46 - WILMETTE "INTELLECTUAL HATREDS" LIFE April 15, 1927 "Intellectual Hatreds in Americaa Sermon for Passover," is the subElects Its ew cers Mrs. William Schildgen was elected "vVork with Children in the Orient" ject for the services of the North is the subject to he presented at th,e Shore Congregation Israel Sunday president of the North Shore Catholic weekly assembly of the National Kin- moming April 17. at 11 o'clock, in t~c \Vomen's League at its meeting Tues-· dergarten and Elementary co II e g e Huhhard \\'ood::; school. The services dav of this week. Mrs. John Janette Thursday aiternoon, April 21, by the \\'ill he conducted In· Rabbi H-arvey E. \\'iii he the ne"· first vice-president, Misses Lucy Russell, Elizabeth Hobart \\' e:o;sd. . I M.rs. F. T. O'Brien, second vice-president, and ~~ rs. N. P. Anderson, third and Edith ~hufelt. Miss· Russell has had a great deal of practical experi~[ary ~[ickey. daughter nf ~[r. and I rice-president. Mrs. Frederick Huhsch ence in the k~ndergartens of Japan and Mrs. D. M. ~tickey of 1523 Walnut I "~as elected recording secn·tary, Mrs. Miss Hohart and Miss Shufelt have avL·nm·. who has heen ill \\·ith scarlet Anthony Eiden. corresponding secn:also acquirc:·d first-hand information fever, is n.'con·ring. The quarantine 'an·. Mrs. A. E. Tilroe, financial on the matter through several years at tlw resiciL'nL't' is tn he lifted this sec-retary, and Mrs. \Villiam Schnciin the mission kindergartens of China. \\·e·ek. der, treasurer. Directors are Mrs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cltarles Coyle, llrs. \Villian1 Pavey, \1 rs. \Villiam Bro\\'n, Mrs. Frederick .-\lhrccht. and Mrs. Leo ] . Hillman. Children in Orient to Be Subject of Lecture Catholic Women's League N Ofli 17-Year-Old Wins Singles' Quoits Event in V - illage Tom Thursbv, a seventeen year old hoy. \\'Oil the s-ingles quoits elimination tournament sponsored by the 'W il mette Recreation and P 1a y ground hoard la~t Friday night, by defeatingsuch ~tars as .L. F. Bell, J. R. Harper, and Bob Blasdell. He is the son of Ceorge A. Thursby of 504 Park aYenue. and a student at New Trier. He defeated Bob Blasdell, the runner up, 21-13, 21-17. and even then it looked as though he were careless. The first match of the evening was het\\'een ]. R. Harper and B. O.'Von derHoff. The former won in hvo game s, 21-11. 21-16, and then beat Bill Blanksheim in t\\'0 games, 21-10, 21-11. In the tneantimc L. F. Ball and Tom Thursby played three games, Ball ,,·inning the first, 21-20, Thursby win ning the next two, 21-13, 21-20. Bob Blasdell in a stc.rling exhibition of hilliards fir:-.t beat L. F. Todd, 21-20. 21-12, and then Ervin Brammer, 21-18, 21-12. and made them hoth like it. Thnr=-hy beat ]. R. Harper, 21 -15, and 21 -n. and poli..;hccl it off on Bla ..;dell. The Little Martnon Is Here May we send you a r.ataloJ!ue? ~l.rs . .\ . E. Barber oi 621 Linden avenue entertained at luncheo11 for ~[rs . \Villiam Arrowood. formerly 0f \Vilmette. who i::; now living in the East. on Tuesday of thi=- \\'rek. - -- - -- - - ·---- - - · · · - - - COAL MARMON NORTH SHORE 6015 Broadway Longbeach 6428 Fill l'Il Sale on 1\lon., Tues., 'Veil. Only POCAH0~1'AS, i7.!U) Xan· Standard or W. Va.., Peerless Brand· Lumpy, Clinkf.'rl's~. Slateless, Intt>nst> heat, 3 ton $8.10, 5 ton *7.60, 10 ton $7.5 0, 50 ton (carload) $7.35-Delivered C. n. l>. truckloads fr esh from min e, as d e sirt·d, before :\'lay 15th, if ordered now. ~~ i:-;:-. l{lltll l{tCl' has .n·tuml'd tn I r Wl' adYf'rtiHf' lOW('r prices be for<> deli wry purchasL·r g C' ts th e benC'f!t. Gl't up llillsdall· coll~gl' aiter spending tltt' l'luh for carload. All buy at H.3fi and :-.pring Yacation \\·ith Iter parc· nt~, }.fr . ~·ou get $7.50 cash for forming club. 1-'ocahontaH Bg·g·, ~!\.60; Col(e, rang£.' or and ~Irs . Fred H. ice of the Orringto n nut, $10.85: Franklin or \~.r. Ky., Lump , lwtd. ~I i:-.:o' Rice ha . heen appointed l·~g·g- or Xut; :~ ton, $7.85; 5 ton $7.50. dramatic rl'adcr for the If illsdalc Girl· !-\trikP in 1!12~ Jlllt Pocahontas price up Th e club's spring to $12.50 in St'pt. English strike up to club ,,·hen on tour. 1 1 $111 .110. If pn·sent strike continues until schl·duk include" Ckn'bnd and Cl ' i ;-; ·. pt. Jlri e<> will h C' :flO or $13. Buy early cagn. b clUJ' nd\'i ·('. \\'(' want nwn nnd women -ot" g·i'l up <:luhs for <·:u·londs. Add $15 to Jo::-;cphinc Balhatchct, claughtn c,.~:!:i \\'N'kly to your salary « ' \ 't'llings. Wr itt· ···1· information. \1 r. and ~Irs. \Villiam I3a1hatchct o~ United Coal Buyers of Chicago Chnmber of Commt>rce Bl4lg. :XOJtTH SUOJU~ BJL\NCH {'ur4·rlug }:,·nuston, '\'ilmt'ttr, 'VIuuetka anti Glt>n t'oe ;,tu (~reenleuf .\H., WJlmette Phone Wilmette 9H l'rict· Rt·dll'\'(' l'S to t lw Puhlic. 1 'lip thi~ Ad. Kt-·t ·p t'or rt·ft' l'l'll <.: t· . 725 '1\' nth street, is ill \\·ith sca rle t ic\'t'r . Till..' quarantine at the house \rill Jli'Llhahly he lift~d next \H'l'k -C'n<l. -0- "fiRST, make sure your ingredients are right," says a world-famous domestic s c i e n c e teacher. "Then one great cause of cooking and baking failures is eliminated." Use Bowman's Milk and you can be certain of bet· ter results every time. You'll be delighted with the extra-richness and delicious flavor this reliable milk imparts. Telephone our nearest dis· tributing station 'or order from our Charle · and La\\'rt.·ncl' I<oth. 112~ Forest avenue, are at home for tlw Easter ,·acation from tllf· l·ni\'er.;it'.· 11 :· ~I ichigan. courteous lfl}ea- ~~ Wilmette 55 RuBY PLAY SHOES rOR. LtTnE GIR.Ll HAVE THAT TOUCH OF DISTINCTION;SO MUCH APPRE~ CIATED ~y Tt1E ALER..T MOTHER $4SO AND UP\VARD5 Mtll\. . . r) DAI A-Y COMPANY' cAltred T. RUBW GO-G2E.WASHINGTON St-1~G3 EAST 5~&ST EDGEWATER PEACH HOTEL~ I ORRINGTON HOTEL. EVANSTON P l) 1 y [ 1 R s rHt s r, \ N D ~ P r) oF 0 u /\ L 1T "