entirely new departure Mme. EJJ·th Bt.deau Normelli Watch for the of Our Live tn Evanston Opening NEW for Departn1ent l. Gifts Books Stationery I Oaandlafs