ll WILMETTE LIFE May 20, 1927 ~------ · ·--------------------------------------------------. .Alligator Pe~rs or Avocados, or ahuacates, they all are more or less familiar names for the CALAVO, the salad fruit that has always held a high place on the menus of fine hotels and exclusive restaurants. ·Kenilworth Happenings The annual meeting for the presentation of the United Thank Offering of the Chicago Diocese of the Episco·pal church will be held Thursday morning, May 26, at 10:00, at St. Paul's church, Kenwood. The women of The Church of the Holy Comforter, who would like to go are asked to call Mrs. Burt Crowe, Kenilworth 323, before Wednesday, May 25, so that she may make reservations for luncheon. Mr. and :M.rs. F. K. Benzing of 139 Abingdon road, Kenilworth, were host and hostess Thursday evening, May 12 to the members of their card club, at dinner at the Union League club, followed by a theater party. This dinner and theater party is an annual affair of the club. The play selected this year was "Sunny," now sho·wing at thcIllinios. -0- CALAVO This California bred delicacy with a flesh of creamy richness is the aristocrat of salad fruits. They can be served on the half shell with lettuce and strips of pimento-using any dressing desired. They can be sliced; they can be used in cocktails; or even as a spread on toast and in sandwiches . . . Be sure to have this fine fruit of tropical California on your table. . :'.-' -oMrs. Robbins of Highland Park was hostess at a bridge party May 11, to the Delta Gamma . mothers of the north shore. The Delta Gamma mothers have given a Steinway grand piano to the Delta Gammas at Northwestern for their new house. . Wilmette Groeer7' & Market For Better Things to Eat 1146 Central Avenue Opposite Village Hall Six Phones: Wilmette 420-42l-422-423 -424-425 Four Free Daily Deliveries -oCongressn'l an Henry Riggs RathRichard G. Eberhart. 307 Woodstock bone, 312 Sheridan road, returned to Kenilworth as soon as Congress closed. avenue. Kenilworth, sails from San Mrs. · Rathbone has been sojourning Francisco on May 25, on a world cruise at Palm Beach and ts expected home to he gone until September. He \\'ill IW then to Cambridge university, Engthe latter part of this week. land, to study for two years. He g-rarlu-0Mrs. Jan1es C. Murray, 433 Cumnor ated from Dartmouth last June. -oroad, Kenilworth returns the latter Mrs. L Saw~·rr of 139 Abingdon part of this week from Princeton, where she has been for the past two road. Kenilworth, entertained eigl1t weeks because of the illness of her g·uests at luncheon. Frida·v. May 13. All of the guest~ arc mcmhers of Thf' son, John Robert Murray. Cracllr duh of Evanston. -o-oMr. and ~[ rs. P. B. Eckhart, 206 ).f ··. ;·11cl \f rs. Harn· Vissrritll!. '2.37 Cumberland avenue, and their two daughters returned to Kenilworth last Kenilwor 1 h a\'t'lllH', returned to Kenil worth April 23. from a Mediterran ean week from a Mediterranean cruise. crui se. -0-oMrs. \Valker of Pasadena, Cal., has \lr ~ . :\rthur \V. \Va k e I e y. 2J~ been the guest of her siste.r, Mrs. .Sidney Eastman, 255 Melrose avenue. L~·in·.; tt ·r rnacl. Kenilworth IS t·ntt- r t;1m1tW ;· t two hridgc luncl1con .; (Ill Kenilworth for the past week. 1fay 2~ and 25. -0-0Mrs. Bently G. McCloud, 338 Kenil\fr:-. :\ . L. Eberhart, 307 \Vood :;tork worth avenue. has had as her guest for the past week, )..frs. Robert Stout an: nut·. Kcnil\\'orth was hos te ss at ' lttnl..'lwnn and hri(lg-c on Tuesday. of Tekamah, Neb. \fr:-. . Harry J. \Yilliams, 205 Oxi()rd Mrs. \Valter Knoop, 221 \Varwick road, Ketiilworth ts entertaining her road. Kenilworth entertained at ;1 luncb<·nn and hridgt' Tuc:;day. luncheon bridge club today. -o- Mrs. ]. H. Newport, 520 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, entertained the Home and Garden club on Monday. The next meeting will be held at the Morton Grove Arboretum on May 31. 'Fhe members of the dub will drive down and stop at the ' home of the latcColonel Plumb's home at Lombard, to sec his garden. -o- -o- .... --------------------------------------------------------~··········;· .............................. .......;·~;~;;~;·························· ···~·········_ - ;;;· §~============================= -- - - - _A Special CHEESE CAKE = - You never can say you know what real cheese cake is until you try our flaky specialty. . G aran.tees This Sign u. A Preclse . and f;"pert Job White Layer Cake with Fresh Strawberry Icing. Try Our Home Made Butter Cookies }A\LL£R Equals · Maintenance" ~~Equipment t · & M.lLL£R Pickups for Picnics I Rye Sandwich Bread and Wienie Ro1ls. Motot Sales of 'Vi\tnetU . 63 6 Repair Dep · phone \V ,\. ' \ ' 4tb sue.et ITHE PATIY SHOPPE -