WILMETTE LIFE .J ui~· 1, 1927 Will Your Bank Book Back You Up? To EVl:RY alert. atnbitious young man \Vho is seriously intent on succeed ing, opportunity comes not once but every once in· a \\rhilr. Thus \\'e can profit by our n1istakcs. It 's been our experience- and prob.1bly yours, too . that opportunity usually ha s a string attached to' it- the cotnn1and of ready n1oney. Good buys and good _ de;ds haYc to be snapped up. Ho\v about you? Will your bank book back you up the next tin1e a good thing comes your way? Have you a good money n1aking plan that only needs a bit of cash to put it over? Th~n open a Savings Account at .The Ready cash makes plan and hope reality Wilmette State Bank and make opportunity work for you and not for the other man who has saved for it. THE WILMETTE STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Street 11 Your Home Bank" .J