·· WILMETTE LIFE September 17t 1926 --------~ >-....---·-~---------·--·--------- ' · ~==:------------------·----=-=·-=~-~-~-=~-====:=;;;;::;;.;;.;:~;;;....;;;.;;., Announce Sale of War Veterans'. Work . --------------------------··· ____ ' North Shore Sends Showers Included in Fonner Wilmette Girl Hand-Craft Display Fifty·T~o Girl~ to Will Marry October 2 Pre-Nuptial Affairs · Accessible to All Many affairs have been given in Mr. and Mrs. John Christian ManNational Cf!llege Friday, Octob.e r 1 honor of Miss Margaret McCue, nerud of Evanston have issued inviBy JEAN TEN BROECK A sale of attractive Christmas gifts! Those words coming to us over the wire, with the usual unexpectedness of news, caused us a mental jolt, for the reports we constantly hear of autumn weddings, the opening of the woman's clubs, fall debuts and the exodus of so many young people of the north shore to distant schools and college halls, make any idea of the Yule-tide seem rather previous. But the calendar leaves no doubt that Christmas is just three months away and there are many fore-handed persons in our midst who shop all during the fall with the intention of gradually checking off their gift lists. The persistently used slogan, "Do your Christmas shopping early" carries with it in this instance, a deeper significance than the one usually implied, for to prospective Christmas shoppers and. to those whose homes, · perhaps, require changes in their appointments, this sale of the handwork of the ex-service men at the Great Lakes hospital will afford the opportunitv of aiding them financially, and they need that, as well as of being a stimulus to them mentally and of giving them a feeling of independence, a need just as great. Under the sp,o nsorship of the committee for co-operation with ex-service men of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, Mrs. John Boylston will open her home at 1302 Chestnut avenue, \\'ilmette, Friday, October 1, for an all-day sale of the manual work of its particular group of World War sufferers, for whom the tragedy of that conflict still endures, and about whom in many cases, it will always hover. Hand-woven and hooked rugs, attractive bags, scarfs and many other examples of the artistry of their hands, will be on display. The sale will offer a large assortment of pretty things, we are told, for these boys have been working for this event for the last year. Interest in the work of ex-service men on the north shore is keen, as these · special woman's clubs' committees and American Legion auxiliaries prove. Those who do not realize how much these men require help other than medical care, need only to visit one of the government hospitals and hear the individual stories of just a few, to know how they crave an interest in accomplishing something in order to feel that they can serve some active purpose in the world of men.· Mrs. Edward ]. McArdle is the chairman of the committee in charge of the sale, which is composed of Mrs. L. W. Crush, Mrs. P. J, Joyce, Mrs. R. C. Ross, Mrs. J. J. Mills, Mrs. Joseph Joyce, Mrs. G. E. Ludwig, Mrs. Alfred Ruby, Mrs. ]. E. Dempsey and Mrs. P. ]. McGurk. 1111111 .1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. <;harles McCue of Wilmette, whose marriage to Perry William Lieber, son bf Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lieber of Winnetka, takes place on September 25, at the home of the bride. Mrs. F. W. Armstrong, (Elizabeth McCue), of the Edgewater Beach hotel, gave a towel shower, · lunch~ori and bridge, Tuesday, September 7, at the hotel. Dorothy Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hall, 500 Central avenue, Wilmette, entertained Wednesday afternoon, September 8, at a miscellaneous shower and bridge. Included in the guests were a number of Miss McCue's Phi Phi sorority sisters from the University of Illinois, who returned to the university the following day. Mrs. M. H. Lieber and Mrs. E. A. Biery of Los Angeles, (Ruth Lieber), g"ave a boudoir shower and bridge party, Wednesday, September 15, at the Winnetka Woman's club. Elizabetl:. Thompson, 811 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, gave a provision shower and bridge at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. H. Thompson. Thursday, September 16. Mrs. F. B. Crossley, 600 Washington avenue, Wilmette, entertained at a kitchen shower at her home, Friday, September 17. The bridal dinner will be held Friday evening, September 24, at the Edgewater Beach hotel and wi!J include members of the bridal party an:J both families. 1111111 .11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 tations to the marriage of their daughter, Marion Ethel, to Alvin Gaylord Bowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Bowe of St. Paul, Saturday, October 2. The wedding will take place in the First Methodist church of Evanston at 8:30 o'clock and will be · :ollowed by a small reception at the Mannerud residence, 811 Ridge avenue. Next T.u'esday Mrs. N. P. Colwell will entertain for Miss Mannerud at a luncheon and kitchen shower given · at her home in Wilmette. The following day, Mrs. Harold Anderson (Virginia Copeland, formerly of Wilmette) will be hostess at a luncheon and matinee party, and Tuesday, September 28, Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm will give a luncheon and bridge at her home in Wilmette. The bridal dinner will be given at the Edgewater Beach hotel Friday evening, October 1. "IIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111 Dance Opens Season The Woman's Club of Wilmette will open its season with a soecial dancing party at the clubhouse Saturday evening, October 2, at 8:30 o'clock. Member).·Ue invited to be present, and may be accompanied b:v one guest, it is announced. The affair is in charge of Mrs. G. E. Walk, chairman of the dance committee, with Mrs. Jesse Denman in char~e of refreshments. The dance committee is planning to give six subscription dances during the year. 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 Give Bridal Showers Among the pre-nuptial affairs being for M'iss Beulah Francoeur of Glencoe, who is to become the bride of George Littell of Indianapolis, Friday, October 1, are the boudoir shower given by Miss Theodosia Paynter Wednesday afternoon, September 15, at her home in Glencoe, and the kitchen shower Mrs. Fred Babcock (Margaret Shippen) of Glencoe, is giving Friday, September 17, at her home in Evanston. The ceremony will be performed at Christ church, Winnetka. ~iven 1111111 Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111 lssue Wedding Cards Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Cornelia, to Cleon Larse11 of Appleton, Wis., on Saturday, October 9; at 8:30 o'clock, at the Church of the _ Holy Comforter. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception will he held at the Keith residence. The Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth will read the service. 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 The north shore is well represented in the classes of the ~ational Kindergarten and Elementary college this fall, fifty-two of its young w~men h~v ing enrolled for the fall sesston whtch opened last Wednesday. Thirty-eight of this number enrolled as freshmen, and have the distinction of being members not onlv of . the first · class to ente~ in the new building, but also of the largest entering class in the history of the college, the fall registration of freshmen showing an increase of forty per cent over that of last year. Wilmette, Winnetka; Glencoe. Highland Park, Hubhard Woods and Waukegan are well represented, the enrollment for the first year of the course being as follows: Alice Blakeslee, \Vilmette: ~ary Crush, Wilmette; Louise Henrekson, Wilmette: Anne Matson, Wilmette; Louise Nilles, \Vilmette; Jane Nystrom, Wiltnette: Carolyn Fresberg, Wilmette; Mrs. Jeannette Travis, Wilmette; Bernice Abrahamson, Hubbard Woods; Genevive Gallagher. WinnPtka: Phvllis Heinsen, Winnetka; Malava Parkovitch, Winnetka; Carolyn Ballou, Glencoe;) Dorothy Beck, Glencoe: Alice Enright, Glencoe ; Mabel Enright. Glencor: M:lrion Hesler. Glencoe; Betty Miller, Glencoe; Eugenia Moore. Glencoe. AmonQ' the students who are returning .for the second :year of the course are included Rosalie Budinger and Marv Mina Hemh of Wilmette; Louise Adams, Helen Hubsch and Lois Scharf of Winnetka. 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 .111111 Announce Bethrothal · The en~ag-ement of ~1iss Virginia French, daughter of ~{ r. and Mrs. C. R. French of Evanston, to John Edw:lrd Coombes, son of ~1r. and Mrs. Sidney S. Coombes of Rogers Park, was announced this week at a Tri Delt cozy. ~iss French attended ~orthwestern university, where she is a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr. Coombes received his education at Harvard and Northwestern and is a member of the Acacia fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. French were formerly residents of Wilmette. Auxiliary to Meet Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pope of 910 Lake avenue, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Sherman Rowley · Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Barnett of 684 Greenleaf" avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Lester E. Me'e of 1227 Chestnut avenue, will open her home MonClub Opens Friday day, September 20, at 2 o'clock, for the meeting of the new season for the first Presidents' day will inaugurate the season for the Woman's Catholic Club Junior auxiliary of the Infant Welfare of Wilmette. This first meeting of the society. The assisting hostesses will 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 vear will be held at the home of Mrs. be Mrs. F. L. M~Grath, Mrs. Murdo 'vVendelin P. Seng, 401 Lake avenue, Ross, and Mrs. R. R. Jenness. Members of the vVoman's Catholic A large attendance is desired, as Friday afternoon, September 24. club of Wihnette, nurnbering forty-one, A special program has been arranged important business for the coming who have joined during the years 1925 year will be discussed on "this occasion. for the occasion by Carl Craven, tenor, and 1926. will be entertained at a tea and Ruth F. Elson, who wilJ give selecllllld 11111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIU given this afternoon by _ the club presitive readings. dent, Mrs. Frank Oelerich, at her The hostesses for the afternoon will The Young Woman's Missionary so- home. 1201 Greenwood avenue. The be past presidents of the club, Mrs. ciety of the Wilmette Parish Metho- hoard of managers of the club will asC. A. Barton, Mrs. W. P. Seng, Mrs. dist church summons its members to sist the hostess. W. L. Ballard, Mrs. L. W. Crush, Mrs. a dinner and "pep" meeting to be held .IIIIU 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 ]. H. Verhalen, Mrs. Edward Kirch- Tuesday evening, September 21 at berg and Mrs. P. ]. Cunneen. _6:15 o'clock, in the Young People's The North Shore Wellrslev circle is · church house on Lake avenue, ad- 3£!ain readv for autumn and winter ac1111111 mmtnmmmm11111111111 111111 jacent to the church. The subject will tivity. and its members will g~ther for The North End circle of the Con- be UThe Challenge of the New Year." the fir~t t;n,e this season Tuesdav, ~regational church witt conduct a two- "It is hoped every member will be ~POt«>mher 21. ~t tl1~ homf' of Mrs. S. day rummage sale Thursday, Septem- present ~n this occasion of good felW. 1416 Elinor place. Ev~ns ber 30 and Friday, October 1, at the ~owship . and missionary endeavor," it ton. Whit«>. at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. A. GoodEconomy Shop. 1s announced. now will be co-hostess.