. . .--------· · 'rBBRMOLIIfB \Y I L f.{ E.J" T E ~ IFE September 17, 1926 -~-;c-·~ ----;- '" -------. ---------·1 Katherine Christian Science Churches '--------------:I The Chicago . . of which Mrs. 1 · Heating Oils-A. Grade for.Every Burner Cou-rteous and Efficient Service Griffin New Health Nurse for Loc~l District "Substance" was the subject of thef Lesson-Sermon at all Churches 0 Christ, Scientist, Sunday, SeptemGeaeral Ofticet, 144 Ruab St. ·· ber 12. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. The Golden Text was from Psalms Telepho~aea: 24:1, "The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; . tl~; world, and Niles Center 217 Superior 6481-2-3-4 they that dwell therem. Rogers Park 0982 Greenleaf 3450 Among the citations which com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ prised the Lesson-Sern1on was the : ~-~---~------------------following fron1 the Bibk : " Lay not up for yourselves treasurers upon earth. where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and stea_J: But lay up for yourselves treasures m heaven, where neither ~oth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor. steal: For where There was a time when we looked your treasure is, there wilt your heart . be also. But seek ye first the kingdom upon our Used Car Department as a of God, and his righteousness; and all necess8ry evil. Now we realize that these things shall be added unto you" it is a tremendous asset. We ·sell (Matt. 6:19-21, 33). only GOOD Used Cars and thus make The Lesson-Sermon also included friends who come baCk to us for new the following passage from the Chirscars. tian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by C. M. McDONALD Mary Baker Eddy: "Substance is that 1011 Davia Street which is eternal and incapable of discord and. decay. Truth, Life and Love Evanston are substance, as the Scriptures use this word in Hebrews: 'The substance A USE-D CAR IS ONLV AS DEPENDABLEof things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.' Spirit, the synonym AS THE DE-ALE-R.··· WHC SE-LLS IT · of Mind, Soul, or God, is the only real substance" (p. 468). HUGHES 6 COMPANY A VITAL ASSE-T Tuberculosis Institut~, Theodore B. Sachs ts superintendent, announces th'e appointment of Miss Katherine A. Griffin as public health nurse for the community served by the Grosse Point Health.;;.. center. This position was recently vacated by Miss Helen M. Norcross. and was temporarily filled during the summer. Miss Griffin is a graduate of the Hahne~ann hospital and has had ~xlcellent training and experience4n both private and public duty, having served with the south side free dispensary for children, the infant welfare department of the Chtcago department l of health, the dispensary department of the Michael Reese hc:;pital, and the Cook county rural nurses. SET "BUNDLE WEEK" The week of September 22 to October 5 has been designated as "Bundle Week for Chicago's own poor." by the Chicago Christian Industrial league. ·Thursday, September 30, has been set aside as "special clothes gift day." Camraign headquarters of the league are <~t 845 W. Monroe street. The Cambridge chapter. Daughters of British Empire, wi11 hold a regular business ses s ion Tuesday, September 21, at 2 in the afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Robert Smith, 324 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. Thi s will be the first meeting of the fall season. foot. muscle deVelopinq foohVear for Children~ (J:J.. ~ Ruby's New Evanston Shop Is Now Open Chicago's leading children's physicians recommend RUBY'S juvenile shoes because they are orthopedically correct, properly constructed of the best materials only and fitted by trained men who understand · the needs of children's feet. RUBY'S juvenile footwear has that touch of style distinction so much appreciated by the discriminating parent. They cost no more than others. Bring Your Kiddies to our New Ev~nston Shop OJ (f) g.. ~ ~ ~ _g ........ ~ ~Itted· ·RUB~ 0"-~INCiTON HOTEL EVANSTON I EDOEWATE~ 6EAC.H 60 \:..6.! HOTEL f ~ . EAST WASHINGTON 2~ '~ ' J muscle deVelopinq foot.We&- fOr Childrent