September . 24, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE DR. ARTHUR H. TU:fTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTfLE 11 The Misses Martha and Elizabeth M. W. Nourse and his daughter, Gemmell, 812 Lincoln avenue, Win- Miss Dorothy, returned to their home Wilmette Schools Offer Class Piano netka, who have spent the gr:eater in Hartford, Conn., Monday, after a Lessons to Childre.i Who Do Not part of the summer in Westmount, fortnight's visit at the home of Mr. Study Elsewhere Canada, will return hom e on Octo- and Mrs. Albert J. Nystrom, 714 her 1. ' Central avenue. The .Wilmette schools · are offering class ptano lessons to all pupils of six ::;... .. _ L I r years and over, who have not had I piano l~ sso ns, and whq are not study-.- . ~ I t 0 mg pnvately. The method used is I ·"The 1fclody \ ·, y," hy W. Otto Mei'>sner. which has been taught with great \ success in n~any cities. Since the summer of 1924 fiftv thousand children .( ANGELA WEINZIERL, Assistant have enrolled i!l these clas ses. T rachers of Piano - Theo~y - Harm9ny. · 1[ r. 'Me issner is an outstanding n~us.ica·l genius, and one \vho underStudio- 630 Park Ave. Wil. 3651 sta nds children ;~.s well. H is method , commended most highly,' is founded on .... the m~dern methods of teaching today. llliio 1:& . Clio. r ._ r These methods are !)ase d on the dis- \ ~·...: " .,..../ 01111!!:: -. · covery of child study investigators that children learn any subject most easily when their interest and pleasure is aroused. The old methods taught the elements of the subject first; children made slow progrc~~' because they were not intere sted in the elements. The new method-; first pre... se nt experiences that give pleasure .to Distinguished Pianist and Master Teacher the children, They progress rapidly, because the(' arc interested. TEACH "MELODY WAY" I Oateopathic Pla,.aiciaaa Residence and Oftlce 813 CeDtral I. Avenue Plaoae aGe ,~ I I -~ ...... .... Edith Ray ·Y oung I . ~ ,.~ - -- - ...--- - -- - - ~ :. ·: WALTER SPR.Y ®~,: o··:~ 0 aLl~..........., Y these modern teaching princip les to the teaching of piano to children, and folIo,,·:-; the general plan of teaching ianguagl' rl'ading of the present day. T!H·y first ~ing pleasing so ngs with \\'nrds ancl :-~y llable s taught by ear. Then th~'y disco,·er the phrases, mot i"l'" and fi . !..(ttrrs that compose the llll'lodiL·:o,. \\'ith a Yoc;dntlan· of melodic and n ·tlnnic f1gures thcv . soon karn t·, read 1ie,,. songs. Alway:c; tl1cy "·ork ,,·ith rea l mu;-,ic. real folk song. and ::.i1iging games \Yhich hol<l their interest. :\II :-.ix and ~c,·cn year ~l d ·pupils who clwo<;c to t~kr this course arc required to take t\\·o lessons a \\'el'k, because they lose much of wh~t thl'Y gain i11 41 1eir lrs.;;ons if too much ti!llC elapses hd\\'l'Cn . uch le sso ns. Tt ha . be en arranged to have thi. in<ruction during school hour s, rotating the period ~: so that no one subject that the childrrn miss \viti suffer particularlv. For ·t h O!"C' of <>ig-h t year!' or 0\'Cr there will he classes meeting both once and 1\\'icc a \\' ee k. and t hev ma~· <.'moll in either they prefer. · ~r rs. Helc n Ph ill eo \Veston has been engaged to teac h the. c classes. and \viii hr glad to explain the work in more detail to all\· one in teres ted. She is a graduate. and- abo wa . on the facultv of the Sherwood 1ft·sic School and is tc~ching this work in Highland Park and Kcnihvorth. The ··~[e l o dy Sing Folk Songs \\'ay" applies COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC Acctpts engagements for Recitals and Musicales . Teaches on Wednesdays tn Winnetka. Residence Phone : University 45 20. OUR auto will let you know that any repair job that you have had taken care of is not expertly done. Dorl' t blame your car when some inferior workmanship is the cause. Bring it to our dependable auto repair shop where auto experts see that each job is thoroughly handled. Auto Painting & Trimtning. Authorized duPont DUCO Refinishing Station Robt. W. Mcintyre 1209 Washington St. Gasoline Alley Telephone Wilmette 684 Receives Estimates for Sewer, Water Project The Yillag-r hoa rd of local improve ments at it s session Tucsd;ty cveningrecein·cl the e. timate - of thr cost of the sanitarv se\\'er in the Indian Hills Estate. $o0,500. and that of \\'atcr mains. $47,5-W. and set tht date for pub lic hearing on the prnposed 1111provements as October 5. at 7 :30 o'clock. Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. - Food for growing Children :~rowmg school children need a ubstantial tneal at noon. Our special noon plate-luncheon served with soup, n1eat, and potatoes wi ll give the pep and energy that all growing children need. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-8 P.M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45 A. M. IN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Subject of the Lesson SermoD The \Vilm ette League of \Vom cn September Voters is hu ~w now. as it has been nearly a 11 sum in e r. in taking- new 111 emREADING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. hers into the league during the memHOURS: The Bible and Works ot- Mary bership campa ign being carried on Daily (e.xcept Wednesday and Baker Eddy and all other throughout th e state. Fir~t and sec- _ Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. authorized Christian Science ond prizes. it is announced. v:i11 be _ Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Literature may be read, borawarded to the league obtaining the Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. rowed or purchased. largest number of new members. A --~ meeting of the membership committee The Public i1 cordiaHy invited to attend the Church Services of the vVilmette league "'as held Tuesand visit the Reaclinl' Room day afternoon at the home of the chairman, Mrs. C. W. Cozzens, 626 z: Map 1 e avenue. 'ln··nnmulltNnnttmuuntmuttunmlltunnuununn·nm·ttnnunmu·nm·mnumnunn·n·nn·umuun·llnu·n·nnu·nn·umn·n·uwun·u·umnwmn·....~ 26-"REALITY" The Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy