September 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 21 ,.,.., ~Its SchooIllm , e and Here Are School Clothes fir Young Scholars School Days! Days for new apparel for a new school year. Days of great expectancy and unusual preparations. Days when Rosenberg's stand ready to fill every school need most complete! y ~ and· yet with the least possible expenditure. · This year, as for years past, knowing mothers will outfit their scholars at Rosenberg's, the School Store. All is in readiness. Boys' Shirts for School Wear $1.50 You just can't beat Kayne~ shirts for school wear. RoseFtberg's have them in the new patterns in Lancashire per.cales to suit the smart boy. A nc\v cap for the new year! Here's the ones with the new small visors, the new fabrics, the new colors-browns, russets and greys. Kaynee School Blouses $1.00 "Kaynec" blouses will lead the march to school, for rnothers know there is no better value than these good-looking, long-wearing new Kaynee blouses. A fine selection now. Sheridan 4-Pc. Suits Ready for School Knicker-Long Suits or 2-Knicker Suits Wilton Jr. Suits for High School Boys 2 Long Trousers$ 20 $15 Nowdays when boys know what's what in clothes, Sheridan Suits are the suits that win with their lastword style. Russet and brown are th e shades for fall and two-button n1odels are nob by in the heavier fabrics with J1,1mbo Herringbone patterns. And for value, Sheridan 4-piece suits stand supreme. Third Floor Third Floor Style-right, wear-right Wilton Jr. Suits, tailored and designed by a leading maker of yoting men's clothes, they represent the utmost in smartness, fabrics and colors. And best of all they are "Cravenetted"-proofed for wear and proofed for rain. Boys' Golf Hose The Favored School Hose "Jerry J" School Sweaters, $4.50 The snappiest sweaters you will see in the class room will be "] erry J"-knit of pure wool, have "permafit" seams that keep the shoulders from sagging. Some to $5.50. 85c They are good looking and they are the smartest hose that will enter the class room this fall. In striking color combinations of plaids and novelties. Sizes 7 to 10. Girls' Washable Dresses Now Ready for School vVashable, wearable, fast-color frocks dainty as flo\\'ers that you couldn't possibly afford to make at the price. Flowers, animals and funny little figures dance all over these dresses in chambray, ginghams, percales and broadcloths. Extra Longies First Floor $4.00 A pair of longies and a "Jerry J" sweater make a smart school outfit-sporty too. These longies are collegiate with their wide bottoms, snug fitting hips and big wide belt loops. $1.95 Second Floor $5.95 Rainbow Raincoats $5.95 Coats that will keep every school miss snug and dry in the most rainy days. They are brilliantly colored to add a note of cheer. Third Floor Children's School Hose 59c Boys' Shoes, $6 The soft elkskin, the Goodyear welted soles, the foot-form lasts and the steel plugged toe make these the choice shoes for school wear. Sizes 1 to 6. GYM SHOES Sizes 2~ to 6 6% to Sizes 1o Children's all-over fancy leg 7-8 ·sox of heavy cotton in tan, brown, blue, etc. They are just the hose for strenuous school wear. [ Girls' Smart Oxfords Sizes 2¥2 to 8 at $5 First Floor $3.50 $4.00 First Floor S econd Floor Royal Tread Keds, the finest gym shoe made-lace-to-the toe, black athletic trimmings and extra heavy duty soles. Others in youths' sizes priced $1.35 to $2.75. First Floor