cA New Model Suburb . First on the North Shore in a Generation 41 Minutes from the Loop-Just beyond Dempster Street3 I Trains a .Day over "L" - Near the Lake- 21 Golf Links Near By- Paved Roads. Six Forest Preserves- Schools and Churches- Shopping Districts - Area Planned to Order-Highly Restricted- Scientifically Zoned- Small Down Payment- Easy Terms. What Would It Mean to You . Evanston. Wilmette or Winnetka were wiped out today and started all over again-planned to a super-idea and a high ideal and with fullest development pledged? What would it mean . to you if you could purchase property there at the low prices your father paid a generation ago? JF VALVES · on the North Shore had gone beyond the means of 90 per cent of Chicago's population until construction of the Skokie Valley Extension of the North Shore Line made possible the founding of this brand new super-suburb. Suppose you 'now were offered a slice of Evanston is Its pioneer days at pioneer prices! You Were Bora Too Late For Evanston · .-But NORTHFIELD Is Here! haven't thousands of young families bought and WHY built on the North Shore? Because this wonderful area was so popular that towns already established there absorbed all the land possible and real estate values doubled. trebled, quadrupled. Then the Skokie Valley Line brought to the city's very threshold the region where you can give to your children even better opportunities than your parents gave to you. Of course, all Nixon services, including Triple Protection-Death, Health, Accident-are available to those who purchase lots in Northfield. George Nixon F.NJXQ N&Company · REALTOR AREA DEVELOPERS Building~ ~ Monroe and Clark Sts., Chicago, Ill.