WILMETTE · LIFE December 24, 1926 Civic Music Ass'n to Present Four Concerts Herbert E. HYde of Evanston is secretan· of the. Civic Music association o( Chicago which proposes to present four concerts this season in Orchestra hall under its auspices and that of the Orchestral association. The first of these prog.rams will be offered Jan1:1ary 30 and the remaining three given the last Sundays of Febru ary, March at1d April. The closing concert will be the great annual festival at which, in addition to the Civic orchestra, there will be a chorus of 1,000 children from the Civic Music association's choral classes in parks and playgrounds : Frederick Stock a·nd Eric De Lamarter, directors of the Civic Orchestra, will direct these concerts. Mrs. Burton . Hanson of E,·anston is a member of the association's board of directors. ~'Dice of God," Newest For itsR~fc:~o!~=d~~~~~u~ti~h~ Theate~ on any stage, play by James late " ' orld \Yar for the drama, 'Submit Traffic season the Repertoire company presents at the Studebaker theater for the first time "Dice of God," a new Jose ph Maginnis. The forms the background ·Ordinan~e for c h~cago A rea "DON GIOVANNI" TO BE I NEW YEAR'S EVE OPERA J -------------------------------Smart ~ Golee extend sincere good wishes to all for a Very Merry Christmas! which is largely conce.rned with the regeneration of a man and woman who. in the earlier scenes, are social outcasts. Mrs. Samuel Insult will be see n as Marie, a hanger-on in a cheap tavern in an interior Fr~nch tmYn . . and Frederick G. Le\\'is as Jean, a wande.rer who reads goon hooks, loves nature. but abhors \York Tn time his radical idea~. through circum stances, are matcriaU,· softened. There are five scenes in "D.icc of God." the first showing a ha r room in an inn in C h a Ion e z. France, in 1914, and the others a cottagc in Claire Va ll ee. a li ttle vill age that " ·as under fire during the war. There arc twenty-fin characters in " Dice of God" and numerous extra peoplt who appear as :>o ldi er~. miners. and refugees. Other~. in addition to Mrs. Tnsull and Mr. · Le\Yi:>, prominent in the cast arc .Joseph McManus, John Dah· "\furpln·. Helen Strickland, Virrrin;·a Hm,·ell. ~fariL· Ilka. Tohn Lott. r..~·org-c A. Beatie, Sr., J aci( Bennett. Violet ~Janning and Catherine Gardncr. "Dice of God" is produced under tlll' stage direction of Ira Hard~. Hearings started this week on the proposed traffic ordinance submitted a few days a,go to the City Council of Chicago by the Chicago Association of Commerce. This ordinance, one of the most comprehensive and far reaching civic measures ever laid before any aldermanic body, is the result of OJ1e yea.r's work by the ~treet traffic committee of the association which has been conducting an intensive scientific study of the traffic problem in Chicago and adjacent suburban area. Inasmuch as the questions of parking in business districts, control lights, traffic police, pedestrian control and many other features covered in the survey just completed for Chicago a.re being encountered in many suburban comm unities as well as in the large ci ties, Chicago traffic students expect that the towns and cities in the Chicago automotive area will show considerable interest in this big traffic survey and the ordinance recommended to relieve the congestion problem. The ordinance is the \York of seventY-eight men and agencies interested in. street use in Chicago and is baed on the surve,· conducted bv Miller McC iin tocR. ·the director o( the Albert Russel Erskine bureau for traffic re search, \\'ho handled the technical \\'Ork of the Chicago survey. Chicago Civic Opera Company Prepares Brilliant Program for Holiday Week By CRITIC ~ ).fr. and ).frs . Merle B. Snycit:r oi .21.i \\'oodhine aYemtc are cntcrt'aining ~LEE af :1 hou.;~ party from Thur~da:v to "\l1 ·tulay for ten friend~ from "\Ikhigan. '--O- ·I 5 64 Sherman Avenut Evanston Ro bert 'r. Drake I Dartmoutl1 for the parent~ . ).fr. and Drake. at 9.).1 Lake has ret u rm·d i rom holicla~·s with l1is ).frs. Lyman ).f. :n·enue. Hinman Avenue at Live at The Georgian \Yith the tural!~· coming of Fall and Winter you arc nathinking of making your home more attractiYe and liYeal>le. 'fhe c·asiest and be:st colution to this prol>lem is to make your home The Georg·ian Here are furnish d suit('S unusual in an apartment hotel, unusual both in arrangf'ment and decora.tion. You may haxe as ft·w or as many rooms as you desire, and additional rooms may h, had for the conYenicncc of your guests. Large, !ig-hl rooms haYe bet·n furnished and de corated by skilled artists-eXtJUisitely hl nding colors cat<:ring to w0man's lo\'l' of bea uty ; de ep piled <·arpds and soft chairs satisfyLng man's desire for ('Om fort. The eighth week of the Civic Opera season at the Chi cago Auditori um will bring the long-promised revival of Mozart's melodious a nd difficult "Don Giovanni " which will be given a gala perform;nce on New Year's Eve with a cast of superlative exce llence. Unusually colorfu l stage settings have been elaborated by Julian Dove from sketch es by Schenck Von Trapp, who for a lon g time was art director of the Wieshaden opera, a nd now fills that post at Darmstadt. This '"ill be a complete ne.w production a lon g the most modern lines. and the s ta~ing will reflect the ripe experience of Charles :Vf oor, stage manager. whicl1 he has gained in the leading opera house s of Europe. \f :1ranzoni conductin g. Sundav. Decetnhl'r ~6. at 2 o'clock. "La Traviata" will he giH·n it s fir st performance this sea::;on. \\'ith Claurlia Muzio. Tito Schipa and Richard Bonelli: l\f oranzoni conducting. Monda\· evening·. December 27. "Samson.and Dclih~h" '"ill he r epea ted. with Fernancl An~seau singing Samson for the f1rst time in . ('\·era! se~t--011:-.. ncna Van Gordon, Cesare Aurora was the first citv in ·Illinois and and the second in the u;litcd ~tatc s Fonnicl~i. F.clouanl Cntreuil: and the to light it s streets with electrict:y. Four corps de ballet: \\'t.·her conducting. Tuesda .\· eHn ing, "fa Ccna . Delk large to\\'ers were erected in the city, and an electric light placed on the top Beffe" will J,e rep eated with tlw same of each. great cast: Claudia -:\fuzio, :\ntonin -oCnrtis. Lui . g·i \f nntl'~anto. Virg-ilio T.a7 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ferra of the zari: Polarco conducting. Orrington have as guests 0\·er the \\rcclnesday evening;, "Tri:-'tan and holidays, 1fr. and Mr.. Carroll French holck" will be r('peatcd \\·ith the . ame of New York and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- fine -..inger": Fkt Abrn. Cyrena Van man McKinnev and small son of Ben- 1Cordon. C'harlc:; 1Iarshall, Richarcl ton Harbor, 1vfich. I Bonl'lli ..:!Hl Alexander Kipni": Polarcn - oconducting. . \\'illiam Jordan, son of ~[r . ancl \ Thursda~· l'\·ening \\·ill bring another ).frs. Richard Jordan of th e Linden l'L'JH' tition ni tl1e e\'CT-popular ":\ida" Crc~t. has returned iron1 thl' Cnin·r- I \\'itl1 Claudia ).fuzio ..t\ugth(a Lenska. ~it.\' of Illinoi s for the holiday s. I r~~·rn.a.nd Anss.l'al!, Cesare Fo~:l1ic.hi. -o\ tr gtlto l.azza rt and :\lexandcr l\:qm1s: ).Irs . Gilbert Gra,·es of Buffalo.~. \' .. \\'cher wnclucting. ~pent last \H'ek-cnd " ·ith \Irs. LYle Frida,· cYenin , g·. Xe\\' Year\ Fve. \\". Smith. 2734 Prairie a\·enue, l·\·a i1s - 1 "D:~n GioYanni" will he .t6n· n with ton. I Ho:-a Hai ~a. ·Edith ~fa:-nn. Loui ~r Lorin. Tito Schipa, Vanni-~farconx (\\'ho will make hi:; flr~t appearance since MONEY >hi s return to the company, in this perHave funds to loan on choice imI fnrmancel. Aln:andcr Kipni s. Virgilin proved North Shore Suburban resl l.azzari and Vittnrin Tre\·isa n: Polac cfl idence property at 51/2% interest. See us on renewals. conducting-. E. G. Pauling & Co. Sat urda ,. matinee (X r\\' Y l'ar's l S N. LaSalle St. Main OZSO "Tieflan(( \rill he repeated. in En;.di:-..h . with the sa m e ra~t that sang· the pn·n11cre. Flsa :\ l:>c n. Lorna DC)onc .fack-;on. Iren e Pado ska. Helen Freund. l;orre:'t Lamont, Giacomo Himini. :\lt·xancler Kipni s and Josr ).[ >jica: \\' her co!Jducting·. The \'e,,· Year\ Xight perior.manCL' ,,·ill be "\fartha." at popular price . , with Fl()rl'nrc \I arhd h. Antonio Cortis, \'irgilio Lazzari and Vittorio Trn·i\[oranzoni condt1cting. Slf2% E\'ery deta il of worl< is takt' n oYer hy the central mn.nag-('ment. ' You may c11joy a mea l in your own attra.eti\'e dining room prepar d in the cozy white pnameled kitchen or in on' of th e hotel dining 1 Joms prepared l>y the famous ch L Hous<'l<eeping· l>otht· rs n ec· d nt'Ycr <·oncL·rn ~' OH. A !ways you an· fn·e to liYe and enjoy your dl'lightful home-at Tlw C ~·or~ ian. Your visit of inspection will be cordially welcomed. ILOANS On WITHOUT CuMMISSION Apartment llt·"iirahlc H 111l4llug-!oi llumt;._ a1ul John Hancock Mutual Life lnsur. ance Company A. B. L .\'OU\\'OH'I'IIY, J,oan Agent 112 \\". ,\clams St .. Chicago JI'he Gleornian An Address of Distinction Send for illustrated brochure and floor plan of Georgian suites.