September 17, 19~6 WILMETTE LIFE 4l I - ZJ . K .en l·z wort h r7_appen z·ngs br I ROTARY HOST TO GOVERNOR Charles H. Ward, governor of the fortieth district of Rotary Interna. tional, in which the Wilmette Rotary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~club is located, . n1ade his o~cial vish to the local club Wednesday noon of A large · oii·thday party '"as given for Mrs. John Buell and her infant son this week. Governor Ward is a resithe disable.d veterans , at tl~e Great ] ohn, Jr., have returned from the Ev~ dent of Evanston and head of the I:akes hospttal the \\oman~ s Catho- anston hospital, and. are with Mrs. Northwestern university alumni assollc club of Wtlmette on 'I hursday, Buell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. \V. ciation. September 9. !\frs. E. J.. McArdle was Wheelock, 132 Oxford road, Kcnilthe hostess, \\·ho \\'a ::; a ss tsted by Mrs. worth, for a few weeks. RALLY BANQUET Edwin Demp sey, Mrs . S. J. ~forancl and -oThe Young People's society of the Mrs. Frank Oelerich. Mrs. \Y. H. Smythe and her children, \~'.ilmette Baptist church to hold. its -o43 Kenihvorth avenue, Kenilworth, annual Rally banquet Fnday eventng, M~rk Crc sa11, Jr., 239 £:, s~x road, have r~turned after a summer' s outing September 24, at 6:30 o'clock. Kemlworth, returnerl to the H11l school at thetr summer home at Portage at Pottsto\\'n, Pa., Thursday. after Point, Mich. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ~eterson, 222 s pending ten day s at h ome upon . his _ 0_ Cm~1berla!ld avenue, Kentlworth, and arrival from Europe . F. E. M. Cole and Miss Bernice Cole the1r ~amtly have returned from ~ two -oreturned to their home in Kenilworth 'vYe eks stay at Grand Beach, Mtch. Mr. aud Mrs. C. }. Albert, 321 Essex Friday after a two and a half weeks' -oroad, left Kenilworth last week for trit) to Colorado. ~fr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 MelNew York to visit friends, '"ith whom · ~ro se annue, left Kenilworth ThurstheY will spend two or three weeks Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ros s. who day. September 9, for Montreal and motoring through the East. have been staying at the Kenihvorth Quebec. --()-oInn, will spend the winter in the A. Hugh Fore sman oi 531 E ssex road, \V. Hannah residence in Kenilworth. ~1r s . Fred D. Breit, 422 Essex road, Kenilworth. is on a busin ess trip this -oKenil\\'orth, entertained at luncheon wcek in Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. E. M. Swe et, 320 Ahhottsford- and bridge Thursday, September 9. -oroad. Kenilworth, entertained her --oMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Clark, 135 bridge club at luncheo n Thursday, 1liss Caroline Harris has arrived at Fuller lane, \Vinnetka. are at Red September 16. her home in Kenilworth after spending Feather camp in Wisconsin. _ -othe summer in Europe. - oMr. and Mr s. George vV. Keehn of 1[iss Cawline \Voolwo rth of Kiagara Roslyn road, Kenihvorth, entertained Falls, is the guest of Miss Patty Fores- 1 the evening bridge club at dinner Sep·man of 531 E ssex road. Kenilworth. temher 7. I !s I Our Newest Creation in Modem Memorials ]. H. ANDERSON MONUMENT CO. 5751 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Write for catalogue. Better than Ever~ Following their traditional policy of constant improvement with no yearly models, Dodge Brothers, during the past eight months, have vastly bettered their motor cars in many vital respects. Indeed, there has never been an equal period in Dodge Btothers history when so many refinements of a popular and fundamental nature have been made. The public is registering its appreciation of this progressive industrial service by purchasing every motor car Dodge Brothers can build-in spite of the fact that DOdge Brothers production, during these months, has · b!"oken all previous records by an impressive margin. Touring Car ....·.. $86o.oc Coupe ·........... S912..oo Sedan ·..........· $g6 5.00 Sport Roadsctr ...·.. $g6o.oo f. o. b. Detroit An appeal to the good judgment of ORIENTAL RUG buyersThe something-for-nothing plan is al-· ways a poor way to buy, but patr~niz ing an old established place of business where fair methods are used and good merchandise is handled, is always a good bet. C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis St., Univ. -224 Evanston You must be satisfied when you buy a Rug here or have them cleaned. DODEi·E- BROTHE-RS MDTDR C:ARS Fountain Square Evanaton, lllinoia.