ETTE LIFE Friday. ScJ>U'lnhcr 2-l. 1926 Lead Voters The re~idencc of Mrs. Willi.11n Gold liibh.Hd . fcurth rcgtonJI direClor of rhe :--.;,uional Le.1gue of Women Voters. J£ 8-to Willow ro.HI. \\'J~ the sec or Ia~£ werl... of .1n exccutiw conference of the n.1tion.1l boJrd of thr le.1 guc. Members of the 1\·Jg ur in Wilmette .1nd Winnctb h.1v e b\·cn keenlv intcrcsicd in rhc pro C\·c din g<> of the sc<>sions. ln the Hrv crntcr of this group i'l Miss Brlle Sherwin. n.1tion.1l prc'lidrnl. .HH.l . .11 hn ngh1. Mrs . J.trncs W . Morrisson . fint vice -prrsidrn£ ; s,·cond from the right in th,· lower row is Mi'ls Gbdv s H.1rmon. cxccuti\'C .scc rl.'l.lrv. In thi'l group Jrc rcprrscnt··d most of thr " rcgiom" or terrnori.1l di\'ision·., of t he lcJglll'. or pr.1ctiollv eHn· \rction of the Untted St.Hl'\ .