Friday, Octol>e·r 1, 1926 --------------~--·--· -~~- Begi11s 1\;velftll Year .( 'I i ' 'i ·f ' ·.· "'(' . . .·~ '" :: . SundJv. Ocrolwr 3. will witness the opening of tbc twL'Ifrb s~Json of the \Vilml'rtc ~und.1y Ev~ating club. Through elenn s~Jsons this organization hJ s b.1d ,'\s its presidem W. Fr.1nk McCiur<'. \':ho need~ no introduction to \Vilmettc's citizenry . M1. McClure is aurbority for the sr.uemcnl thar we .uc entering upon tb~besr Sund,\\' Evening club season in thr history of the enterprise.