I ·16 WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 l ~ t ?J rato1 .... ,l E :J ~uneedn,t buiJ a new one · ··' I to own a. ev1nator Good kt·t ·ping · that was ierving others before any We want to make this plain. Your own refrigerator-the one you are otherexistingsystemwasevenon the me.rket; since 1914 to be exact. If ~ow using-can be Kelvinatorequipped, and you can enjoy all · you desire, you can make use of our the advantages of the world's standHousehold Budget Plan in paying for it. That makesitveryeasyto own. ard electric refrigeration at low cost. It only takes a few hours to make the change. We install it quickly and cleanly, without a lot of muss and fuss. Then you have the same dependable electric refrigeration And don't forget this; Kelvinator, the oldest syst-em of electric refrigeration for the home, and the system of longest proved life, · actually costs less than most others. Tl ouse- ~hop, ·Jn c. lf·GG Rh erman Ave., E\ anston. 'l' Please send CI!MIIp!ete information about i.o- · The Oldest Domestic Electric stalling Kelvinator iD my present rtfriierator. Wmnr _ __ _ _ __ ""rtss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1\.efrige ration Goon Hous__~ 1565 Sherman Avenue Fountain Square lNG SHop,Inc University 213 2 Greenleaf 2390-1 EVANSTON