July 22, 1927 Mrs. Howard ]. Koehn, 923 Main street, has returned after spending three weeks in Yonkers, N. Y., where .she attended the wedding of her nephew. She brought with her as her guest for a fortnight, Miss Bessie Tho~s of !Brookline, N. Y. WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. H. ].' Burbach of 102~ Linden avenue have as their guests their two sons, Harold ]. Burbach of Battle Creek, Col., who arrived Sunday in Wilmette, and Lieut. C. F. Burbach of Ft. Benning, Ga., who has been here since the first of the month. L~FE 43 i Congregational The Northwest circle of the Wilmette church will hold one of -o- -o- Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Venables of 908 :Miss Elizabeth Buethe, 1351 GreenGreenleaf avenue, with their niece, wood ayenue, is leaving with friends Mrss Lucile Puelicher, and Mrs. Ven- tomorrow on a motor trip around 'a bles' brother, A. ]. Puelicher, are Lake ~Iichigan by ,yay of Michigan leaving tomorrow for Tower Hill camp and \\"i sconsin. She will be gone two near Sawyer, Mich., where they will be .weeks. . until next Tuesday or Wednesday. _ 0_ -oMrs. E. K. Ilgin Fritz, 1205 Nlichigan Miss Virginia Burgess of 1534 High- avenue, has had as her guest for the land avenue entertained several of her past week Mrs. Lester Stemen of friends at luncheon and cards last. Fri- \ RiYer'side, Ia. -oday afternoon. -o. Russel Vinnedge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sarah Reisman of Enni:-;, Texas, I ~1rs. A. R. Vinnedge, 820 Michigan is -visiting her daughter , Mrs. Louis avenue, is spending two weeks at Eagle L . e of 941 Sheridan road. ! River vVis. evm ' - ' I DO YOU REALIZE That Evanston and Only the Largest Cities Have VITAPHONE-AT THE VARSITY its summer meetings beginning at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the home of Mrs. George H. Redding, 1516 Elmwood avenue. Pasadena is sending us a number of -ointeresting visitors, among whom is }{r. and Mrs. Royal j. \Vhitlock , Mrs. Stoughton, sister of Mrs. Frank 2608 Park place, entertained at dinner Cheeseman, formerly of Kenilworth but July 12 fqr :Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert H. now Jiving at the Orrington. Mrs. Harrison, of Lincoln, Nebr., who were Eastman's sister, Mrs. Walker £roll\ guests in Hubbard \Yoods on their Pasadena, is with her, and · Mrs. Eastma·n hopes to persuade her to remain way north. for the summer. They are expecting to -oMr. and Mrs. H. S. Gaither and their motor East as soon as they can make son and daughter, ja-ck and Marie, of suitable arrangements. 1318 Forest avenue, returned Monday -oafter spending three weeks· at their Mrs. Henry Riggs . Rathbone of 312 cottage in the woods near Pine Lake, Sheridan road, Kenilworth, is to have \Vi s. . as her guests soon, her sisters, the ,, . -o. Misses Edith and M'a bel Harney of 5 I he Charles ~- £yans fan~tly. of 60 t Milwaukee, who are planning to reI CSentral kan~~~~e . a~; v;-catlOmn.ft a main in Kenilworth during the entire · augatuc ' lVllC 1. . ·l.r. !-'<Vans Wl re- m.onth of August. Mrs. Rathbone i~ turn next week, and the other members of the fan1ily will remain for the giviog a large dilttner party in their honor Sunday evening, July 30, after res~ of the summer. which she will take her . guests to the -o~frs. E. J. .Md lraith and. her iour opera at Ravinia. -ochildren, Janet, Beth, EYan, Jr., and Donalrl, of 11.)3 E lm\,·ood ayenue, arc· Mr. and 11rs. E. L. Essley of 234 leaving next Tuesday· to spend a month Warwick road, Kenilworth are givjng ,·acationing in :\orth Dakota. a dinner and bridge at their home this e\'ening. Their guest:; will be ~fr. and ~Ir:-;. George Spangler, ~fr. and Mrs. HarrY \Y . ~f on . ~fr. and ~fr s. T. E . .~r oritz. ~I r. and ~frs. George ~foody, and ~I r. and ~r rs. Frederick Bulley. -o-Georgie Jones, the young son of the George D. Jones of Oxford roa~. Kenil"·ort h. is happy telling his boy and girt friends that he caught the first large bass. weighing four and one-half pounds, that has been caught this sea5on at Cable, vVis., where he and his iamily spent two weeks recently . I . K enilwor~h News 1 . -o- A Pre-proved Car The cautious waiting-period common atnong buyers of any new car is un· known to the La Salle. And for the simple reason that the La Salle has 250,000 Cadillacs behind it - a quarter- century record of matchless performance. FOR A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT-with the appraisal value of your used car aceeptable as cash- you may possess a La Salle on the liberal term payment plan of the General Motors Acceptance Corporation-the famous G. M.A. C. piau. Thc last of the season's meetings of the I:(enilworth Garden club took place \\'ednesdav at the home of Mrs. Sydnn· Ball. -Hill road, \:Vinnetka. The members discussed flower arrangement ' and prizes were awarded for the floral c·xh ihit. ' K~nilworth. came back to Kenilworth irom his Virginia home for a few days 1 1 this 'Yeek. The famil~' is down there for the summer and the children are L·njoying horseback riding. 1 -oT. C. Carpenter; .Q2 v..-oodstock road, I 1 ~f r. and Mrs. Albert C. Buehler, 151 ' -o- Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, announce the birth of a daughter, Rose 11arie, at the Chicago Lying-in hospital July 12. -o~~ r. and Mrs. Tom Coyne, 240 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, and their son, Roswell, and Mr. and Mrs. Kimball and their daughter, Doris, have gone to £\LfOpe for a month. -o\ Y ord has been received that the CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY EVANSTON BRANCH 1810 Ridge Avenue · EvaDitOD Otto Owens, who sold their home in Kenilworth two years ago to reside in Florida, are motoring north and will Yisit in Kenilworth soon. --oMr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap of 239 1 Essex road, Kenilworth, accompanied by their son, Mark, left last week for a fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. They will be gone for about a week. -oMrs. C. D. Howe and Mrs. Ri-chard Johnston of Kenilworth entertained at three tables of bridge at the North Shore Golf club last week. -o- LA SALLE Companion Car to C~illtre · From 82495 to 82685, f. o. b~ Detroit Tom Hicks of Kenilworth left Wednesday, July 13, to visit Bill Reed of Glencoe at the Reed summer home at Three Lakes, Wis. -oMrs. George Kingsley, 529 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, has gone to spend two weeks with her parents at Genesco, N.Y.