24 WILMETTE LIFE March 25, 1927 train operation, we will continue in our efforts to make this high-speed electrically operated railroad of increasing benefit to the communities '\vhich it serves." Miss Barbara Bateman of 735 Mrs. John Hicks, 241 Melrose aveMichigan avenue is the guest of Miss nue, returned to Kenilworth March 10, Kate and Mary Branniger in Gulf after spending a month in California Hills, Miss. · with her mother. . -o-- -o- Mrs. Rog-er \Villiams of 410 Forest Mrs. John C. Carpenter, 422 WoodAn increase in interstate passenger avenue is entc.rtaining her club today stock avenue, Kenilworth is entertain- rates on the Chicago North Shore and ~t luncheon and bridge. ing her luncheon bridge club today.· Milwauf{ee railroad from 3 to 3.6 cents a mile becomes effective on March 25, according to announcement made hy the management. The new rates are made effective on that date by authorization of the Interstate Commerce Commission acting on the petitioi1 recently filed by the company. However; it is announced, round trip tickets between Chicago and Evanston stations and Kenosha, Ra ·· cine and Milwaukee will be sold at the present rates until Ap.ril 1. Interstate commutation rates in both Illinois and Wisconsin are in no way affected by the increase, it is pointed out hy the North Shore Line managrmcnt. The new interstate rates will make the fare one way between the Chicago Loop and downtown Milwaukee, $3.06, the same as on the steam railroads, which is 49 cents more than the present rate of $2.57. "In establishing these new interstate .rates the North Shore Line is mrrclv placing the cost of its transportatioi1 service on a parity with that of other carriers serving the same territory." said Charles E . Thompson, vice president. "Recent capital expenditures by the company in giving the public additional service through construction of the Skokie Valley route, purchase of new equipment and extensive improvements have made this imperative. "As a result of its large expansion program, the North Shore line now offers its customers the advantages of inc.reased facilities and more frequent North Shore Line Interstate Rates Ordered Increased Wilmette Boys Lead Way in U. of I. Scholarship Lawrence Langdon, 715 Laurel avenue, and W. C. Thompson, 1356 Greenwood avenue, are among those lOS first-year men students at t~e Universitv of Illinois this spring who have heiped improve the scholarship rating of this class by making an average in their first semester's work of 4.97 and 4.5, respectively. While there arc 2497 men in the freshman class at the university, only 105 of the number made grades high enough to be pledged to the national honorary freshman fraternity- Phi Eta Sigma, according to an announce - . ment just made. That the scholarship · of students i~ improving from year to year seems to be p.roved with the current announcement, for it means that 5.166 percent of the first year men made this honor .. as compared to 4.073 percent last year. The first year that the fraternity was org-anized, only 2.008-l percent of the men qualified. Since that time. there has been a gradual percentage inc.rcasc all of which seems to give the lie to th~ statement that it is impossible in a large school to give expert instruction with resulting high grades. · Letters to the honorary men arc be ing mailed out this week. They will be pledged the latter part of th e month at a great university convoca·· tion to be addressed by a noted man in the' educational world. · .. I l WHAT DOES "ROUGH DRY" MEAN? SIMPLY this. You give the weekly bundle to Bill the Washington La undry Man; tell him you want our rough dry service. He will return everything sweet, clean and fresh, all ironed except the wearing apparel. ....,..... ,.~. ~ m!-fJt~: ~dly Ia. Phone WILMETTE 145