WILMETTE LIFE September 3, 192() Fireproof Storage SCULLY BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER Moving - Packing - Shippin·g WILMETTE 410 - IPHONES WINNETKA 232 ·· W -- Where White Means White a11d tuhiteness tneans tt'ashed clean! HITENESS is always associated with pure cleanliness. White things washed at this laundry come back to you really white- like new-fallen snow. Mrs. A- - - was showing a guest some linens. ··This piece," she said, HI have always ~aundered myself. See how snowy it is! Now look at this piece. It's yello\\' . The lau.n dry did that." "Then you don't send your things to the Nelson Laundry," replied Mrs. B. ..My linens come back beautifully white. They wash white things separately, of course, but the utmost care is taken in every. other way, I know." Select your laundry with care. 1t pays. There are no regrets in Nelson Laundry Service! · TelePhone Wilmette 1800 Greenleaf 2180 Glencoe 100 Highland Park 1500 NELSON LAUNDRY ·· 1210 Central Ave. 2.0% DliOOUDt OD WOI'k bi'OUibt Ill aad aalled ICM Wilmette