August 27, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE liTiJN presenting this initial selection of autumn hats we offer an unusual variety of chic ne\v models \vhich interpret the fall mode· in the smartest, most fascinating \\ray. ll!JI HIGH SQUARE CROWNS .SOFTLY DRAPED CROWNS SMALL BRIMS the·se are but a few of the style variations you may expect to find. The colors are lovely, some of their names are given belo\v with their descriptions. Antique Ruby a wine shade. Aladdin No.3 brownish rose. Jungle Green a deep green. Copper Brown rusty red brown. Rose Castor taupe, cast. a pinky Tiffin a r i ch brown. golden ·Mother Go·ose No. 2 Chane/ Blue a dull greyed beige. vivid blue. Chinese Rose Petal deep greyed rose. Lichen Green soft greyed green. Cinderella No.2 medium grey. While there are prices above and below, we offer a very good selection at $12.75