WILMETTE LIF E April 15, 1927 The First Impression one receives upon entering our splendid new funeral hon1e is that of cheerful. downright homclikcness . There is a grate ful atn1ospherc of sincere. dignified hos pitality that is n1osr pleasing. CU)Jll. g[cf~ uNDERTAKER It is our intention to n1akc our ne\v funeral hotnc a real. tetnporary home for those 'vho call upon us . O,· Lll XI' .! " 'The :House of fPcys o no.l Serl)ice" 1109 CentrJ l Avenue W ilmette 654 Residence 719 9th Street. Wilmette 1\mhul.llht' Sc,, te l' 1 ) 'ean nn th,· .\'nrth ,)hnr.· Suet· on Cleaning lor all ·Heating Systems REr\D 1. \VH~;\'f Il~ \\ ILL DO -. 2. 3· 4· Cleans co mpletely .llH.I Lho ro ughl y. Improves sanitary condi tions. Completes the house cleaning job. Incrrasc<; efficiency of heatin g plant . ~~- { SL1CTI01\' .C LEANIN(J \.1r\KLS :".J() } .l\lCSS IN T'HE HOlT SE \VE C 1\RR y Al I DIp ·1 A\\' r \y ' 1 r1 ., _ -. H · l~r:n . ...,.., to li~ht Utlburn dcfc(t'i . DtllL'r\ from ~111 cleaning methods .. S.1v\'s nuny t1mcs the co\t of clcan1ng . ClcJn<:i ;dl m,1kes of furn,1cc-; , hot \\' .1 h ' r .1r1<.l 1\t r.1 m plJ n t. . ·HOLLAND FURNACE Co . .2. Carlton Building \VINN ETI, : Phone \\'tnn~tkJ 1 o)o ··· e I ---· I You clothes will last longer if you send them to this laundry Your household budget will ast longer il you ring-and-call and recei. v e the benefit o our iberal Bring-and-Call Discount ,;1 ~~ ! I 1 8 :I NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central A venue Wilmette