WILMETTE LIFE June 17, 1927 Mr. and Mrs. H. ~ K. Snider of 730\ G. R. Garretson of 509 Linden aveWashington avenue, have gone to East nue left last week for a trip to New De~nis, Cape Cod for the summer. Yolk and other eastern points. :J/ Nil/ion Peonv Blooms in one of the largest peony gardens in this country. Row on row of white, pink and red beauties. A feast for the eyes. Come and choose the flowers you want for your own garden right from the blooms in the field . Rare and more com· mon varieties in a wide range of prices. Northbrook peonies are nationally known And Irises Too Thousands of irises are blooming now. Dainty flowers that will rival the orchid in beauty and texture. Don't miss this beautiful sight. You can reach it in a few minutes easy driving in your car. Five miles ··.west of Glencoe on Dundee Road. Easy to get to. We heartily invite all those interested in flowers to visit our gardens. Mrs. B. C. Hawkes returned recently from a visit with her son Belknap ann and his wife, who are happy to an~ nounce the birth of a baby girl. Mrs. Hawkes will not remain long at her AWARD ATTENDANCE PRIZES home, 157 Kenilworth avenue, but will leave soo n for Europe, where she will The Kenilworth Union ·church held visit France and Norway. The trip is its annual Children's Day services, part of a tour, conducted by Mrs. FarSunday, ] une 12. Many children con- well, a former resident of Kenilworth. -otributed to the beauty of this program, Mrs. John Oleson, 240 \Voodstock and many received prizes for perfect attendance. Webster Ball and Bernice ave n u e. Kenilworth, left Saturday, Cole, each received a prize for perfect June 11, for Connecticut, wher.e she attendance during ten consecutive will attend the graduation of her years, and Bentley McCloud for nine daughter. Frances, from the Hillside consecutive years. Most of the sp len- school. Before returning she may did enthusiasm displayed in the Sun- spend a few days in Rochester, N. Y. dav school is due to the inspiring ef- Barbara Oleson is leaving the latter fo~ts of ] ohn Benham, superintendent part of the month for a girls' camp .i1i of the schoo l ~ Connecticut. Kenilworth News NORTHBROOK GARDENS Dundee Road 5 Miles West of Glencoe !\'fail Address-Glencoe, Ill. _Tel. Northbrook 160 Among the people planning to spend Wis., returned home 'Monday after a the summer in Europe arc Mr. and visit with Miss Donna Garretson, 509. Mrs. ] ohn Roberts, 328 \~' arwick roan. Linden avenut. Ken i 1 worth, who arc sailing for . Europe June 23, from Montreal, alcompanicd by their daughter, Carolint·. Their trip will be of three months' duration and they will return home the Notice is hereby gi\·e n to every property owner in New Trier township to second \Yeek in September. have his Canada thistle cut on or be.-ofore July 5. Any property owner who -oM iss Berenice Webster of Rice Lake, -a- NOTICE does not heed this warning shall be ~I rs. Ed\\'in Hedrick, )J-t 11 elru:-t· liable to prol'iecution and a fine of from $5 to $100. John Balmes, thistle · aYcnue, entertained her bridge club commissioner of Nt:!w Trier township, \\'cdncsday, June 8. It was dccid('d 8J!l Cherry street, Winnetka. to adjourn their meeting:-. until next ~----------------------~--------------------------------------~~~-~-~~-==------~ fall. The fir st meeting is to be at the home of ~~ rs. Gilbert Kelly, Clllll n or road. -0- Robert \Vatt, formerly of Kttl il\\'orth hut no\\' living in !\ <.:\\' York City, \\' as in . town last week. Her former neighbors and friends had tht· pleasure of seeing her at an infor.mal tea gi,·cn at the home of 11 rs. Charle:Bcnt. ~Irs. -o~1rs. Carl Keith, JIO \\·anyic.k road, Tonight-an UPTOWN CHICAGO Dance or Show need never go farther than Uptown YOU .Chicago in search of a good time. Uptown Chicago's theatres and ballrooms h'ave no superiors anywhere. In air cooled to just the right degree, in soft seats or on faultless floors, you can witness superlative entertainment or dance to perfect music. You but waste time when you go a step past Uptown Chicago seeking for what this great metropolitan center has always been noted. When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office-buy your ticket, reserve your Pullman and check y~ur baggage at the Uptown Station. Kcnihrorth. has returned to her .lwnH· from the E\·anston hospital, after a prolonged. SL" rious illness. Jo!m Keith. abn ill at home, is slowly impr<·'·ing·. although he is qill very ill. -0- \Vare and ~frs. AlirL"d Ahhottsiord r oad. Kl'n ih\'C>rth. entertained at luncheon and hriclgc, \Ycdm·sclay. Jum· 15, on tlw dclightiul \'L"ranclah of the fndian Hill Gol i cluh. There were eight gul'sb. ~lrs . l'harks ~1cDougal. 325 -ol3c\'erk,· Bouchard of 222 ( )xiord road, Ken-ilworth, entertained at a ditt nl'r ancl dancing party on Saturday, ] une 11, in celebration oi her t\\'elfth birthday. -0- Gillett of 533 Ho:-.lyn road. Kenih;·orth, is finishing the year :1t l\ortlnvcstern universitY with remark· able scholastic attainn;ents. She is :1 melllber of the Alpha Phi sorority. ~[an· Dr. Edna Glover SCIENTIFIC CHIROPODY Manicuring, Massaging, Baths Shampooing Dye, Singe and Bleach Hair Scalp Treatment a Specialty Will Call at Residence l'routy Annex Ph. \VInnetkn ~~{)6 ~2 .., I u·PTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a.Million People AR.CYLE ········--------------·--· 10 % PER ANNUM WE GUARANTEE TJIE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST INTEREST PAYABLE MONTHLY .Junior Mortgage Gold Bonds, secured by high-grade new brick apartment huilding·s and residences In Chicago, in which we have Invested our own funds. The Chicago Title & Trust Company guarantees title. Sold to net investor TEN PER CENT (10%). Busineas Men- Uptown Chi· cago welcomes new businesiea, and is doinl' more than any other Chical'o Community to assure the succeu of e"rry en· rnprue within the Uptown Chicago area. We url'e you to in.,estil'ate the pouibilities here for substantial success. >J. ci ( u .J MONTROSE t -1 J: "' J> I"' 7< "' One of a series of adt'ertis~· ments for Uptown Chicago, sporuored by the Central Uptown Chicago Association and paid for co-operatit'el'Y lry Uptown Chicago's buliMssmen. Public Securities & Investment Corp. 1407-5 North Wabash Avenue CHICAG<\ Central 0~40 ., . ~ ~ . ...... .. · ~--~--------·----·-····--~ I 1