August 6, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE schools you have come in contract with the leading educators and you may go into community where the curriculum belongs to the period of 1865. The only thing to recommend in ·1ch instances is that you he as tolerant as the missionary is to the heathen, for the people of such communities are educational heathens and it will take years to make them see the light. )fr. Hamilton suggested that the type of school system may be a discourag-ing factor. "There are systems which - arc inclined to hold back from the more modern and progressh·e types of teaching and there is nothing to be said of the teacher who finds herself a misfit in such a system, except that she should fulfil her contract to the best of l1er ability and then seck employment elsewhere. "The fifth cause of discouragement is the personalit~r of the teacher her. elf." ~aid ).fr. Hamilton. "A teacher rna\. he a n1arkcd . uccess in one commu;litv ancl a failure in another. The t\\'0 mo st necessary qualifications for the personality of the successful teacher arc initiatiYc and tact. and without these y·ry little is possi!)le." As an all-round tonic against teaching-discouragement. ).f r. Hamilton suggestecl that the teacher work out for herself a philosophy of l1fe-one which 'recognizes the work of the schoolroom as a human enterprise which deal~ with life situations as they arise. 31 WILLIAM J. HAMILTON ADDRESSES COLLEGE Subject of Speech Is "Causes of Discouragement in the Teaching Profession" a - The closing lecture of the summer session series of the ~ational Kindergarten and Elementary college was given last \V ednesday ·afternoon by \Yilliam ]. Hamilton, who spoke on "Cause of Discouragement in the Teaching- Profession." As presented hy :..rr. Hamilton, the subject proved to l1 one of vital intere·st to every student. many of them having had sn fficicnt experience in the teaching profe ssion to corroborate ).f r. Hamiltnn's statements. "Discourag-ement will come to von a s you go .o ut into your work:' ~aid :..rr. Hamilton. "and von will wonder why you have gone ·into educational " ·ork at all. Tf one can suggest some n f t l1 e on t stand in g- c au s c. of disconragcment and try to .give you an idea of how the\· ma \' he recorrnized nnd ·overcome. nw afternoon will not han· been spent in vain. "Sup<>n-ision has been accused of h<·ing n:->t only nne of the greatest causes of discouragement to teachers. hut an altogctl1cr unnecessary part of the school svstem. However," said ).fr. Hamilton-. "there are others who claim that . upervisio1~ is useful, pro\·idecl it is dirC'cted along the right ~f r. and ).{rs. A. K. Page, 901 Ashrhann<'ls and really 'superYision.' land a\·enuc. their son Kenneth. ancl "The JHll~ils arc one of tl1e chid daughters ).farian and Sarah, leave the cau se.; of d!!->Comagement to the teach- latter part of the week for a month's c·r. ~· nu _may think you wo~tld prefer trip through the East. They will tour tl-;1clnn:: 111 a school located 111 a select t1 1e Adirondacks, \:Vhite and Green -..uhurh and lw di.;couragcd at the pros- mountains and two weeks willl ·e .spent pert nf tenchin_~ in a mill town. And at Cape Cod. vet thr children in the mill town arc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~itrn mnrc anprC'ciatin than tlwsc in ,;:: thr select suhurh and ynur happiest Do you know that you can cl;;,.~ ma,· he· sprnt there: owu a H A R T 0 IL :. _.\nd .thrn. there is thr inahilih· of BURNER as low as $50.00 the pupil to rrsp : )l]cl. to intcrcst himseli in the subject; to apply l1is knowl down and about $2 5.00 oet (·dg-c. to rrcali the k1im\·leclge 0r to rcmonth? "JlOtHl to moral appeal or discipline. which is necessary l1cfore in~truction is Jl(lSSible." Should Know Homes COMPA.~II Tn order to m·c·rcomc this cause of I di~couragemcnt. ).f r. Hamilton sug.~- e~tcd that the teacher acquaint hcrseli with the home and community em·ironment of the children. "It is 1514 Sherman Ave. JH.·ressan· to know the child as an in- ~ EVANSTON diYiclual_ .rather than the children as. _a Greenleaf 17 S2 group 1f you are to o\'Crcomc chscouragemcnt frClm this cause." · I 141 Elm St. "The curriculum is frequently a WINNETKA rau~e o_f discourag-cl!lcnt " teach- I \otl han l crs. saHI ).fr. Hamdton. Winn. 1146 certain methods. ide:als and. visiot~s. of educational \York Tn your tram1ng- I 1 A HOME-LIKE hotel, quiet and exclusive, where you will find an exceptional measure of comfort, courtesy and service. Telephone University 8000 1£tbrury Jla~u Orrington Ave. and Church St. EVANSTON HOUSEHOLB DEVICES - I BURNERS HART OIL I I Ship Your Car and Travel by Steamer Between Chicago and LUDINGTON HAMLIN LAK.E EPWORTH HElGHT~ MANIST££ CNEKAMA. PORTAGE POINT FRANKFORT GLEN HAVEN 1: ( .a!: !·M!a~R!~·~turn . $44.00, Moale and Benb hlclude-d Sai11Dp Every Moaday at 4 P. M. ! VACATION LAKE CRUISES Most Popular Vacatlen Cruise · on the Great Lakes Make Reaervationa Now "Monday to ~riday" I I a~CHESTRA-DANCING Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis. auisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, bas bad twenty-one years of successful service in the professional field. The best ttstimony to their care· ful, courteous, and conscientious work. comes from those whom they have s~rnd during their residence on the North Shore. All calls will be personally at· tended to by Mr. Lewis. NORTHPORT TRAVERSE C!TY CHARLEVOIX PETOSKEY HARBOR SPRINGS I BAY VIEW (I WEQUETONSING RAMONA PARK I ST. IGNACE MACKINAC ISLAND DETCUR SAULT STE. MARl!. ~"Week-EndH Cruises Mrackinac Island and Reiurn $35, Meal. ancl Berth tnduded ; Leave Fridaya 5 f ·. M. .f, Return Moodaya 8:30 A. M. 'f Our new Di! Lux~ Invalid Coach is available for emergency calls at · our Wilmette Funeral Home. IICBIGAI :4' TRANSIT, .,. STEAMERS ' .. .r- . Telephone SUPerior 7800 Aall for Illustrated Folder B. J. Kennedy, General PuaeD..;. Aceat Nortlaweet Entrance Maaidpal Pier, Claicaro Very Lat11t in MoJe:n Limousine fquipmrnt 11 ~o Central Avrnar Home. phone. Wilmerte 3 55 2 Loop Ticket Office: 53 W. J,. ~an 8l'Yd. Parlors phone, Wilmeue 3 55~ WILMETTE